My Search For Sundrops

I reformulated my long term plans to break it into chunks for myself. (Admittedly probably just to reduce my own anxiety 🤣), so here is my grow plan:

Finish MACdawg F1
Grow Cannatonic CBD, pollenate with MD #9
Grow MACdawg F2, collect pollen and create F3
Grow TW/NL5, pollenate with MD F2 pollen
Grow (ON Haze/OG Haze x NL2), collect pollen and create F2
Grow Shorties seeds, pollenate with Hazes/NL2

Since I won plant of the month, and Herbies seeds were kind enough to exchange the prize for their Cannatonic CBD and Chocolate Thai, I will run the Cannatonic next. My brother from another mother started having seizures last year (still running tests on him), and I am going to grow that next for him. Also, maybe I can try to breed a 1:1 thc:cbd strain down the road🤷‍♂️

Just so you guys can understand my notes, here is a legend:

MD #9 = MACdawg #9, aka Maximus, the only male in the pack from Greenpoint Seeds.
TW/NL5 = Trainwreck x Northern Lites (notice the spelling) #5 from Authentic Genetics
ON Haze/OG Haze x NL2 = Todd McCormick's own haze backcross mixed with Northern Lites #2, Authentic Genetics.
Shortie's seeds = Strawberry Fantasy F2/S1, (how ever you want to label it) from Bodhi

For those curious, the distinguishment between Northern Lites vs Lights denotes the difference in lines with Lites being the original Seattle genetics and Lights being made famous by Nevil Schoenmakers

Just for shits and giggles, here's my name for the 3 crosses:

Sundrops = TW/NL5 x MACdawg
The FOG = Strawberry Fantasy x ON/OH haze/NL2
Jade Elixir = Cannatonic CBD x MACdawg
Also, maybe I can try to breed a 1:1 thc:cbd strain down the road🤷‍♂️
In my view, you're better off growing two different strong single cannabinoid heavy strains and then mixing and matching after harvest.

I have three mothers each producing about 15% of their major cannabinoid, one each CBD, CBG, and THC.

I've been playing around with mixes (mostly dust and now gummies) like equal weights of the three, or an 80% CBD, 10% each of the others, another 40% CBD, 40% CBD-a, 5% each CBG/CBG-a, THC/THC-a, etc.

Gives me ultimate flexibility and allows for others with different tolerances to mix 'n match for their ideal combination as well.

Most of the 1:1 strains that I've seen are at pretty low levels, less than 10% each side. I prefer to have more power in the medicine.
In my view, you're better off growing two different strong single cannabinoid heavy strains and then mixing and matching after harvest.

I have three mothers each producing about 15% of their major cannabinoid, one each CBD, CBG, and THC.

I've been playing around with mixes (mostly dust and now gummies) like equal weights of the three, or an 80% CBD, 10% each of the others, another 40% CBD, 40% CBD-a, 5% each CBG/CBG-a, THC/THC-a, etc.

Gives me ultimate flexibility and allows for others with different tolerances to mix 'n match for their ideal combination as well.

Most of the 1:1 strains that I've seen are at pretty low levels, less than 10% each side. I prefer to have more power in the medicine.
This is the kind of knowledge/info that I needed! Also just sent you a message with a KNF question🤣

Herbies has thier Cannatonic listed at about 6:16 thc:cbd
I was hoping to create something in the teens at a 1:1 ratio, not strong meds, but something for my non-smoking brother to try and also something for the household to use as a monthly "tbreak" in a sense.
Just because I love taking shots of the plants!




Whole tent
Hello 420 mag, well figured I'd officially get caught up with this thread since I just chopped some seeded ladies of my first cross.

Sorry I've been away, had to take some time for myself and family. But I'm back, and can hopefully keep this thread properly updated!

I am far from a breeder, hell, I'm just a novice hobby grower trying to make some good medicine for my wife, me and my friends and family. But I am a very meticulous (when it comes to planning, lol), I like to make a detailed guideline with contingencies included to allow for flexibility kind of mentality..... So here we are on my first pollen chucking endeavor!

Let me give you a little background on what went into our process for selecting which strains we crossed and why. I have been smoking and around growers/hustlers all my life (admittedly smoking since 15), but stopped when I got married (except when we rolled, the missus and I loved the rave/EDM scene😉), as that stopped because we were becoming the creepy old peeps at the raves 🤣🤣, it was about the time of legalization and we started smoking regularly.

I have PTSD, depression, and anxiety... along with lots of aches and pains from a life of hard living, my wife also has anxiety and pains from past injuries (we in a pretty bad car crash a month before my daughter was born), so as we searched around our circles, dispensaries and black/grey market sources for strains that worked for both of us. What we found is that while some strains worked for us in some ways, none did for both of us universally. Also, the quality of what we were getting in testing the same strains from different sources, led me to the idea of growing for myself. You can say I got tired of paying other people to grow our medicine, lol!

After alot of research, some trial and lots of error, I have come to the point where I feel comfortable in my abilities and my setup and starting thinking about making our own cross to negate the necessity of having 2 strains on deck (as what we have found is usually the best case scenario for our needs). I, having that meticulous mind delved into genetics and the history of the strains that we liked. My wife and I compared notes (I made her detail her experiences, likes and dislikes), we compiled a short list of strains and I compared the genetics of them. Ultimately, we came down to 4 strains and were lucky enough to find F1s of them or versions of them.

