New Farmer - Advice Appreciated

Sorry brotha, I didn't catch that questions earlier.

I won't ever recommend anyone, not even someone that I wouldn't want to have a great crop, to ever use MG, just not formulated at all for cannabis... but it will work, nonetheless. Just be careful cus it can and will cause Nute Burn. As for the Schultz. I had a follower in my journal last outdoor season and they used it and said it did just fine, so I see no problems with using that.

But I will always recommend Blue Planet Nutrients to anyone and everyone. You should look into them. PM Corey or email him. He offers a major discount to 420 Members in exchange for a journal.

Ok I guess from here on out, Meaning next grow I will try the BluePlanet nutes, Just got off their site and wow, The 2 part nutes looks like what I need, Simple as it gets! And again thanks for that info! Im sure you saw where i stand as far as growth, what do you think, I just checked on the ladies and they are not droooping now, Seemed like they perked up fast? Is that due to healthiness or what? :bigtoke:
Ok great I will return the MG and get some more soils with it! I didnt think you guys would approve of the MG, The MG soil was ok for me when I first started because it had all the nutes I needed for 6 weeks so they said, I feel as if my grow was stunted a little bit and feel like im behind a couple weeks, Because 3 out of the 4 ladys I have were popping pistals everywhere, and the fourth one just a few days ago started and I started all of them at the same time, they were basicly all the same age give or take a few inches in age.. Lovin this but still get spooked a bit when I see something unusual.. And I did get to help someone out on here with your chart Smokzalot. I didnt give em too much info on their issue just enough to steer them to using the chart, Last thing I wanna do is give info out and have something go wrong with their grow! Gotta go see my MMJ Doctor, Wont be needing him much more!
You will need your MMJ doctor yearly brotha, and great job on the thought of packin that MG back out the door. The furthest that I would ever go with saying "go ahead and use MG" is if 1. you have no other means of getting nutes. and 2. using only the soil. but is still not recommended for the fact of pre packed nutes. You always want to know what feedings your plants are taking and how much. With it already pre loaded, you wont know that.

My seasonal job is back now that winter is over and were getting good weather I will be able to afford some good nutes and soils and whateva my heart desires for this wonderous plant..I found a nice place to start a few outdoors where the sun is perfect and the shade is as well, but lets get done with my first indoor before I jump outside, sure theres a bit more to it. And I see these cool pvc home made nets they put over the plants is that something you have to do while the plants are smaller? or could I do that now ?
yeah it was yours i saw lol, i looked at it last night, i actually commented on it, thats why i wanted to do it..Im all over it.Im pretty handy like that to so It may come out pretty good! yours are tightly wrapped looks great, and to get a top in every hole would be nice i think i have 6 on mine atm,I did the LST to mine, kinda half assed but it works for me!
I dont know if you guys ever saw this but I thought it was just a great Idea, Great source of calcium, And when your ready to transplant it just crack the bottom and out she goes!
These pics really do the ladies no justice, And the 4 tops you see there are cool but theres about 10 more under the canopy! Guess I will train them harder next grow, I feel the Stems are too stiff and will snap if I do it now. I also Added a half gallon of shultz plant food 10-15-10, Has everything I am lacking in the food, I flushed before the addition of nutes and they took well so far, I have everything logged now so no mistakes going forward..
Im in fear of a small yeild, Its ok i think its my first grow and 4 plants should keep me weed plentiful, Im going to hoard this beutiful batch for myself, no sharing LOL

The object is to get better at it as you go, and keep it fun the whole time. If not then it becomes a chore. My baby don't need to be treated that way. She is too good to me, gives me all she's got in the end. What more can a proud papa ask for?

Well i woke up this morning and let me tell you, Jumanji must have taken over, I have new growth while in flower, things are shooting all over the place new hairs everywhere, wish my cam was good enuff to show you guys. I will post another one later today when my cousin comes over, he's got a smart phone i have a droid , his cam is som much better. And boy the Shultz has done wonders to the ailments my plants were having, couldnt be more pleased, Let me tell you what! I havent worried at all today about them, Im feeling confident in my grow now! And btw I have a buddy on his way To Colorado to check out the Stanley Brothers Operation, He asked me to go with him but I dont have the extra money, Would have loved to go see their stores! Happy Happy!:cough:
So glad to to hear a voice of confidence and tranquility. We love the pictures with what ever camera you have. Post them up if you got'em.

Shultz was always good to me, not much else to say it works...
I will suggest you read up on molasses in your garden if you haven't yet.

I have been watching them Stanley boys, interesting...
I'd like to meet the parents if it were possible.
Oh Geez, Im about 3 weeks or a bit better into flower, They are a little pokey.. and a bit behind schedule due to lack of nute way back when I first started Im thinking but about a month! Cant wait, been a fun road and a wee frustering, I will do this again, And you were right about regular floro lights, everything is fine, Starting to get a bit stinky in here!! Skunk farts! And boy what a good pick of some bag seed, I think I got really lucky,I may post another pic today with my cam but I am waiting for my cousin to come by with his cam, they come out nice. Ill get a close up of the hairs and little budding!



Now how do i tell what they are if its sativa or indica? are their certain traits I need to look for?

Darn those look GOOD dude..


Best I can tell you is go look at the photo gallery, and get an idea for yourself what the strains look like. The Indica has broad overlapping leaves compared to thin long leaves on the Sativa. Most of what you look at is a hybrid and will display combination's there of... so it is really hard to identify a plant straight up. But we can tell if it is leaning one way or the other as far as leaves go. You will notice the sativa also tend to have a much longer flower period, so with out knowing what you have it may be a long ride. I have raised bag seed from 8 weeks to 14 weeks in flower. Just no way to know without a known strains history. Things are still dependent on the grower and environment as well.
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