Yeah, it'll be near impossible for anyone, besides maybe the breeders themselves, to tell them apart in veg. You'll have some clues, sativa/indica dominance and detailed leaf and stem structure, but you'd likely have to be an expert in the strain and it's phenos before you'd be able to tell.
Even in flower it might take some real effort and likely a very good nose as much as eyes.
You are nowhere near the first person to make this mistake, but it's just a data collection issue really, won't change the quality of your yield.
When they are into flower, I will study each strain online and try to figure it out based on the criteria you listed. Thanks! I'd really like to know which is which...especially if I decide to clone them.
Your girl's leaves look they are into their autumn colors, but your pistils and still plump and white. I'd guess you got likely two more weeks at least. Can ya get us some updated pics before you start flushing?
Flushing itself is a contentious issue with strong advocates on both sides and everywhere in the middle. My opinion is that you can only really do a full flush in a pure hydro setting and not really possible or desirable at all in LOS, no-till, high brix grows.
Where you land is something we all just have to decide, you'll have lots of support regardless of where on the spectrum you end up.
I've taken the girls off the bottle (expensive bottle water) and have only given them ph'd tap water the past few times (they are very thirsty.....drink every other day, even though I water to runoff!!). They don't like the tap water (me either) and are showing some cal mag deficiencies.
Should I put them back on flowering nutes for another week?
Your autos are on 12/12 for space issues I'm guessing?
I had to put my autos on 12/12 because I ran out of veg space. Now that I have a tent and some new lights, I don't have to worry about space issues....although, I'm considering not starting another group until the fall.... it's too hot now and my electric bill has skyrocketed!
And finally, great job all around, both for your grow and your journal.