We decided to go with MACdawg from Greenpoint seeds, and Trainwreck/Northern Lites #5 from Agseedco. MAC 1 was probably one of the first strains we smoked when we started again. We both loved it for the mental and emotional qualities it gave us, but it was lacking in body medicine. Chemdog was a classic strain that I have always loved, but my wife found it too "up" for her. Solution, Stardawg with its added afghan influence to the rescue! Trainwreck was an almost perfect strain, but it was hit of miss for the missus, in the morning it made her hazey/ evening had her awake🤣 Northern Lites #5 is another classic, and my pops/Uncle grew up in the SeaTac area in the mid to late 80s. The Afghan used is one of the ancestors to alot of strain that helped in our aches and pains, so just made sense.

So here we are, I found one male in my pack of MACdawg, I made F2s from my favorite females; one had a great purple color and an almost Rainbow Sherbert aroma, the other was structurally more MAC1 leaning, but no color, also had THE MOST WONDERFUL dawgshit dankness that is the loudest plant I have grown so far! Literally smelled like you stepped in fresh dog shit, but tasted like an Orange Julius. I popped 2 packs of Trainwreck x Northern Lites #5, 17 sprouted, I selected the best 12 seedlings and vegged them out until sexing.

I looked for vigor, stability in thier growth (no mutations), and how they handled my setup. I was left with 6 girls that I flowered out and just harvested them. I have selected the final 2 seeded ladies and will make a smoke comparison to decide. What I looked for in flower was frost, structure, and flowering length. My 2 finalists finished (to my liking) in 9 weeks and were the frostiest of the bunch. The funny thing is they are totally opposite phenos. All in all, I ended with what I'm calling 4 different expressions. My favorite is a more NLD type with bulky "Sativa" buds. The other is more wide leaf or Afghan dominant.

To us, THE EFFECT comes first, yield, terpenes and morphology are secondary. My thinking on this is that we can hunt for all of those in the offspring, but without the right initial combination of effects, it would be hard to meet all our needs. I will definitely say, it polyhybrid will be what would probably me labeled as Sativa dominant (even though I hate how the whole Sativa/Indica classifications really are not accurate), but we prefer a hazier sativa experience and not a racy one. What also made a decision and testing process a hard one, is that we need the pain relief without the heaviness some strains provide (I'm looking at you Blue Dream😜).

My plan is to grow 3 rounds to phenohunt with. Each round I will pop 20 seeds, veg 12, select 6 females to flower. I am currently growing out of two 3x3s, I will use one as a mother/veg tent, and the other to flower. That will give me a phenohunt where I will pop 60 seeds, veg 36, flower 18. I will keep cuts of the favorite from each round, and then do a comparison run from clones of the 3 finalists. From that we will choose our parental Sundrops plant. I have never liked the idea of having to keep mothers long term. Just not feasible for my setup at the moment, so in that regard, we want to create feminized seeds. I will use ,what I'm calling the 1-2-1 method to try and create a "stabilized" but not necessarily true breeding feminized line. That way we can get to the point where we can keep, store, and pop seeds at our leisure. Essentially once we selfed the P1 mother, we will do the same 60 seeds pheno hunt and reverse her to her mother. Then from those seeds, do the same 60 seeds hunt and choose our keeper mother. Reverse her and make more seeds than we'll need in a lifetime🤞

I am open to and looking for all suggestions and tips from our vet growers, and hope you all will enjoy the experience as much as I am sure I will!

Searching for sundrops   2waters first cross

Searching for sundrops   2waters first cross 2

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Slow going so far, my inexperience in properly drying and curing the seeds? First test drops didnt pop. I gave the seeds some more dry time and tried to soak some again. I am testing seeds off of #4, #9, and #14 of the TW/NL5. After some cure time, some interesting developments have led me to question if I really have a favorite mother..... I have 2 sprouts so far, 7 more in solos and 2 more with tails that just popped and will be down tomorrow. #9's seeds have been the most vigorous, and she is an interesting lady. After an initial dry, I gave all the phenos an initial smoke test. At that time, there was a wierd earthy triscuits cracker taste/aroma going on that did not smoke pleasantly at all. But to my surprise after 2 weeks of curing there came out a lovely medicinal guava flavor, looks ugly but a great smoke. #20, I attempted to pollenate late, but I'm hoping to still find a bag seed somewhere from her because she has cured to the most unique kefir (lime) leaf flavor. We cook with it often and the smell and flavor is almost identical.

I guess the true test will be to see how it all combines with the MACdawg. That's all for now, until next time, be water my friends
Produced your own seeds? If so, what I’d been told and has worked for me is to allow seeds to fall on their own mostly before harvesting. Then just collect and label. I store in small glass vials.
Produced your own seeds? If so, what I’d been told and has worked for me is to allow seeds to fall on their own mostly before harvesting. Then just collect and label. I store in small glass vials.
Yeah, I leave them in the buds during the regular drying of the flowers. I was hoping to plant quicker than the usual 30 day plus stratification.... seems like an extra week or 2 to air dry some more really helped out. I have glass vials as well, topped off with rice.

Thanks for stopping by, any advice for a first time pollen chucker?
I have to go back to my page and find a link for you about another seed trick I came upon recently that I’m planning to test next run but have confidence it may work well and worth a try at least. I’ll go find it and update this post for you shortly.
Start here, many comments and links from here forward about ethylene treatment for seeds, essentially seeds in ziplock with damp paper towel and banana peels…
Almost left out an important detail. When the seeds fall I don’t collect until at least 3-4 weeks have gone by.
So, we have 7 seedlings. After some more dry time for the seeds, I tested 2 and they popped right up. I dropped 3 more seeds from each of #9, #4, and #14. #14 still not popping, so I'll try next round, but as of now I had 1 of #4 pop but fizzled out in the cup. #9s seeds seem to be the best at the moment, there are five of those and two from #4


I'm looking forward to see the range of phenotypic expressions, as you can see from the two that sprouted first, already showing a difference in leaf width. Well, that's all for now, until next time....

Be water my friends
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