My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium - Advice Welcome

Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

I LOVE when that happens :)

wish i had a groom like both of yours, would link a grow to show you how 2 aqua farms and 8 week veg can get 40 oz from 2 plants but its not on this site.......... makes me so jealous lol
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Think i sorted the timer thing ill know for sure at 8pm and 1am.
Transplants at Day 6 of veg are all looking good bending and streatching towards the light which i have moved gradually down to 30 inches now with no signs of distress so i'll go a little bit lower tomorrow. Soil still has some moisture half a finger depth under the surface but they may need their first watering tomorrow as well, wasn't going to use any nutes if i do. I have a mix of Unknown/Ice and Fem Green Poison that i didn't tag, and i'm culling off i don't want any more around as i really need, problem is i wanted an even mix and now im just guessing the bloody things all look the same to me at this stage but iv'e gotta get my numbers down so a bit of sleuthing and then eanie meanie miney mo....
Ive had my timer problems in the flowering room where my Fem Cream Caramels are at Day 6, ive worked out they were getting 13 hours of light, days 3 and 4 and then yesterday they got at least 6 but no more than 8, really concerned im going to herm these if i havn't already. i'm giving them a good going over for pods forming without the hairs never dealt with Feminized before and heard this strain was touchy so critically no more timer stuff ups. I watered, just water no nutes before lights on this morning i usually water at lights out do you guys know which if either could be better.

Thanks again everyone for supporting my journal and please if you see anything that im doing wrong or could be doing different let me know, your comments and advice are sought and greatly appreciated.:thanks:

Note to self
Keep instruction manuals
Tag plants
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

hey bro,

sounds like things are shaping up nicely... bummer to hear about your timer issues tho! i certainly hope you dont get any hermies as a result... although i have a feeling they will be fine.

i normally water in the morning myself.. gives the plants time to use the nutrient/water while it is active with its photosynthesis processes etc. There is a risk of moulds or fungus that COULD develop if you water at night or before lights go off.. wetting down your plants and soil, there is no light to help with its evaporation... with the increased humidity you thereby increase potential risk for mould/fungus to grow on wet plants/leaves.. warm environment+high levels of humidity+dark periods with added condensation=mould/fungus.. just a minor consideration tho brother, i think this entirely depends on what kind of grow set up we are working with and a strains inherent genetic potential to fight diseasements and moulds etc .. in tighter tents or the like i think the potential can increase.. but as long as there is good ventilation- no worries... and i wouldnt be too concerned.

all the best bro! :ganjamon:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

yea second what alkhemist says,plants dont feed during lights off time, so always best to feed at lights on, i didnt realise this till i started hydro, now the ladies are drinking 10 litres of water a day, need to top up res every mornin
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Day 6 Veg

talking about lights on watering ill want to change the lights on time its 5am at the moment, is it alright to just move it 3 1/2hrs at once to 8:30 am or should i change it like an hour a day.
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Day 6 Veg

talking about lights on watering ill want to change the lights on time its 5am at the moment, is it alright to just move it 3 1/2hrs at once to 8:30 am or should i change it like an hour a day.

During veg I wouldn't worry about it and just move it all at once. In flower, I make changes 30 minutes a day.
One thing it took me awhile to realize. When moving light schedules, don't worry about the day cycle. Always 'move' the dark cycle. This way you ensure to maintain flowering or veg. In other words, if you moved your schedule now, and it resulted in a 14 hour "night", that is bad. Probably won't hurt anything in veg though. Now if you were in flowering and tried to make an adjustment and gave them an 8 hour night, that could cause all sort of problems.

Those plants look great for 6 days. :goodjob:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

thanks Hiker i should have said but it is my veg i want to move the light hours, so i think if i got it right i'll change with one 21 hr day instead of 18. Pics were six days from the clone box so nineteen days from cuttings and im happy how they're going thanks, im actually luvn the indoor experience getting to spend more stare time :yummy:, analyzing the grow more than i have been able to outdoors where im in and out quickly.
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Update on strains. Found out what i thought was Cream Caramel P1 is none other than Unknown/Ice.
Unknown/Ice Day 7 Flowering

Bud stars shining on a clear green night.

Cream caramel Day 7 Flowering

Unknown/Ice Day 21 Day 7 Veg
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Looking great Dash, and yes your ladies will thank you for giving them more light! I just turned my room up also. Well turned on the other 2k a couple days ago.



Keep up the good work! Until next time.....:goodjob::thumb:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

love that description, "bud stars shining on a clear green night" :cheesygrinsmiley: your buds are setting up nicely after 7 days bro! excellent stuff- should start seeing some sick buds showing their heads soon :cheesygrinsmiley: all the best bro! :goodjob:
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

Thanks Bro glad you liked the description, yeah buds really starting to show themselves today so im getting excited :slide: Have a bit of what i think is heat/light stress (extreme tips of leaves yellowing/browning) in both rooms so have backed the lights off a bit and turned the fans up a notch. Could use a bit of advice on my ferts in the flowering room, im giving them 1/2 strength tomato fert once a week which is every third watering at the moment and i think they looking ok but do you think i could up the fert strength or regularity, or both as i want to make sure they're getting enough but dont want to overdo it.
Re: My First Indoor Grow 2400w HPS Soil Medium- Advice sought

hey man you have the most legit set up! everything is nice and neat, u got plenty of lights, white walls, even a sink right there with running water! perfect man your plants are loooking great, what are your temps and RH% usually at? also how often are you watering and with how much water/nutrients. Just a few things to keep in your mind, peace!
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