N420 Grows Barney's Farm Orange Sherbert & Special Guests

Thanks buddy flower show for these ladies is starting soon. Will be nice to get them out of their cramped quarters and spread them out a little. Will probably do a little more tying down and flip them. Gonna start spraying them more consistantly for the next week or 2 so I can knock those thrips back so they are rockin going into flower.
Sorry I repeated myself. Hahahah I was baked. Fml. Cheers

Me after I smoked a joint then try to update my journal :rofl: :rofl:
I’ve allready had 2 after dinner while looking at the ladies .... Feeling really good now. Nothing to do tonight other than veg. I did the household chores and filled my water jugs for tommorow.. so now it’s my time. Hope yours is relaxing. :ganjamon::passitleft:
Hey 420. I've decided I am going to harvest the Os this weekend. Saturday will mark 60 days since flip. The main reasons I am going to harvest is I've seen more mite activity recently and found a small amount of webbing on one of the plants I have not sprayed in about 2 weeks because I didn't want to close to harvest. I have also been removing leaves effected by powdery mildew every day it has not been 2 bad but I feel I'm fighting these now with not to much extra gain if I keep them in there for another week. The 3rd reason is the Gz is busting out of the veg tent and having them all crammed in there is doing more harm then good.

Does anyone have any tips to treat the tent for bugs after the harvest? I was thinking using a bug bomb but those are typically for larger spaces then a tent. The guy at the grow store suggested spraying everything down with bug b gone. What do you guys think?

Me after I smoked a joint then try to update my journal :rofl: :rofl:
God damn auto correct!
Does anyone have any tips to treat the tent for bugs after the harvest?
ISO is an all round great thing for cleaning. Most things hate being covered in alcohol lol.

I'm playing the catch up game again Mr N! Good to see the GZ's looking healthy
I'll let someone else say if peroxide in a sprayer is a good idea or not.
I'll let someone else say if peroxide in a sprayer is a good idea or not.
I'm not sure about that one. I use it for killing pathogens at the root zone but I've not used it for killing bugs. I'd give it a quick Google but my internet is anything but quick at the moment lol
God damn auto correct!

ISO is an all round great thing for cleaning. Most things hate being covered in alcohol lol.

I'm playing the catch up game again Mr N! Good to see the GZ's looking healthy
Good to see you prof. I usually use a bleach based cleaner when I clean the tent between rounds. I just wondered if that is good enough to kill off any remaining bugs. I really don't want them showing up again.
I'll let someone else say if peroxide in a sprayer is a good idea or not.
The guy at the grow shop did suggest that for cleaning as an alternative to bleach.

I might be a little paranoid about it just want to make sure they are gone. I assume most of them will be gone after I pull the plants I just want to be sure I get them all.
Good to see you prof. I usually use a bleach based cleaner when I clean the tent between rounds. I just wondered if that is good enough to kill off any remaining bugs. I really don't want them showing up again.

The guy at the grow shop did suggest that for cleaning as an alternative to bleach.

I might be a little paranoid about it just want to make sure they are gone. I assume most of them will be gone after I pull the plants I just want to be sure I get them all.
Are we talking about the thrips?
No the mites that are on the Os plants.
Bleach based products should work fine after the tents have been harvested. The mites are tricky to get rid of when they're on the plants but you can use tougher cleaning chemicals once the plants are out of the equation
Just a quick one today. The Gz are really shooting upwards I'm glad they are getting moved this weekend they need it and I don't have much room for them to grow any taller in the 3x3. I've bumped up my Mega Crop to 12.3g because I'm still getting a hint of deficiencies and the leaves are still slightly lighter green then I would like. 3 of them are growing nicely the one that had the wind stress is growing a little slower then her sisters I think when they get spread out more in the 4x4 she will be happier.

Just a quick one today. The Gz are really shooting upwards I'm glad they are getting moved this weekend they need it and I don't have much room for them to grow any taller in the 3x3. I've bumped up my Mega Crop to 12.3g because I'm still getting a hint of deficiencies and the leaves are still slightly lighter green then I would like. 3 of them are growing nicely the one that had the wind stress is growing a little slower then her sisters I think when they get spread out more in the 4x4 she will be happier.

The tent is certainly looking busy. How well do they stand up? I could tell with mine by this point that it was going to be a bit wobbly wobbly lol. Nice pics N
The tent is certainly looking busy. How well do they stand up? I could tell with mine by this point that it was going to be a bit wobbly wobbly lol. Nice pics N
They seem to be pretty firm at the moment but I'm thinking once they start to stretch at the beginning of flower it will be a different story. I have a hankering to get the snips out especially for the wind stressed one she is a solid shrub her foliage is so thick. The others are not to bushy but the fact they are all crammed in there it's hard to tell were one ends and the other begins lol. I won't start my next round of seeds until these are put in the bigger tent and start flower just so I'm not dealing with a stuffed tent on the next round.
Hi N4!
So where is the def happening? Upper leaves, new or old growth, Can you get some closer pics at lights off?
I think you said you were at 6g/4L a few days ago...
I've bumped up my Mega Crop to 12.3g
and now with the increase you're getting closer to the higher end of feeding at 6.35g/4L. If you're not seeing tip burn then bump it up to 6.3g-6.4g for a feeding or two. If you still don't see much improvement then bring in some calmag(something with N in it, like 1-0-0) as well and continue at 6.3g/4L.
Hi N4!
So where is the def happening? Upper leaves, new or old growth, Can you get some closer pics at lights off?
I think you said you were at 6g/4L a few days ago...

and now with the increase you're getting closer to the higher end of feeding at 6.35g/4L. If you're not seeing tip burn then bump it up to 6.3g-6.4g for a feeding or two. If you still don't see much improvement then bring in some calmag(something with N in it, like 1-0-0) as well and continue at 6.3g/4L.
It's the upper growth one node set down from the very top but only seems to be effecting one branch

You are right I was going in at 6g/4 liters on the last watering which was about 3 days ago. I only gave one plant the one in the picture the 6.3g and just gave it a partial watering last night just to hold it over until this morning.

This other plant is showing some yellowing near the bottom and working it's way up


Part of me thinks the damage on the second set of pictures is from being all crammed together and from side of the tent pushing on the plant from the negative pressure. This strain doesn't seem to hardy unlike the Os which is bomb proof.

My thought was that the .3 jump wouldn't be to much of a jump but again I don't have much experience with Mega Crop.
With the MC you can increment 10% at a time. So you could have gone to 6.6g but that's too high until you can see how they react.
I would still bump it up to 6.3 or 6.4 and add some calmag. The fact it's yellowing and working it's way up is a lack of N this early. Maybe a pH problem but 5.8-6.1 is ideal. The upper could be a Ca def under the LEDs.
Adding that extra little bit of MC I don't think is going to fix the N issue which is why I think calmag will help.
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