My new grow space

Sooooo.....update time.

My cloning and seedling area.
I figured I would first start off by showing what I do to the bottom of my Solo cups to Aid in drainage. Pretty simple, take an exacto knife and cut three or four corners off the bottom of the cup to allow for water to drain.
Next a group shot of my potted clones. Just potted more up tonight.
And my cloner..... I am definitely finding that the Clones root better and have a much better chance of living when they are on the left side of the cloner where the bubbles are being created more extensively. I used to have them color coded, but that idea went the way of the dodo pretty quickly LOL.

FLOWER round 1- day 35
A group thought of the girls, sorry it's so dark..... You know the drill.
Up close, Crown Royale
Up close, soil white cookies

Veg tent - day 7
Girls are doing well. Now on full strength nutrients. The neglected leaves that I created by allowing a few of them to dry out while they were in seedling stage has all but disappeared. I have done some slight training to allow lower nodes to get some more light. Also fed my DWC Crown Royale tonight as she was only on Calmag for her first bucket.......things are looking good in here.
My ATF in the back right corner is presently being tested to see if it's a male or female. Once again, I used my cloner to create roots on a cutting. Then I will flip it to flower where I will leave it for 5 or 6 days to see if any pre flowers show up?

That's all for last
Have a great day 420!
The flowering room just look amazing man Love to see your grow room is working perfectly for you keep up the great work
Thanks Derb......but This is my girl in veg. The Crown Royal is obviously a little bit more susceptible to high PPM values than the white cookies is. I pushed my white cookies in veg as well and she took it no problem, this one is definitely showing signs of malnutrition. She hasn't grown much at all, her new growth seem to come to a standstill for 3 or 4 days, so I started a flush. I was looking for suggestions on my flush in veg? As I said before, all I've done is pH to 5.7 and add Cal Mag in the appropriate amount for 15 liters of water.
Ok Joe I hope took care of your problems with the rotated photos. Look for the 3 dots. Then edit then rotate looking button. Now I never flush until the end so I can't help ya there but I would never flush with plain water. If I did it would be with 1/4 nutes of what I was feeding and make sure you get good run off. That should do a reset. Hope this helps
With the recent events surrounding my friend, I thought that bringing up the arrival of her MB2 machine might have been a bit cold. Since my friend Z is not getting out of the hospital, and this machine was donated to her from a very generous member.......that member and I have collectively decided that her machine will be donated 1 last time to someone who is truly deserving. @GrowtoHealme was the one who stuck her neck out into the middle of an ongoing member of the month contest to ask for some help with my friend. Although the decision to do that was bold and was met with some criticism, she ultimately succeeded and got a machine donated.

Lady G this one's for you.

Thank you for everything you've done for my friend. We're all better people due to your time and generosity......way beyond anything imaginable.

Dabs, the MB2 that you donated to me has already been put to good use....

. I have made THC capsules (left) for Zena and I have also made CBD capsules (right) for some friends of the family and my family members.

Huge shout out to the members of 420 magazine, you guys are my family, you guys are the best..... I couldn't do it without your help and support.

Grow journal update tonight.

Just out of curiousity Guy, how much bud are you using when you make your oil. I think I used 40 grams on my last batch.....think I will move up to 60 grams next batch. This batch isn't as strong as I want it.
Guy if you go into your gallery you can edit pictures by pressing on the 3 vertical dots.

Yes, go into that area that Derby mentioned and there is an option to "edit photos". Click that.....and then it will bring you to an option where you can zoom in and out and you can rotate the pictures. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will take pictures of it for you so you can find it.
Anyone have any suggestions on my flush in DWC?
Ask Penny, or Growchy or any of the DWC people. I would imagine that a flush in DWC would be clean pH'd water but what the hell do I know about DWC LOL. Yeah ask one of them experts!
Hey Guy... after reading your thing about the MB machine I did a little research on making VAPE oil to see if its possible.. it is. Instead of using Lecithin, use Propelene Glycol and vegetable glycerin.

