Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Lol ok fair enough

I can worrie to much about .1 ph so If they do good Its all fine... with organic nutes Its told you should not put any ph regulator in. Not Sure If they take care of it themself? We Will see How these alga stuff does when running a entire growth and flower cycle...
You do know I just look at pic's and have to say happy roots=happy plant.

Textbook roots there. White as the driven snow.... GL
Whats crackin NS! Long time no speak. So you're rolling in the DWC now?! Love your inquisitive little brain man always thirsty to learn whatever you can :high-five:. Oh @Pennywise mentioned you makin some more creations... im dropping your ATFxGG#4 on the weekend :p. As soon as i got a bag of soil its on!!
Whats crackin NS! Long time no speak. So you're rolling in the DWC now?! Love your inquisitive little brain man always thirsty to learn whatever you can :high-five:. Oh @Pennywise mentioned you makin some more creations... im dropping your ATFxGG#4 on the weekend :p. As soon as i got a bag of soil its on!!

Heya Bilbo! I had Some crazy stressfull time but to be honest I’m pretty ok now mentally, the body on the other hand kinda fails me as (I hope) still Some moving stress and so is the cause of that.

I cant believe my baby’s Will be Born for the first time! Let me know when you drop her, I might join you on that journey so we have somewhat of a compare grow :high-five:

Oh and Yeah I need to learn to keep my brain from focussing on the pain, so What better then to try new growing methods! Looking at This girl I might found my thing Hehe.

She’s coming along nicely!

Thnx brother, I do see Some “slurry” on the side of the pot so Maybe I should start searching for a decent cleaner that wont tear my organic thing apart. Any product you can recommend here Maybe?

Looks like it's time for some training on that or it might end up being an ornamental bush!

I might not train her just to see If I can let her grow real big in that box #squeezebox
Heya Bilbo! I had Some crazy stressfull time but to be honest I’m pretty ok now mentally, the body on the other hand kinda fails me as (I hope) still Some moving stress and so is the cause of that.

I cant believe my baby’s Will be Born for the first time! Let me know when you drop her, I might join you on that journey so we have somewhat of a compare grow :high-five:

Oh and Yeah I need to learn to keep my brain from focussing on the pain, so What better then to try new growing methods! Looking at This girl I might found my thing Hehe.

Thnx brother, I do see Some “slurry” on the side of the pot so Maybe I should start searching for a decent cleaner that wont tear my organic thing apart. Any product you can recommend here Maybe?

I might not train her just to see If I can let her grow real big in that box #squeezebox
Yer man im fully up for that! It'll be either tommorow or sunday i drop em. This drop and the next are gonna be mostly Gorilla crosses so i can test the hype. Everytime iv had gorilla glue off the street its been poor to say the least so i feel i need to give the strain a fighting chance before i fully dismiss it lol.
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