My First Journal: GG#4 In DWC & Soil

I’ve run nutes that fall out of solution but went with Dynagro and it won’t give you the goopies
Good to know. It seems as I am in the right place. I am sure if I do something wrong, I am in good hands with everyone here to get me back on the right track.
Jumpin in for the roller coaster ride!... hopefully we can help you keep it a smooth one. So far the advice that’s been given is great! I agree with it all.
For the record I have no exp with Fox Farm nutes. All my research led me to use the GH flora trio series( micro, gro, bloom) along with botanic garden’s CalMag plus, and I have had nothing but amazing results with my dwc/rdwc system. That being said I have now started to make the transition to MegaCrop Greenleaf nutrients. I have 2 in ProMix and a dwc bubble bucket using MC. Everything is looking very healthy with no issues at all.

As stated before. No questions are stupid. We all start somewhere.
Jumpin in for the roller coaster ride!... hopefully we can help you keep it a smooth one. So far the advice that’s been given is great! I agree with it all.
For the record I have no exp with Fox Farm nutes. All my research led me to use the GH flora trio series( micro, gro, bloom) along with botanic garden’s CalMag plus, and I have had nothing but amazing results with my dwc/rdwc system. That being said I have now started to make the transition to MegaCrop Greenleaf nutrients. I have 2 in ProMix and a dwc bubble bucket using MC. Everything is looking very healthy with no issues at all.

As stated before. No questions are stupid. We all start somewhere.
Thank you for stopping in. Fox Farms has been great to me for soil grows. When I started to do the reading on DWC, I read that Fox Farms could be used in the grow. So i figured good results in soil should give me good results in DWC too. It might be the case, but since I am just starting to get this grow going, I wanted something specifically for hydroponics. I have the Z7 arriving early next week without any delays. My plan is to just log the GG4 in the soil and dwc but I'll show off the GDP, Grape Ape and others along the way.
So this morning checking on my babies....GG in soil coming along very well. I may need to add some cal-mag into some waterings. As of now I am more then ok. Something I will continue to monitor. GG4 in DWC has alot more going on under the lid then above. Roots are really starting to grow in. Obviously a good thing. Nice white color to them. This Friday I'll do a res change then bump the feed level up a tad. The following week I expect to be adding Z7 and switching the nutrients up on the DWC plant.

I may top the plant in soil a little earlier then the plant in DWC. I may be main-lining the soil plant. I wanted to see what modification will be the best for this grow. Space is not an issue.
A little look at my other little ladies. Front left is the Grape Ape. To the right is White Widow. Back left is Granddaddy Purple and to the right is the GG#4 in soil. You also get a look at a tomato plant lol.

The roots on the GG#4 in DWC. Growing sems like double in size every 24 hours.
The DWC plant will grow very fast if she’s dialed in. Your gonna love water culture.
The plant in DWC is a little smaller then the soil but she also came out about a day and a half later. I have read harvests " if dialed in correctly" can be as big as 25% more then in soil. Like I said, I really like the extra time I get with the plant too checking on the water regularly, were in soil it was water once and feed once a week. Things seem to be going well so far. Plant is growing, no discoloration and looks overall happy. No complaints in the garden as of yet. I am sure things will get even better once I start adding the Z7 and different nutes this upcoming week.
Another benefit I am loving from the DWC grow is that I can see how the roots develop properly. I was looking for a chart online about PH falling and rising, as well as the different meanings from different levels going up and down.
So this weekend will be my first res change....i started this grow without having that little "L" tube on the outside of the bucket for changes and checking levels. So I was thinking just taking the lid off and placing it above another bucket for a couple minutes while I change the res. Should I add water to that bucket or just let the roots dangle for a few minutes?
Let the roots dangle in an empty bucket no issues with that. If you have an extra bucket mix everything up the day before you want to change the res then just put your net pot on to the new bucket.
Let the roots dangle in an empty bucket no issues with that. If you have an extra bucket mix everything up the day before you want to change the res then just put your net pot on to the new bucket.
I didn't even think about just adding everything to a new bucket then just swapping the buckets out. It'll make life much easier for me. Good thing to also remember as I am building a little one for cuts and such. Thanks!!!
I survived a week keeping a plant alive in water. High Five everyone lol...

Res change today. Bumping the nutrients up a little today as well. Plant is starting to catch up to the other one in soil. At the end of this upcoming week, I should be looking to up-pot the plant into it's final fabric pot in soil. Topping and training to begin next week as well.
I have been following a couple grows on Instagram. One of the growers is using nutrients called Prescription Blend. Pretty affordable with awesome results. I just ordered this so hopefully by next week I'll be using it for the DWC. The soil plant will still receive the Fox farm trio.
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