I found a write up on it.. I'm a big Vaper .. I have an excess of trimmings I can't really conscientiously
throw away. I've got like 2 years boxed up. I wanted to make vape-able oil/E-juice with it using the MB machine. Your post got me wondering so I found a link with directions:

How To: Cannabis E-Liquid With MB Machine | Musical Weed

Looks doable.. now going to just get me some of that MB machine! Props.. to you my friend for making me wanna wonder!! :passitleft:
Hey Guy... after reading your thing about the MB machine I did a little research on making VAPE oil to see if its possible.. it is. Instead of using Lecithin, use Propelene Glycol and vegetable glycerin.

I found a write up on it.. I'm a big Vaper .. I have an excess of trimmings I can't really conscientiously
throw away. I've got like 2 years boxed up. I wanted to make vape-able oil/E-juice with it using the MB machine. Your post got me wondering so I found a link with directions:

How To: Cannabis E-Liquid With MB Machine | Musical Weed

Looks doable.. now going to just get me some of that MB machine! Props.. to you my friend for making me wanna wonder!! :passitleft:
Man I want to learn that got a secret garden vape pen today wow in love . Need to learn how to make instead of 75$ a fill . Following ...
The flowering room just look amazing man Love to see your grow room is working perfectly for you keep up the great work
Thanks brother.....yeah it's dialing in. I've got some things planned thats for sure. Not sure if you know @Van Stank, but months ago when i first read his story on how he ended up here, I PMed him privately to discuss our similarities in injury. Stanks was a sudden "back breaking" lurch that did him in, mine was hereditary degenerative discs and subsequent issues. It started with my interest in his Living soil and particular strain (ATF), that he described as euphoric, as if a blanket had been tossed over him and his pain just disappeared. I thought "hell yeah, I want that, lol". It took me 5 months but I diligently collected everything from his list of ingredients, and almost 3 weeks ago, mixed 200L of it. My girls that are presently in Veg, may very well be my last kick at soil using nutrients. I'll certainly have a learning curve to go through lol. Honestly, I think I'd like to do a mixture of DWC buckets and LOS. Both will allow me to spend more time pruning & fussing over them, rather than being a slave to mixing nutrients for hours. Well see how it goes anyway......thats my "loose" plan. Maybe a couple of trial ATFs in LOS just to see how things go.

Anyway......thanks for hanging out!

Tonight I switched my DWC nutes in flower. Since its coming into week 7, I cut out the DNF bloom fortifier and am just running full nutes x CalMag combo......same with my soil girls. Also did some lower fan leaf removal.

I'm definitely hoping to learn frim each set of subsequent girls as I flower each new set, which techniques for training Im liking more and which gets me my best results. I'm already screwing around with LED heights.

My cloning tent is getting have such issues lol.

I'm going to say goodnight at this point as I try to figure out rotating photos......

Goodnight 420!
Just out of curiousity Guy, how much bud are you using when you make your oil. I think I used 40 grams on my last batch.....think I will move up to 60 grams next batch. This batch isn't as strong as I want it.
Last CBD batch I did was close to 4 ozs, in 6 cups of grapeseed oil & 2 tbsp of sunflower lecithin. I've have yet to do a THC batch from scratch. The oil seen in a previous photo was oil donated graciously to me for Zenas treatment by Kingston Rabbi. I recovered around 4ccs of the 5 he sent me on 2 seperate occasions. I maximized the CCO by mixing it with 30 mls of Grapeseed oil too, and only 1/2 tspn of lecithin. That made almost 40 size 00 capsules. The colour was super dark by comparison. My girlfriend took one of the THC capsules to see how the potency was and said her legs felt wobbly lmao.... she brought them down to Zena at the hospital tonight.
Hey Guy... after reading your thing about the MB machine I did a little research on making VAPE oil to see if its possible.. it is. Instead of using Lecithin, use Propelene Glycol and vegetable glycerin.

