My Introduction To DWC Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
Maritimers trials and tribulations learning about running dwc (deep water culture) cannabis plants. This is my first bubble-run. I will go over what equipment I have and then the food. There is more that I don't know about this, so please correct me when I goof. I hate to tag folks, (always forgetting someone) but "special needs Maritimer" has solicited a pair of "Hydro-mentors" in @Rexer and @West Hippie. I will delay for now, learning @Azimuth's secrets to the dip tray or sip tray.

. I will delay for now, learning @Azimuth's secrets to the dip tray or sip tray.

Ha ha. I'm in. To learn about dwc. You could run a SIP bucket at the same time and compare. I like them because you get similar results just with less fiddling. Plus, I  hate pHing my mix. Not sure why as it's simple enough.

Looks like a great setup you've got going! Good luck. Who knows, maybe you'll convince me to get over my pHing phobia. :laughtwo:
Tomorrow will be the first reservoir change on two of the four DWC buckets. I will post my solution and all that when the bucket gets changed out. Spending most of my morning arranging the garden area to accommodate hydroponic gardening. I am fortunate that I have a sump well located downhill from the bloom rooms that serves to discharge waste fluids to my backyard. This is the same well that makes my battles with humidity FUTILE.

Back to the Nute change; @West Hippie has told me that he mixes the potassium silicate then Cal/Mag thoroughly the day before adding nute base. I am heading downstairs to do the pre-mix now hoping to hear back from someone, why I am doing this?

Notice how I am doing what I was told. Ask questions about it later. I provide medicine to a good number of folks and do not want to miss a beat. I asked @Rexer and West Hippie to guide me... I be dam sure I do what they say. hehe
Tomorrow will be the first reservoir change on two of the four DWC buckets. I will post my solution and all that when the bucket gets changed out. Spending most of my morning arranging the garden area to accommodate hydroponic gardening. I am fortunate that I have a sump well located downhill from the bloom rooms that serves to discharge waste fluids to my backyard. This is the same well that makes my battles with humidity FUTILE.

Back to the Nute change; @West Hippie has told me that he mixes the potassium silicate then Cal/Mag thoroughly the day before adding nute base. I am heading downstairs to do the pre-mix now hoping to hear back from someone, why I am doing this?

Notice how I am doing what I was told. Ask questions about it later. I provide medicine to a good number of folks and do not want to miss a beat. I asked @Rexer and West Hippie to guide me... I be dam sure I do what they say. hehe
Hi @Maritimer! Hope your doing good today!

The truth of the matter when it comes to waiting on the potassium silicate to "mix", and the wait time is debatable (or should I say, has been debated).

One side says its bro science and not to wait, the other says let it wait before adding in your next nutrient.

I'm with the wait category, as personally there is no harm in waiting. I only mention it, so you have the background on it.

Myself, I don't even add Silica in any form anymore. It's a cost that I cut out, and never looked back.
And honestly, I like scrogging...and pliable branches seem to be easier with the nets- so it's a win win for me not using it.
I've always heard the reason to add Silica before anything else was to give it time to bind and because it changes the pH quite a bit. I usually add the silica first, but only wait 10-15 minutes before adding everything else.

My fist grow I went with four buckets. Then again I had my son and wife each adopt a bucket so I only had to take care of two. It was still a lot of work, especially once they really start drinking. It was a great learning experience, though, and led to my RDWC system, which is a lot less work. Well, until I need to change the res.

My best DWC bucket tip is to get a 'battery operated liquid transfer pump'. You can pick one up for around $20 and they work great for pumping out the buckets. It's nice when the plants get really big, if you SCROG, or you just don't want to lift the buckets.

Good luck and Happy Growing!
Tomorrow will be the first reservoir change on two of the four DWC buckets. I will post my solution and all that when the bucket gets changed out. Spending most of my morning arranging the garden area to accommodate hydroponic gardening. I am fortunate that I have a sump well located downhill from the bloom rooms that serves to discharge waste fluids to my backyard. This is the same well that makes my battles with humidity FUTILE.

Back to the Nute change; @West Hippie has told me that he mixes the potassium silicate then Cal/Mag thoroughly the day before adding nute base. I am heading downstairs to do the pre-mix now hoping to hear back from someone, why I am doing this?

