Hi Ronnie -
A few questions... Some you may have answered, but I may have forgotten. How big is your reservoir? 12 ml isn't much Cal/Mag, do you use filtered RO water, or tap? If you use RO, perhaps more cal/mag is in order as they seem to need more cal specifically at transition and beginning of bloom. I use about 4ml per gallon (mfg recommends up to 5ml, not sure on your brand).
Did you use Florakleen for your flush? I have personally discontinued using products like Florakleen mid-grow. I still use it at final flush time. Mid grow, flushing with 1/4 strength nutrients works well and the plants seem to respond well. I've had some issues with minor deficiencies after flushing with Florakleen mid-grow, that have led me to suspect, at least in my system, that it lingers a little and continues to leach somewhat. The good news is that it always turns around, but I noticed deficiencies were always popping up afterwards, and have disappeared since discontinuing the use of flush products mid-grow.
Side-note: why 1/4 strength nutrients for flush mid-grow? "Like" molecules bond to "like" molecules, and a weak nutrient solution will flush better than straight water without shocking the plants or completely stripping them of nutrition.