Need help, living soil, pots too small mid flower


Well-Known Member
Hi, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Iv got a few clones in small pots, my intention was to give them to someone for their garden, anyway, that fell through so I decided to flower them.
Here’s my problem, the pots they are in are tiny, about 1 maybe 1 and half litres.
I’m in the 6th week of flowering,
Iv been noticing some deficiencies but was expecting that, due to the small pots, but now it’s getting bad,
I need some advice on how to proceed,
Do I carry on hoping for the best, or do I forget about the living soil and start using nutes, thanks for the help in advance :thumb:
What’s up Kaldean?

Living soil or not- yes feed your ladies is the only way to go…

yeah there’s no way to correct small container deal in mid flower, sure it can be transplanted but typically after 2 or 3rd week of flower cycle… root building is done for.

The best way I know to do it is to transplant about 3 to 4 weeks before the flip, but as always there’s more that 1 way to skin a cat….

I’d love to learn more if anyone has more info…
Hi, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Iv got a few clones in small pots, my intention was to give them to someone for their garden, anyway, that fell through so I decided to flower them.
Here’s my problem, the pots they are in are tiny, about 1 maybe 1 and half litres.
I’m in the 6th week of flowering,
Iv been noticing some deficiencies but was expecting that, due to the small pots, but now it’s getting bad,
I need some advice on how to proceed,
Do I carry on hoping for the best, or do I forget about the living soil and start using nutes, thanks for the help in advance :thumb:
Use nutes, you can grow monster plants in tiny pots as long as the roots get water and nutrients
Use nutes, you can grow monster plants in tiny pots as long as the roots get water and nutrients
Hello @013 and @Roy Growin , thank yous for the reply :adore:
And yeah it’s starting to get a bit of a struggle so I will take your advise and give nutes,
Another question for yous :rofl:
Do I go full strength with the nutes I have ?
Iv got the Canna Terra Flores , and I use the chart for how much at what week,
Or would you suggest going less than what it says ?
Thanks man - I will defer to Roy, not familiar with canna terra…
Ok mate, and thank you, I will put some pics up when my lights come on :thumb:
And I did do the SOG with them is it ?
Where I cut off all the branches so it’s just one cola, thought I would give it a go that way, and got some nice buds going,
I am panicking about my main plants thou, thinking this might happen to them aswell, I will put some pics up of those aswell :thumb:
Thank you @Roy Growin , I’m im week 6 but that’s when I switched to 12/12
Not the first sight of buds, so I’m thinking full nutes for the next week or 2 and then ease off, like you suggest, is that about right ?
Most buds need 8-12 weeks, so I hold off the last 2 weeks
Most buds need 8-12 weeks, so I hold off the last 2
I usually go to around ten weeks and then start checking the trichs,
And yeah mate, just water last couple of weeks, still winging it thou :rofl:
These clones I had no intention of keeping, but once I had to, I switched them, and clipped off all the branches so they have just the main cola,
And your right, going by the size of some of the buds I have,
doing it properly you would get lovely big buds , I will put some pics up when my lights come on later :thumb:
And Thank you for the help, very much appreciated :thanks:
Here’s my ladies, @013 and @Roy Growin , last 2 pics are my main ones :thumb:





