My plan for this season

one of my "himalayan gold" seeds has sprouted!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

the old saying, 'patience is a virtue' comes to mind... :riskybusiness:

a few pics:

easyryders 4 weeks now from seed! these girls are goin for it!!


bushy little devils!!!

stem shot (bit over exposed tho)

group shot!

sun forecast for tomorrow all day!! :hug:
will be bagging up more soil mix and doing a trip up to spot no.1 to do some digging and check on my fishing lines for signs of disturbance.
lmao...I am not as close to the french alps as I would like to be...actualy I went mushroom hunting todayand strolled by my 1 area..3 of the 4 were up rooted and laying about a foot from where I planted them..not sure what it was that did it...deer I am thinking...that was the closest track I could I tucked them back in and told them it would be alrite from now on...and then relived myself around the area...I found zero mushrooms but did stumble across a couple of more potential out look is still not looking the best...lows at nite are in the 40....I need to wait a bit longer...hell the girls get any bigger I should just do a sog...and plant the batch I did a month later...they are 6-10 inch tall....just know I get more product and to me it tastes better...I dont know what I am going to do yet...I do know I am getting a bit impaitent though..
aaahhhhh....morals. hahahaaha. Weatherman is calling for moral weather. Maybe I'll see you in the bush. Morals fried in butter with some fresh bread laying around. 3-4 days maybe?
all this talk of mushrooms reminded me of a recipie so i decided to have it for dinner..
basically you just stuff a chicken/ turkey breast with some fried off onion, garlic (lots of) and mushrooms, (morels if you can find 'em!!) season as you wish and wrap in bacon. cook in the oven and serve with some nice veggies. BOOM! well tasty!! I didn't have morels unfortunately.. maybe next time when i'm not so knackered from digging holes and carrying compost up hills!

here's how the Easyryders are getting on:


had a few quitewarm days which has given them a little boost i think:


will post more pics soon.......
Good work mountain boy! Dont know how you got your easy ryders like that.....mine went to over a meter under 600w HPS (all 10 of them!). I also seem to have done the same to my auto blueberry.....check them out, ive got 7 in total and they are all between 1m and 1.4m tall. They have spent most of the time indoors but I bring them out to play when the suns out! One thing I can say is that I always sow directly into the end pot after soaking for 24hours and it works for me!
Heres 3 new blueberry autos. All sown directly into their lifetime homes (notice these pots are bigger than the last lot as I know what to expect with these beans now!). They soaked in rhizotonic for 24hrs and popped up in 3 days (in the grow room).
These are my Hima Gold (or Church - whatever i recovered out of 6 beans dropped behind the boiler whilst soaking!). They all came up within 5 days. Notice the small pots -these are going into HUGE pots all summer with plenty of pruning to turn them into bushes (hopefully!)
Alpine, your gonna get a half ounce off each of those. Tents amazing, youre a hero!! You definitely need to do another dwarf auto grow while you wait for mother nature to do her bit on the hima gold and big bud (x WW). I recommend lowryder #2 or Buddha Red Dwarf :yummy:

Heres some of last years fresian dew...i reckon it would be an awesome alpine plant, finishes know cos you smoked it:smokin:
Spectacular.. cheers dude.. yeah half ounce would be nice.. not too concerned with yield at the mo... they are a joy to watch growing!!

the Fresian Dew are more than likely going to feature in next years journal i think.. will have to see how the HG get on...

going to keep back some WWxBB and HG seeds for the tent to see the difference between outdoor and indoor... we all know that organic outdoor tastes better but I'm interested to see how organic indoor goes...
Alpine, here are last years autos....lowryder #2 and buddha red dwarf (cant remember which is which, both awesome and similar phenotypes). Would look amazing in that there tent!
On reflection...its clearly written on the pots what they are! And ignore the middle photo, that was some sagamartha ak48 auto which never produced anything...dont buy it! Id also chopped half of RD1 cos i got impatient..:wood:
spectacular pics Spectacular!! :high-five:

here's a couple of night shots of the sleeping WWxBB and Hima Golds:



i added a home-made greenhouse in the form of cut-off bottles which seems to keep them nice and moist, even in the warmest part of the day. :thumb:
i use tooth pics to hold the bottles from blowing away in the alpine breeze...
Youre amazing alpine...i love the bottle greenhouse c/w tooth pick retainers! Im way too lazy it seems!!
Here are the auto ultra-slow-yet-massive-dwarf blueberry from lowlife, under tonights lights....
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