New grower - have a few questions about my ladies

It's almost overwhelming,how fast they are growing.


Thank you for the response, I thought of putting like chicken wire across the top so it would be like checker boarded. But I thought it would be kind of hard at harvest. So I'm thinking maybe something like a fish net on the level that's there, and wait to see on bud size to do the top layer.What kind of fertilizer do you recommend. I know there are several stages of flower. Was just going to back off on the nitrogen, and go up on the P and K.
Yeah that sounds great bud 👍 we are quite limited where we are for nutrients but keeping it simple I know some guys use stuff called mega crop which can be used from start to finish. I used maxi grow and bloom but thinking to try some organic salts again soon 😁 spoilt for choice. Buying general lowering the N and upping the p & k is the Idea 👌
Well haven't posted in awhile,been busy. But this is what I came up with for bud support. Seems like I'm in first stage flower because I'm starting to get the early signs. Changed over to a high phosphorus fertilizer, for the time until I start seeing some bud growth.
Changed over to a high phosphorus fertilizer, for the time until I start seeing some bud growth.
Do not forget to increase the Potassium portion of the fertilizer and not just the Phosphorus. Everyday that goes by the plant is increasing in size. We might not notice it but the growth of the buds has replaced the growth of stems and leaves. And, once the stretch has finished the only growth will be in the buds--no more large stems and fan leaves so the plant still has just as much plant material that needs the nutrients in the fertilizers. Except, the amounts are changing.

You can get an idea of which and how much of the macro nutrients are needed by looking at the feeding schedules of the major Cannabis fertilizer companies.
Seems like I'm in first stage flower because I'm starting to get the early signs.
Yes, you are in the first stage so the very early bud growth have started. The photo in msg #26 shows the change in the growing tips where the buds will form. Already there are fresh new stigma/pistils showing in those new tips so right on schedule.
Thank you for the response, I have switch fertilizer to a max bloom, which is high in phosphorus and higher in potassium as well. Also started trimming the larger fan leaves to expose lower bud sights. Also getting rid of the under canopy, without over trimming. First time so don't really know how much is to much.
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