Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Hey Neiko, do you have any experience with Ace seeds ErdPurt? I got some freebies and just read about it being best suited for adverse northern outdoor growing... which is great for me, but it warned against trying indoors, as results varied. It states if you try indoors to use a 20/4 veg photo period, give mothers plenty of room for root growth, and no guarantees. I wonder what the issues are?

It’s a 100% indica hybrid, with high CBD, and moderate to low THC.
Look at eggsman does erdpurt I think you are following his journal. He's got 4 of them in early flower and the truly look perfect. He hasn't done anything different than follow directions.
Look at eggsman does erdpurt I think you are following his journal. He's got 4 of them in early flower and the truly look perfect. He hasn't done anything different than follow directions.
I just was coming over hear to edit my post...duh! Yes I am subbed up to Eggs journal, it’s been hiding in my watch list, and I just noticed it. Thanks bud!
I'm still in the learning phase. I have 3 strains cobbed and the oldest is at 5 weeks cure. It is stronger and more intense. The flavor has changed from the cured flowers. It's a little more subdued but in some ways fuller. The taste gets stronger now every week it cures. The change in potency caught us off guard at week 4. I smoked some last night and was ripped on 2 bong hits. I ground up about .5 grams and it lasted me and the wife all evening. She only took 2 hits all night. It's definitely worth trying even if you don't plan on chewing them. I prefer smoking them at this point. I suspect the trippy LSD type buzzes will come from the pure sativas. I'm hoping for great things from my Malawi x Panama cobs. They just started the cure phase yesterday.
That sounds awesome. Again definitely gonna give it a try. Sooo much to do though bro! Its madness. I feel like a kid in a sweet shop. When you throw someone with a creative mind the amount of information that is on this forum it makes for sleepless nights for bilbo lol. Laying in bed, head swimming "ooo thats a good idea, oh I gotta give that a try, but I was gonna do this first so thatll have to wait for a couple months.. but I dont wanna wait.. okay lets build another room" and so on and so forth lol.
I recommend keeping a notebook nearby if you can LOL. I end up medicating at night and usually have difficulties sleeping and my brain comes up with all sorts of different ideas to want to try. Write em down when you have em cause they won't stay around for long otherwise!
Dont know how I ended up in here... See the lies are now at 420mag also... A5 :rofl::rofl::rofl: lost :rofl::rofl:mislabeled :rofl::rofl: back :rofl::rofl:
Most can't grow sativas indoors, no patience... I suggest to all that are going to try, hunt down every post from 'hempy' (another forum) to learn how too...
Hi GrizWald, You are more than welcome to follow along. Please share your info on the Haze it is truly welcomed. I realize there is a lot of B.S. info and stories out there. I have read as much as I can find about them at ICmag and Mr Nice Seeds Forums with Nevil posting back in 2010. I'm no history expert and you are more than welcome to educate us.
Thanks bro...Nothing to teach mate..lots of crews on forums, some even want to sell you something...might even talk about something, then few months later it shows itself.. everyone excited by the new g13 crosses coming? Not... A5, There's a couple other reasons for it just coming back, that I've heard but we'll stick to one here.. mislabbelled? What does that mean? Think about it and what they doing with it. Now, how is mislabbelled of any significance, or does the structure tell a different story of whats expressed?
I got that info in a thread at ICMag in the ACE forums in a thread featuring the testers A5 x New Malawi Killer and Nevilles Haze x New Killer Malawi. There was a poster THCVhunter I think that questioned the authenticity of the A5 ACE used saying it was really a mis labeled C5. This led to older threads where Yo Sammy who claims to have worked with Nevil and had it for 20 years then lost it. Karma from Karma genetics claimed to have the real A5 that he got from someone who had been growing for 30 years. Karma and Yo Sammy went back and forth about if it really was the A5. Karma posted pics and according to Sammy it is what he remembered it to be. Sammy eventually got a cut of the A5 from Karma and that is what was shared with ACE in a collaboration between ACE and Sammy.

Like I said you are more than welcome to clear up this story or add to it.
No mate, I know as many facts as you... Lies and truth depends on the individuals ears they fall upon... Best I can offer, if the subject is of interest, read. Best and most contradicting info that leads to today's knowledge comes from 2007_2012... And the picture becomes clearer (&blurrier) the more you know (or don't)
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