New Aquaponic System: First Timer

Some of my bottom leads are a little sick looking. but the plant still seems to be growing good. Almost a half inch a day. she started to flower 2 days ago. The notes I've got besides my fish are kelp ( organic ) and Alaskin moorbloom ( also organic ) however I dont run both notes at the same time. My notes are mixed low so I dont hurt my fish nor plant. However I believe I have some nute burn or something do to the intake of the plant because the edges of my fan leads are discolored a d crispy in a way. Nothing chips off or anything. Just k iij and of the texture ya know. Anyway take a look at my pics. I'm sure there not the best but I'm getting it. Please give me some input on how I seem to be doing this. Thanks everybody.


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I just sent some pics of my baby. She started to flower with her first hairs showing and standing out proud. #YOU GO GIRL. Lol anyway I'm pretty proud of myself and my sweet girl. Thanks everybody.
So I did some training to my baby as you can see. Now my bottoms and miss are showing g some wilt. I wonder if that could be from the light being blocked out by the bigger leafs now ? I've done just about every check that I've read about and can't come up with an answer. She is growing great and flowering beautiful. she just started to flower a day ago and other than my worries she seems to be progressing.
Looks pretty good so far but it would help to see whole plant in natural light, blurple pics just screws up any chance of seeing what’s really going on. Also in 3rd pic there is some debris on the leaves, is that from you feeding etc or do you have pests? Most are so tiny that you won’t see them without jewelers loupe, mini microscope or smartphone app called magnifyer. Zoom in and get better eyes on that to see what’s up.

Nute burn usually gets just the very end or leaf tips but not the edges....
No I didn't check for pest under a magnifier. Honestly I didnt know that they would be so small. I knew they were tiny but still figured I'd be able to see them. I will check it out. I will get better pics. Thank you for the tip. I sure need it. Lol first time in the garden ya know.
Yeah well for real 420 magazine truly gave me the opportunity to do this. I mean the app allows me to talk to everyone and ask all. I dont really get to much free time to run around away from the house so my resources for Information is limited to the internet and if you have no idea what your looking for good luck finding it ya know. Well Thank you 013 for your help my friend I will be sure to start posting better pics to. I've never grown anything but hair so any advice is truly taken and followed.
You can see nothing clear when that light is on. The color is not going to be right. There could be something there to see but the blurple isn't helping the situation at all. Dont post anymore pictures with them on please so we can see your girl and anything wrong with it. GG
Ok so I flushed my res and changed my plumbing. checked the roots for slime, and brown roots for root rot but found none. She looks as if everything is progressing. I wonder if the lack of phosphorus would wilt the bottom leafs. I am running through a big list of everything it could be. Just checking my list and checking it twice. Just so I dont miss a naughty or nice. Lol. Thanks all
So I brought my baby back to life. I added more nitrogen and she bounced back. I have 20 small fish and figured that would be enough but I seem to be a little short cause my baby needs more. Thanks everyone that has helped me I really appreciate it.
Ok so my numbers are : ph 6.0. Water temp 68' F. Room temp 68' F Alaskin moor bloom 0-10-10 and Kelp I have 10 tetras 10 rosie's red minnows. They eat 3 times a day breakfast lunch and dinner. I have a fan blowing constant. I have 6 led light sticks 60w. And 2 flat led 20w bothered full km spectrum. I have one 150w light bulb that produces heat and also full spectrum. I run nutes through the tank and fioler spray.
it looks like it's asking for p-k. guessing more the potassium side. shows at tips and edges first. mimics a tox or overfeed.

edit: the one thing i don't like about aquaponics is a lack of control if all does not go tikkity-boo.
Hey @Joshualuck !

Aquaponics is something that greatly interests me.
I don't have much to add as I've barely scratched the research for that being a future project of mine. That being said, @PK might be also able to add insight, or if you follow along his journal that might also help.
hey josh, so i am kind of doing your setup but with slight twist., My plants are in a 5 gallon res and i fill my res with my fish tank water. I'm not sure if yours are the same or their roots is straight into the tank.

do you know what the environment of your fish tank is? Nitrogen, calcium, phosphate, iron and such?? I've got a aquarium master kit which tells me the exact levels. I also add nitrogen, phosphorus and microbes to my fish tank since i've got live plants in there and my fish tank is at 200ppm. (Watch what you add to your fish tank)

until you figure out your water environment from your fish tank, you'll be running tails figuring out what the causes are.
drop couple of pictures of your fish tank setup. I've been told that algae would be a huge problem,. However, i've got a UV light.

in my signature i've got my grow journal and i've just started the dwc system using my tank water. come by and hopefully you'll grab some more information.

I'm subbed here to see your progress and give you my 2 cents along with others.
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