New grower - have a few questions about my ladies

@Bill284 happen to have a recipe for that??

I’ve had rot the past 2 grows and do NOT want it again :)
The original recipe is at this link to a msg in another thread on the web site which was about a different issue. It was mentioned as a way to help control and reduce Powdery Mildew problems.

It is in metric but easy enough to adjust to US Imperial measurements.
5 grams Citric Acid to 500 ml of distilled water is 5 grams to a US pint. Do not forget the drops of liquid dish soap which acts as a spreader and sticker for the solution.

I spooned out some of the Citric Acid several times and weighed it. The 5 grams kept coming out to 1 and 1/4 teaspoons or one gram per 1/4 teaspoon.

The Citric Acid I currently use is this one so if using another brand weigh it out to be sure it mixes up the same. It probably will but best to double check.
Bill do you still spray with citric acid during flowering. I have been using canola oil during flowering because I am afraid of turning the buds brown if spraying with citric acid. Hope you are having a nice day, and your plants are very nice looking. You are a good grower with years of knowledge and always willing to share that knowledge. Thanks
Thanks Keith. :thanks:
I used citric acid last summer in flower with out any problems.
Didn’t cause any discoloration or any issues.
This year I’m using SNS DC. It doesn’t harm the flowers either.
So far I’ve been fortunate.
I have a ton of air circulation though which helps.
Much better than just wind to dry them.
I’m also running a big dehumidifier in there aswell.
Everything I can do to reduce the humidity&rot is being done.
Is canola working for you?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Bill the canola oil seems to be working the PM I had on the Mack and Crack is all dead, but my Banana Jealousy had it bad, but it too is dead, and the buds still look good with white pistils no discoloration. I wish I had never gotten PM in the first place but all in all I would say canola oil is working. :thumb: 🍋
Bill the canola oil seems to be working the PM I had on the Mack and Crack is all dead, but my Banana Jealousy had it bad, but it too is dead, and the buds still look good with white pistils no discoloration. I wish I had never gotten PM in the first place but all in all I would say canola oil is working. :thumb: 🍋
Good to know, thanks. :thumb:
I started spraying early to prevent it from taking hold.
It seems to be working.
Rot is heartbreaking, do your best buddy. ;)
Don't give up, we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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