My Veggies Garden - Organic

this is very a lovely garden you have. i envy you. :welldone:

Hopefully my small urban-ish garden project will end out with similar beauty in a smaller scale. also going organic. im looking for someone who has a feeding schedule for using the biobizz nute lineup for different veggies. but i have only been able to find the tomato schedule online :hmmmm: hopefully i will be able to figure out a plan by my self if studying the different stuffs needs of nutes.

Thanks for the compliments :D

Uhm if you decide to go fully organic its all about the soil. You don't really need any nutrients unless the plants actually demand a certain type. I grew them with mostly water, because when I used a nutrient solution NPK ratio of 20-20-20 the tomatos would show nutrient burn. I did use a very nice organic soil mix, all from local sources. I would invest in good organic soil and some good seeds.

I work on this thread every summer, For this summer I would like to try growing a pineapple.

Hi thanks for your fast reply. i will be going fully organic or as close as i can get. My soil will be biobizz light mix its organic (reused from my medical grow closet 100% organic). I have been filling one of my high beds all fall and winter for the purpose. i will be mixing it up with some compost and maybe a bit of cheap soil from my local recylcing station and leca nuts as well. And of course i will flush the recycled soil with help form mothernature before anything will get planted in the soil. Do you know the organic biobizz line of product. the N-P-K values are way lower than 20-20-20 so i think it actually will be a good suplement for veggies ( and also i can get to use up the last nutes from my closet grow before they go bad, rycylce baby ;) ). But i will fully take notice from you and relax with adding any nutes unless the plants show signs of needs. Thanks a lot for sharing your know how and experience with me. And i will keep a close eye on this thread and your work for sure. Im excited to see the pineapple mission ;) are you gonna grow it in a greenhouse or what is your approach to the pine apple. i am currently growing ginger in my window for the purpose of transplanting it into my garden this spring its currently chilling out with its M8 my Peruvian blue torch :) My old mother actually tried to grow a pineapple last summer but im finding that she is more of a old flower growing type of gal :) all her flowers are always beautiful and vivid. but when she tries to grow fruit and veggies they tend to die on her or at least not produce that well. But the crops are what gets be going :) if i buy a flower it WILL die witin weeks *LOL* funny how that works between me and her total opposite. :hmmm:A bit offtopic but are you canadian? Mtrl is montreal right? i envy the canadian nature so much. my country are way to small to really enjoy the wonders of nature and outdoor living. :(

Here is a small really bad drawed plan of my garden project. looks like crap but you will get an idea. any critisism or wise words would be much appreciated

My guarden are only about 20-25 square meters so it will need to be a tight fit urban style setup i have to make. i can only use about one third of the space. the rest is my dogs spot of chilling out grass :) it will of course be the eas tside of the garden i will use to get all that good mid-day and afternoon sun.

Also i thought about puttin sun flower in a long line behind the beds. so i can use the seeds for snacks. i love sunflower seeds. and they are also a bit flower like to look at. and high. so my buckets with Autoflowers will not get ripped by anyone the sunflower will be the eye catchers. sort to say so the youngsters in my hood will not jump my fence and jack my babies ;)

well i got a bad ass guarddog the one to the right :rofl: i think its the flashlight holding/i am in the middle of my nap so can you plz let you self out when done here Mr burgler, type of guarddog i got at the pound tho :scratchinghead:

All the best to you M8 good luck
oh yeah those hanging buckets for your tomato plant love the idea. i think i will do something similar instead of putting them in the high bed. love the idea that you can turn the plant that bares fruit all the way around. and the tomatoes on one side do not become green and small. do you let one side of the plant mature a bit in the sun and then turn it when the one half of the plant are matured and fruits have been all picked, to keep you supply stay fresh and last longer? or what are you key idea behind those buckets? do you think 1,2 or 3 tomato plantswill be sufficient to last one person with supply for a season. its just for salats sandwish and suck for my self and the spare tomatos that i maybe can not use could be made into pure or perserved chopped and cooked tomatos in jars used for stew and such
Hello there Klovneposen

Where to start lol, OK so Biobizz is a good line I seen growers here use it. I don't use it but from what Ive seen here Its pretty legit. Obviously any plant grown organic and without help of extra nutrients will grow small. I don't mind the size for me its about taste.
I am in Montreal indeed and I can't complain about the summer days here. But winter is harsh. I have a friend that grew a pineapple during last summer I was impressed it actually grew, It was like the size of a softball (imagine the concentration of flavor) So I really want to give it a shot.
Flower I grow all kinds but not as successful... I want to venture in orchids and roses, one day.

Nice garden space mate. You should be able to have plenty of tomato and other veggies, try red beets also. Your drawing is good I understand. The reason I have the cherry tomatos hanged up is for better light penetration, and air flow, also I spin it around so every spot of the plant gets sunlight. The cherry tomatos keep growing and growing, I took over 100 of them all summer long. For a year harvest you would probably need over 10 plants (for one person) but at the same time the organic finish product is so good you are going to devour anything coming out of your garden.

Nice Dogs and props to grandma for growing flowers my mom also does that. :thumb::thumb:
hey and thanks for your reply. and sorry for my messy and confusing post earlier. i bet you know how it goes. you read something someone wrote for your, then you reply and post the answer. THEN you come up with 100's of question and pictures, for the poor guy who you are asking about stuff, are to see ;) so again sorry. and well fended for yourself sir. i think you intercepted my swarm of questions just perfect and with great honor (like a samurai almost) also my gramma and words sucks so sorry for that as well

I actually made a thread about the biobizz stuff and my little garden project. and this very nice person. had wrote me a full guide to everything veggies on my "wishlist" about how to feed each one, how drainage in the soil should be, the p.h value of soils for different purposes etc. just EVERYTHING i wish to know. so i got soooooo happy. unlucky for the guy my thank you post to him. made my big arse post of questions for you look like a pamphlet for small kids with reading disabilities :cheesygrinsmiley:

wish i would more people with you guys volume and caracter in real life :)

So now you do not have to worry about me spam attacking your profile with garden related questions all summer ;)

i will occasionally drop by and check your garden out tho. and properly post a picture or two of my hopefully GREAT SUCCESS :allgood:

:Namaste: Friend
Your welcome to ask any time my friend, I am also in the learning process as well. I started growing veggies like 2 years ago. Its not that easy for example I failed to grow carrots and cucumber... I don't know what I did wrong.

Could you be kind enough to share the link tho the Biobizz thread ? Thanks
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