Hi, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Iv got a few clones in small pots, my intention was to give them to someone for their garden, anyway, that fell through so I decided to flower them.
Here’s my problem, the pots they are in are tiny, about 1 maybe 1 and half litres.
I’m in the 6th week of flowering,
Iv been noticing some deficiencies but was expecting that, due to the small pots, but now it’s getting bad,
I need some advice on how to proceed,
Do I carry on hoping for the best, or do I forget about the living soil and start using nutes, thanks for the help in advance :thumb:
if you feed canna nutes you will kill the beneficial bacteria in your soil , just give them a nice organic tea instead , or a dry organic feed top dressing and water it in , if you are using tap water witch has chlorine and chloramine in it your bacteria are already dead and you weren't growing organic anyway ,lots of organic growers use small pots and just use organic tea and top dressing , with out being rude it sounds like you need to do a lot more reading on how to actually grow organically , organic growing is easy you just need a different set of rules and nutes , there is no such thing as organic nutes from a bottle , dolomite lime , oyster shell flour , blood meal bone meal etc are what you need for organic growing and how to make a tea , with rain , r.o water , there is way to much crap in tap water that kill the beneficial bacteria in the soil - the rev -t.l.o organic growing is the best read on how to grow organically .
if you feed canna nutes you will kill the beneficial bacteria in your soil , just give them a nice organic tea instead , or a dry organic feed top dressing and water it in , if you are using tap water witch has chlorine and chloramine in it your bacteria are already dead and you weren't growing organic anyway ,lots of organic growers use small pots and just use organic tea and top dressing , with out being rude it sounds like you need to do a lot more reading on how to actually grow organically , organic growing is easy you just need a different set of rules and nutes , there is no such thing as organic nutes from a bottle , dolomite lime , oyster shell flour , blood meal bone meal etc are what you need for organic growing and how to make a tea , with rain , r.o water , there is way to much crap in tap water that kill the beneficial bacteria in the soil - the rev -t.l.o organic growing is the best read on how to grow organically .
Hi @NOOOBIENOT , where do I start :rofl:
First off, no, iv never grown with living soil, this is my first time.
I did read about the chlorine before I started, so I let my tap water sit in buckets for around 4 days before I use.
I did read that it doesn’t get rid of the chloramine is it, but also looked on YouTube at the soil I’m using ( sohum living soil ) and they said on there that it’s fine, I don’t know if this is correct information thou now.
I did also get ecothrive charge, and mixed the amount stated into my water about a week and half ago, but the deficiencies seem to be getting worse.
I do have very small pots thou, and was thinking that is the reason this is happening,
But now you’ve given me that info I’m in 2 minds, ole and I’m also adding blackstrap molasses every other water,
My worries are, can I get through the grow how I’m going, or forget about the soil being living and use it as ordinary soil with nutes ? And thank you for your reply and info :thumb::thanks:
Hi @NOOOBIENOT , where do I start :rofl:
First off, no, iv never grown with living soil, this is my first time.
I did read about the chlorine before I started, so I let my tap water sit in buckets for around 4 days before I use.
I did read that it doesn’t get rid of the chloramine is it, but also looked on YouTube at the soil I’m using ( sohum living soil ) and they said on there that it’s fine, I don’t know if this is correct information thou now.
I did also get ecothrive charge, and mixed the amount stated into my water about a week and half ago, but the deficiencies seem to be getting worse.
I do have very small pots thou, and was thinking that is the reason this is happening,
But now you’ve given me that info I’m in 2 minds, ole and I’m also adding blackstrap molasses every other water,
My worries are, can I get through the grow how I’m going, or forget about the soil being living and use it as ordinary soil with nutes ? And thank you for your reply and info :thumb::thanks:
And I think what @Roy Growin meant was, in general you can get monster plants from small pots.
Obviously iv mad a mess lol, so he was suggesting to switch to nutes
hello , chloramine is even more evil then chlorine , the only way to get rid of it is rain or distilled water or r.o. water or a r.o.sytem , and molasses every other watering is to much every 3-4 watering's max is plenty and read on how to make a organic tea it works great and plants will respond within a week with tea , organics is a mind set -what would mother nature do there is no such thing as bottled nutes growing outside in the ground , i have grown indoors for over 8 yrs now totally organic i make my own soil add my organic supplements and let it sit for at least a month before i pop my seeds in it and then a nice organic mild tea every 4 th watering and it works great! keep your r.h around 50 % and your golden .
in organics ph doesnt matter at all its ppm you need to be concerned with low ppm plus a steady supply of it , the plants take in only what they need , organics is alot easier than chemical growing as the bacteria do all the work for you just make sure there is food for the bacteria , worm casting ,compost , alfalfa meal , bone meal , blood meal , dolomite lime , plus these are all the same items you make your soil with and your teas, forget about phing your water , ppm etc , just low amounts of additives to the soil and low amounts to your tea - no more than a teaspoon of each in a tea , let it bubble for 24 hrs and your good to go , i add a couple of drops of molasses to my tea also the bacteria need some sugars to multiply .
in organics ph doesnt matter at all its ppm you need to be concerned with low ppm plus a steady supply of it , the plants take in only what they need , organics is alot easier than chemical growing as the bacteria do all the work for you just make sure there is food for the bacteria , worm casting ,compost , alfalfa meal , bone meal , blood meal , dolomite lime , plus these are all the same items you make your soil with and your teas, forget about phing your water , ppm etc , just low amounts of additives to the soil and low amounts to your tea - no more than a teaspoon of each in a tea , let it bubble for 24 hrs and your good to go , i add a couple of drops of molasses to my tea also the bacteria need some sugars to multiply .
Hi @NOOOBIENOT , loads of info there, thank you
And yes, I agree with the organic way.
I think this is about my 7th grow, and iv always used bottle chemical nutes, and they always have pretty much all the same smells and tastes, surely that’s not right, even thou iv always grown different strains.
That’s why iv tried it this way,
I don’t know if you read right through my posts, but the pics I put up of the clones, I didn’t intend on keeping,
the person they was meant for couldn’t have them, so I kept them and flowered them as soon as I thought was the right time, hence being in small pots,
But the last 2 pics are my main plants, so I’m gunna have to look into the tea you mention, I have read about the worm castings help during flower,
But as you can tell, I haven’t really a clue :rofl:
And I also have looked into a RO unit that goes under the sink, cos in my opinion, organic, as nature intended, is the way :thumb:
If it’s not too much trouble, and when you have time, could you guide me on the tea thing please, it would be very much appreciated,
I really haven’t a clue :rofl:
Thank you for steering me in the right direction :thanks::thumb:
sure glad to ,let me know when you are ready to move forward
Whenever Is good for you my friend,
I’m thinking I’m gunna be needing the tea for my main ones pretty soon,
I wanna try avoiding deficiencies with those if I can.
One of them is not growing as much as the rest, so maybe something is lacking already.
If you could give me the ingredients I need,
The measurements of em and the process, that would be great,
I remember you saying earlier to let it bubble away for 24 hours,
Do I need one of those bubble stone things and a air pump ?
If you could give me the whole process,
And what I need, that would be very helpful :thanks: :adore:
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