My Happy Place


Broke a branch this morning, hope my brace works! Grrrr!!! But as you can see, big mama is doing great! Hopefully some buds will start forming soon! How long does it take?
Your brace looks fine , it should knot up at that smashed point .

How long will it take to flower ? Well that depends on when you flipped to 12/12 and the strain .
You have been flipped to 12/12 for 4 days, right? You need to use some LST on those plants. Especially the big one. They are about to stretch to 2 or 3 times the size they are now. Best to tie them over before they stretch. It will allow the side branches to catch up and even the canopy with multiple bud sites.

When they start stretching they grow very fast and big for the next couple of weeks.

They look very healthy. You should know the sex in a few days since you're at 12/12 now.
She will be just fine. These plants are amazingly resilient. Some people pinch the stems intentionally to effect yield. (supercropping)

As long as the stem isn't broken in half you're good to go. I would still work on getting her bent over more. A little bit per day if needed.

If you thinks it's an infection take a cue tip and rub some peroxide on the spots .. I can't say that it is or isn't .
Update! Sorry guys and gals I havent posted many pictures, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)
So I moved the grow room because I had no more ceiling room and it was crowded lol! Also, I made a moveable stand for my 125w light so I can move it around the plants.. and its working fairly great!! I have noticed some upper leaves turning yellow. Should I get another nute? Any advice is welcome. Without further ado here are some pictures:
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