My new flood table

but if you use one piece for a long time would this not leave you with a mat full of holes as opposed to just cutting the roots off at the mat and then using

The reasons I suggest this is because the plant doesn't suffer much from the root trimming(from what I've read) and the mat would last that much longer.

I would be curious to know just how long you could use a mat in a continually vegging environment.

Ya I gave my JC2 plants, that are in the tray now a haircut on the roots before I put them in, didn't hurt them that I could see... So ya I just might do the same thing as your thinking... :cheer:

Just as long as you used something to get rid of the dead roots you could use the mat for a long time I would think. The stuff is a bitch to cut...
no kidding I just bought one but I haven't had a chance to try it.

I don't think they'll give me a refund. what did your roots do just stay on top?

what are your plans now to keep the roots in the dark?

mine seem to be doing fine in the light so far.
I'm finding out the coca is not it's talked up to be... I did a complete clean out on my system, And found lots of salt and mildew/bacteria build up on the mat! Salt not my fault... The rest ya! Don't run a closed up rez all the way! It needs to vent... I found out from some peeps that you need to rinse the coca to remove salt or add mag and and some other shit I forgot :smokin: To stop the ph swing...

Well at least it keeps my balls out of the bottom of the tray so it can drain faster... :rofl:

I did put it in the bottom of the mom I planted a couple days ago in dirt, put a piece in then some hydroton, FF ocean, 33% perlite, so it helps there... :rofl:

It's all a learning curve... It cost me $40 bucks big deal Ive thrown more at ugly strippers... :rofl:

Happy 420! Thanks Pit for the info!
you sure are having a good time mule.:grinjoint:

so I'm guessing you are also giving the coca mat the heave ho or am I misunderstanding?

Are you just going to go with the hydroton?

Hey Pit what are you going to us in your tray bottom
you sure are having a good time mule.:grinjoint:

so I'm guessing you are also giving the coca mat the heave ho or am I misunderstanding?

Are you just going to go with the hydroton?

Hey Pit what are you going to us in your tray bottom

I'm having the time of my life!

As I will be growing weed the rest of it...

I have been hit with all kinds of "learning experiences" since I started this... Cost me time,money yadayada... It's all a learning curve, note some curves are steeper than others... :rofl:

Right now, new mat rinsed to hell... And clean hydroton the ph is stable and the roots can grow under it, and not under the mat no cutting roots for me, I like that... I know the base problem of my ph flux, salt/coca... Didn't help the crap growing in the rez! Had me fighting that also on ph... So I will keep it for now... It is however a huge sponge for bad or good microbes to grow in... :peace:
I have been hit with all kinds of "learning experiences" since I started this... Cost me time,money yadayada... It's all a learning curve, note some curves are steeper than others...

This I know.

It looks I may have to go back to the hydroton as well which not a big deal but I was hoping to get away from it in the tray.
I'm tuned in Mule. :popcorn:

Agent green, I see no reason why I should stop this one... The ladies are looking great! I kept one back as a mom. So we will see how 2 stunted 6 week old or so JC2 plants do now that I have the tray "dialed in" Feed them 1/2 nutes today and building up...:cheer:

The mom was transplanted 2 weeks or so ago, in FFOF and 33% perlite got her first feeding today 1/2 nutes, with FF grow big/big bloom better last her she's got a hair-do and 2 weeks before I feed her again...

On a aside, for the flood tray nutes I bought a new bottle of AN senziyme and it said to use it week 1 thru 6 in flower... not veg? WTF? I will get a pic of that up also... And then I go to the site and it list it under some pro feeding level nonsense, I'm no pro...

And the tray has moved and changed... Lots o pot's like the Pit just 2 plants however, and the mom chills in there sometimes next to the humidifier...

This system is ph stable, easy to maintain, fun! Ive had a few stumbling blocks and I will get into that later on... I'm new to this so, I don't know what to do yet, I just know, what not to do... :rofl:
Got an updated pic there mule ol buddy?

