My First Journal: First Time LED And 3rd Grow

That timer plug should be here today just a question do you think I should leave it as it is as it's in it's last 2 to 3 weeks now then have a play with timer plug get temps rite just don't Wana plug an an it drop loads because I've not got it set up 100% rite
Entirely your choice mate. I would set it up and give it a try. Keep an eye on it for a couple of days to make sure it's doing what it should be. If it's setup right it won't let the temp plummet.
What are you going to program your min and max temp as?
Was going to set it at 21 lights off 29 lights on an yeah I can do that now lighting hours are few hours difference socket got turnt of with lights on but luckily it was lights out anyway but forgot to turn all back on for lights on went up 2 hours after and changed timers for 12/12 from when I noticed just waiting for post still lol
Okay cool. So yeah just set the max temp as 29 and the min as 21 and away you go. Personally I'd probably go max 26 or 27. 29 is pushing the limit of too hot.
Yeah IL have to give a good read before I play with it so I suppose it will do low temp on a timer part but could be for timer to turn on will only tell when it turns up IL post a pic of to what I've set it as after playing IL do max at 27 should I do minimum as 20 then you think bro?
I've got temps set and first f01 on 12 hours on 12 off but you think countdown would be going down to the low point before it cuts off?? This things baffled me



Hmmmm it's a good question. Never used one. If I'm thinking right, with that setting using temperature mode the temp in your grow space will always be kept between 20 and 27 all the time. But it will constantly fluctuate between those two. So the heater will switch off when the room reaches 27C and then will allow the temp to drop down to 20 before switching on again and rising all the way up to 27C again. Not sure if that constant yo-yo'ing would be ideal. Trying to make out of you can set different temp ranges for different time periods. I think worst case scenario is you have to remember to change the program each day at lights on and lights off. Say like lights on program it for 24-27C and then at lights off change it to 19-21C. Then it would maintain a more stable temperature range during those time periods.
Only other thing I can think of if that's not possible is to just narrow that temperature margin. Say 22-26C through day and night. So far I haven't seen anything against having the same day to night temp. Could be worth trying that and making notes of how the temp is changing throughout a 24Hr period. 26C max is ideal for flowering.
Only other thing I can think of if that's not possible is to just narrow that temperature margin. Say 22-26C through day and night. So far I haven't seen anything against having the same day to night temp. Could be worth trying that and making notes of how the temp is changing throughout a 24Hr period. 26C max is ideal for flowering.
Yeah I might just turn heater down a tad because at the mo stays between around 24 lights off and 28lights on with heater left on all the time but t does click on and off with its built in thermostat not caused problems just trying to get ideal temps and stuff I think IL have a play with it for my veg tent that's coming se what can actually set with it just incase it's rubbish I fort I'd be able to to two different temps on two different times got to be something I can get for it but like you said I haven't seen problem with temps ruffly same for day and night so far well I definitely Wouldn't recommend lol
Well I think I am I flipped lighting on 27th December so counted from 28th after light out would 4th January be week one or 28th December started showing pistols around the 1st January just confused me sat thinking I'm I abit to quick or just overthinking lol
Just go from when you switched to 12/12. Keeps it simple. Lol.
Think I'm just to high over thinking everything lol so I'l go day 1 as 28th December lol then that means im all on track haha
Noicee @Ljb1. Nice move getting the colas a consistent height too :thumb:
I've had to put one one top of a small dog create to try get same height it's all starting to get really smelly and sticky now to how you been GG??
I've had to put one one top of a small dog create to try get same height it's all starting to get really smelly and sticky now to how you been GG??
Good improvisation. Exciting times a head in here. Looking forward to it.

I’m not too bad thanks mate, it’s the weekend - happy days. Trying to keep on top of my own ladies, you know how it is, they keep me busy. How about you?
Not sure about using CO2 I'm afraid. Hopefully someone does.

I am a new grower but I can tell you that I have tried multiple CO2 solutions and would advise you save your money on those CO2 bags (Exhale). I say this from practical experience, not opinion.

There are a lot of variables when talking about this topic so the best way to confirm is to do your own testing. I read tons of reviews (for many different solutions) that talked about how great they work; some with ppm values that seemed to validate their review so I bought in and gave them a try.

Like I said earlier, I tried mushroom bags, sugar/yeast buckets, folic acid/sodium bicarbonate buckets and I was very disappointed in every one.

I fell upon this thread randomly and did not read it from the beginning so forgive me if I missed something on earlier pages. Before you go after CO2, you should have all of your other parameters dialed in first and have a high light intensity light to utilize the enhancement.

Also, you need a decent quality CO2 meter so you can feel confident with the data. If you are there, I will share my experience with CO2.

I started with a large Exhale bag in my small 3x3 tent. I do circulate my air into a small 10x5 lung room which is reasonably sealed. My CO2 levels were awful (I gave it the benefit of the doubt because they do need time to fully activate so I stayed with it and continued to get terrible results. I added a second XL bag to see if maybe I had a bad bag but nope, barely moved the needle...

I tried most of the common DIY solutions and all of them are insufficient. My research suggests your two main (effective) options are 1) a CO2 bottle, regulator and controller or 2) a propane driven solution which are very effective but will induce heat and most growers are constantly battling temperatures so if you are like me (in a very small area where additional heat is a deal- breaker, this can require some special solutions).

I went down the rabbit hole trying to come up with an out-of- the-box solution and by the time I got everything working properly, I wished I had just went with option #1 above. I was trying to save money and live in a rural town where filling CO2 bottles is inconvenient so I was willing to try anything but by the time I was done getting everything to actually work effectively, I spent approximately the same and felt like I could have used all the time/ energy doing better things.

If you are going to enhance, do your research and make some calculations for the long term as it is easy to waste time, money, or get lost like I did. I didn't really have any guidance and wish I could have relied on the reviews you see on the internet; in my case they were wrong.

I wish you luck with your grow and will be watching...
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