I found a write up on it.. I'm a big Vaper .. I have an excess of trimmings I can't really conscientiously
throw away. I've got like 2 years boxed up. I wanted to make vape-able oil/E-juice with it using the MB machine. Your post got me wondering so I found a link with directions:

How To: Cannabis E-Liquid With MB Machine | Musical Weed

Looks doable.. now going to just get me some of that MB machine! Props.. to you my friend for making me wanna wonder!! :passitleft:
You did that "WHOLE THING" by yourself lol. It really is an awesome machine. Once I've got some jarred up bud, I've got some creams to make for some friends as well. Super gracious for the oppurtunity......reps to @TheMadDabber......thanks brother!
Yes, go into that area that Derby mentioned and there is an option to "edit photos". Click that.....and then it will bring you to an option where you can zoom in and out and you can rotate the pictures. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will take pictures of it for you so you can find it.
Ok, so when I go into my member gallery, I see the 3 horizontal dots, with a small arrow located to the right of it. I click it, and the following appears,

Set as avatar
Select media

Nothing to do with photo editing at all. I'm going to continue to look around but honestly lol.......between this and not being able to upload more than 1 photo at a time, it's almost a step backwards in this department......just my .02....
Last CBD batch I did was close to 4 ozs, in 6 cups of grapeseed oil & 2 tbsp of sunflower lecithin. I've have yet to do a THC batch from scratch. The oil seen in a previous photo was oil donated graciously to me for Zenas treatment by Kingston Rabbi. I recovered around 4ccs of the 5 he sent me on 2 seperate occasions. I maximized the CCO by mixing it with 30 mls of Grapeseed oil too, and only 1/2 tspn of lecithin. That made almost 40 size 00 capsules. The colour was super dark by comparison. My girlfriend took one of the THC capsules to see how the potency was and said her legs felt wobbly lmao.... she brought them down to Zena at the hospital tonight.
Wow, 4 ozs to 2 cups of oil? Potent sounding indeed! What are your dosing sizes with that oil? I would like to get my capsules down to 2 capsules instead of my 5, but as long as it gets me to where I need to go....2 capsules or 5 capsules, doesn't matter much to me.
Ok, so when I go into my member gallery, I see the 3 horizontal dots, with a small arrow located to the right of it. I click it, and the following appears,

Set as avatar
Select media

Nothing to do with photo editing at all. I'm going to continue to look around but honestly lol.......between this and not being able to upload more than 1 photo at a time, it's almost a step backwards in this department......just my .02....
I think you need to click on the specific picture...hold on....let me take a pic for you.....
Ok, so when I go into my member gallery, I see the 3 horizontal dots, with a small arrow located to the right of it. I click it, and the following appears,

Set as avatar
Select media

Nothing to do with photo editing at all. I'm going to continue to look around but honestly lol.......between this and not being able to upload more than 1 photo at a time, it's almost a step backwards in this department......just my .02....
I’ll do a video for you and post on your wall tomorrow guy
I just went in to try to edit one of mine and get the same thing. Maybe there's a timer on it and you only have so much time to edit it. I'll upload something and try again.
I just did as well Derby, even though I edited 3 pictures I posted yesterday. Hmmmm....freaking odd.
Wow, 4 ozs to 2 cups of oil? Potent sounding indeed! What are your dosing sizes with that oil? I would like to get my capsules down to 2 capsules instead of my 5, but as long as it gets me to where I need to go....2 capsules or 5 capsules, doesn't matter much to me.
4 ozs of CBD bud to 6 cups. Plus i also added 10 grams of THC strain for opening the cannabinoid receptors. I did the calculations with some help from Sues formula, and they work out to be around 140 mg/ ml. Since my 00 size capsules are .90 mls, we estimated them at approximately 125 mg/ml of CBD in a capsule.
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