Hey ggrant? This can't be normal right? She's Turning green from the outside-in? A lot of leaves are doing that.
WOW, I've never seen that. That's simply amazing.
All I would do now is keep her about 1 foot from the light - you don't want to overtax her. Stay with 24/7 light - no dark periods. Keep misting so the leaves don't dry out. I assume you're using a 1/4 strength solution of nutrients as the spray?
Don't worry about overspraying. I spray my plants about 6 times a day. They probably don't need it, but they don't seem to mind.
If you can control the humidity, make sure it's not too low. Keep the temperature moderate, about room temperature. The idea is to keep her metabolism at a moderate pace.
And use the hydrogen peroxide!
You can't "overwater" if you're using hydrogen peroxide. The
only reason overwatering is bad is because it deprives the roots of oxygen. As you're adding oxygen by using the dilute hydrogen peroxide solution, you can't possibly overdo it. Remember, in hydroponics the roots are in water 24/7.
I can't believe how many times I've said 24/7. I hate business and military slang, but I can't think of a better way to say it without being verbose. Nonstop? Forever and ever? Always and forever. Until the great hourglass of time runs out?
Anyway, if the leaves are recovering, you want the roots to do the same.
I would just water a little bit every few hours with the hydrogen peroxide. Put in enough so that the pot starts to leak.
Then she'll have everything she needs: oxygen for the roots, nutrients for the leaves and lots of light, but not too much, to start photosynthesis to produce the amino acids and proteins she needs to rebuild her cell structure and start producing new leaf sets.
Keep the pictures coming! Verbal descriptions are good, too!