I just checked both AN's old and new nute calculators, neither of them had sensizym listed in veg. However a good friend told me I could use 5ml per gallon per week the entire grow. I'm going to use AN's sensi2 nutes an try the sensizym the whole grow and see how it goes. I'd rather use it and try to keep the roots healthy from the get go, don't give root rot any place to go. At least that's the idea.
Got an updated pic there mule ol buddy?

I just checked both AN's old and new nute calculators, neither of them had sensizym listed in veg. However a good friend told me I could use 5ml per gallon per week the entire grow. I'm going to use AN's sensi2 nutes an try the sensizym the whole grow and see how it goes. I'd rather use it and try to keep the roots healthy from the get go, don't give root rot any place to go. At least that's the idea.

In my hand is a printout from the AN site it clearly states 62.59 fl oz for the entire veg cycle of up to 8 weeks in a ten gallon rez... in my other hand I hold a old empty bottle of sensizym and it states "Hydroponics: Mix 5ml per litre {1 tsp per quart}, into the nutrient reservoir. Use weekly during the entire vegetative & flowering cycles." Ive used it the whole grow, I stopped for a few when I had to add H2o2 when my roots went to hell...

I will get pics up of all this tomorrow and pics of the plants! WTF? Now the nutes messing with my head...
Go figure. And I wonder how you are supposed to know if you have the new blend or old blend of nutes so you know which nute calc to look at. I think it was Caf who told me AN had a label issue that was keeping the new PH/PPM Perfect blend off the shelf. I don't know. I'm hoping they just have it straightened out before I make a purchase. I just want a simple method to follow. But what happens while the plants are growing happens, we just have to roll with it brother. Keep up the good work, I be watching for the pics.
Ya it's just label BS so I'm running off my ppm meter so far so good...

A little update... The JC2 mom in the soil, and the runts in the table...


And something that fell into my truck... ;) 20% off + my frequent flier points = Stupid cheap and free nutes with it, how cool is that... :cheer:

Congrats on the new Ebb & Grow I can see you will be putting that bad boy to use in a hurry
+Rep This is a and terrific Grow Journal mule, we are pleased that you have joined our 420Mag Family sharing your knowledge and spreading Cannabis awareness!
Congrats on the new Ebb & Grow I can see you will be putting that bad boy to use in a hurry
+Rep This is a and terrific Grow Journal mule, we are pleased that you have joined our 420Mag Family sharing your knowledge and spreading Cannabis awareness!

Thanks Wingman! I'm having the time of my life! I am however sad at your misfortune, keep your chin up brother! One of the reasons I stopped my grow journal and moved it, I felt I was too high profile, opening myself up to rippers or LEO coming in, even tho I'm "legal"... People with sore ego's do stupid shit ;)! :peacetwo:

Hell Yeah!!! Let the buckets ride!


Hammer Down Mule!


Sir you are as nutty as squirrel shit, or maybe more... :rofl: Nice plants BTW... And yes you are correct, I'm done messing around with this... Grow big or stay on the dispensary porch! :peacetwo:
A few reasons... When the roots grow out of the pots to keep em out of the light, and moist. I have a coca mat under the hydroton and it keeps the mat from taking the plants surfing around the tray. The pots tend to want to cruz around the tray when it's full of water and tip over... I live in Co so we can use all the humidity we can get so it helps that out.

If I had a full tray of pots with plants I wouldn't be using it like this... I could fill the tray with empty pots full of hydroton. However that's a PITA to clean up after I cut these babies out and put them into a ebb and grow for flower... That's the plan :goodluck:

Talk about a self fulfilling proficiency... :cheer: That coca mat was a dumb ass move... And the roots are fine... They are self trimming at this point. It's about time to move them and the new system into a new room... The plan 3 rooms 5' wide 15' long and 16' high on average say the roof is ten' high... That way I can "bounce the light off the walls" To use a narrow space with light movers... So 3 rooms in say 18 feet wide??? Stay tuned I might break it off soon... We will be running 5 plants per room with 3 moms Jacks cleaner2 in veg, Agent orange in germ, God bud on order, those beans hopefully will make it here...
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