My very 1st Grow- Northern Lights

OK Princess,

Keep up the hydrogen peroxide watering, too.

Mix up a nutrient bath as follows:

1/2 strength nutrients
2 tsp/gal of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1 tsp/gal of orange juice

The orange juice is to lower the pH from 7.1 to 6.4. It also has a little bit of sugar which plants can use in small quantities.

Water the plant liberally with this solution. Remember you can't overwater because of the hydrogen peroxide. So you're still doing a makeshift hydroponics treatment. Let the solution run out of the bottom of the pot. You'll be flushing out any remaining toxins that may have built up on the roots and you'll be making sure that the hydrogen peroxide penetrates deeply into the soil rather than rests on the surface layer.

Still spraying multiple times daily. She seems to drink it up and dry out quick

Sounds like the humidity is very low.

Keep up the 1/4 strength foliar spraying. You can't overdo this either.

When you go to sleep or have to leave her for a long time, mist her and the inside of a plastic bag and cover her loosely, so that the leaves don't dry out. (This is the way you treat a clone which has a limited root system. Yours has a weakened root system.)

Hey lady, seems like youre having some issues but you should be great with Sir Tokelot helping you out. His advice has been helping me too. For now I am on the sidelines with internet being down. And is a pain to reply by phone. But I am rooting for you, no pun intended...:cheertwo:
Dang Princess,
I just don't know if there is going to be any bouncing back from that... I would pull and call it a loss, maybe it was just a bad bean...

:peacetwo: I hope everything turns out well for you sista
ggrant said:
It can't hurt to wait a few more days, Aston.

Sometimes you get emotionally attached.

Oh of course,I totally agree,I remember my first few, and now I'm popping boys out like they are going out of style,I keep sitting with them and babying them, hoping and praying for a female to come out from these was just my opinion. :thumb:
It of course is totally up to the princess...

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