Notice how I am doing what I was told. Ask questions about it later. I provide medicine to a good number of folks and do not want to miss a beat. I asked @Rexer and West Hippie to guide me... I be dam sure I do what they say. hehe
Afternoon Maritimer if it’s MSA I won’t worry to much as long as it goes in first . If it’s Pro-Tekt definitely first with only 2/3 of your water level then cal-mag and yes I add air only over night for these two . I leave it at 2/3 of the water level till I add the rest of the nutrients then fill to the proper level. Cause the protekt will slime plus it raises the ph so you will have to adjust to 5.8 .
Hey Rex I still use the cheap nutrients which helps to afford the MSA . As it highest cost for the whole grow ( 4 plants ) has been $18 mc $7 calmag & $21 MSA. Now if I would’ve bought the solar panels it would be whole lot less .
This looks like fun so I will stow-away if that's OK.
I am growing sterile hydro so this is pretty close.
I agree with @West Hippie about using the MSA as it is a great carrier for CalMag. I also put it in first, wait an hour or so and then put in the CalMag. (res at about 80%). I then leave it alone for several hours before adding the other nutes.
I use a SCROG for vertical separation a few weeks into stretch but not for training so I am a fan of strong branches.
I agree with @LKABudMan about getting a transfer pump. After your first res change without one, you too will be a fan.

Afternoon Maritimer if it’s MSA I won’t worry to much as long as it goes in first . If it’s Pro-Tekt definitely first with only 2/3 of your water level then cal-mag and yes I add air only over night for these two . I leave it at 2/3 of the water level till I add the rest of the nutrients then fill to the proper level. Cause the protekt will slime plus it raises the ph so you will have to adjust to 5.8 .
Do I adjust to 5.8 before adding GHF (3) and lastly add fresh HydroGuard and enzymes (when they arrive). Is this the order you use? I thought ph after trio of nutes are mixed in.
This looks like fun so I will stow-away if that's OK.
I am growing sterile hydro so this is pretty close.
I agree with @West Hippie about using the MSA as it is a great carrier for CalMag. I also put it in first, wait an hour or so and then put in the CalMag. (res at about 80%). I then leave it alone for several hours before adding the other nutes.
I use a SCROG for vertical separation a few weeks into stretch but not for training so I am a fan of strong branches.
I agree with @LKABudMan about getting a transfer pump. After your first res change without one, you too will be a fan.

My bro :love:
Do I adjust to 5.8 before adding GHF (3) and lastly add fresh HydroGuard and enzymes (when they arrive). Is this the order you use? I thought ph after trio of nutes are mixed in.
I do it lastly with pro-tekt . The MSA didn’t raise the ph .
Hydroguard I add just before dropping the girl in .
Hi @Maritimer! Hope your doing good today!

The truth of the matter when it comes to waiting on the potassium silicate to "mix", and the wait time is debatable (or should I say, has been debated).

One side says its bro science and not to wait, the other says let it wait before adding in your next nutrient.

I'm with the wait category, as personally there is no harm in waiting. I only mention it, so you have the background on it.

Myself, I don't even add Silica in any form anymore. It's a cost that I cut out, and never looked back.
And honestly, I like scrogging...and pliable branches seem to be easier with the nets- so it's a win win for me not using it.
Truth be told all this is very much what the doctor ordered, for me to adopt a time-consuming hobby I can love. Thanks for your thoughts. I am endeared by bro science, especially compared to no science. :love::love:
How is it going @Maritimer

I see you are up to learn something new.
I will tag along if you don't mind; I have been doing DWC for around 10 years or so. I enjoy watching now fast the plant can developed. I am not positive of what all you are using, but this is the order I use.

Silica will increase ph by 0.1
Cal-mag is especially needed if using LED lighting.
Root developer - I use GH Rapid Start will increase ph by 0.2
Hydro-Guard to condition the water. increase ph by 0.1

Alway set solution temperature and ph after your solution is mixed.

If you decided to use the LUCAS formula; it does not use Grow nutrients. Lucas formula does not believe that Grow nutrients are needed and that Micro will supply the Nitrogen need during growth.

Root developer - I use Rapid Start
Hydro-Guard to condition the water.

I have used both of these grow method and believe that less is best.

Will you be doing a scrog net? Better to DIY the net.
I normally use one and average 16 to 18 oz. per bucket with a 8 week veg cycle.

I will be around.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

edit: correct root developer name and added ph raise for a few additives.
Ahoy there!
The first two buckets have now had a reservoir change and the first order of business will be ordering a battery-operated transfer pump. Also grabbing some root enhancer. The old water values are skewed as the water was from tap, but I recorded everything for a week getting used to the task. Anyhow here are the old and new.

Old Nute solution Temp 71 ppm 1020 ph 6.34

New Solution Temp 66 ppm 815 ph adj to 5.8
Hi @LKABudMan
Should have ordered transfer pump when you first mentioned it. Mrs Maritimer is not real happy watching the checkbook, but after only two buckets it will be worth the whining. hehe
Mine uses AA batteries and a lot of them. Since the pump always works better (faster) with fresh batteries, I've switched to rechargeable. Otherwise I was needing new batteries every week or two.
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