Need help, living soil, pots too small mid flower

We should be asking ourselves if the chlorine in the city water was so terrible then why are there all those still green and growing residential and commercial lawns in the areas with treated city water? Or people with healthy houseplants, flowers on the front porch, or vegetable gardens out back even after watering with city water all summer?
Well, most people aren't practicing organic growing methods so the microbes aren't much of a factor for them, but your point about the dangers of chlorine being overblown are well founded.
My gripes with city water go beyond chlorine, my least favorite ingredient is fluoride. Possibly overblown attitude about it all but I don’t want any more of that than necessary in my body….
I honestly don’t know much about over the counter stuff beyond Neem oil and SNS for organic pesticide. I try to be as close to 100% organic as is possible and try to make all my own stuff. Primarily because I want to build healthy and reusable soil so there’s something left for our children and grandchildren and so on. Also I got into 420 growing for health reasons and have making concentrates for medicine and didn’t trust anyone else to provide because commercially most meds are made with larf and sugar leaf rather than premium organic flower. When you’re trying to beat cancer you probably should try to avoid taking in pesticide, etc. So while I may promote organic and hope everyone eventually adopts it in the future, I try to avoid being a zealot and argue my case objectively without judgements against other methods. I learned a lot from being open to other ideas.
I’m with ya @budnoob3
It’s hard to trust these commercially made meds when it’s all about profile to them,
Do it yourself, and you know was it’s done right.
And sorry mate, I’m just trying to catch up on all the notifications iv missed lol
:thanks: :thumb:
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