Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo
Thanks for the kind words X really appreciate it bro
I ordered that sns 209 and about 30 my later both you and Vick told me about the dunks I figured I would give this stuff a try and if not on to the dunks.the sns sounds promising though,its a rosemary extract that the plants uptake and make the taste of the plants unapealling to the gnats or any other critter,once its in the plants I can discontinue using it so fingers crossed because the bottle I paid for $53 with shipping is just enough for both my resses
SNS 209 is good stuff (I actually like the smell too!), and I used it throughout my grow 2 grows ago - I'm really familiar with it. I decided against it this round as my other "preventative" measures seemed to be working pretty well, and it's
not cheap stuff as you mentioned (though I was fortunate to win some in one of the
contests here).
I've also discussed this product at length with the people at Sierra Natural Sciences, and they were pretty adamant that it's a good
preventative and long-term
deterrent, but not the solution for an existing problem.
FWIW, They recommended using their SNS 203 product to "fix" the existing problem, then transitioning to the SNS 209 to keep them from coming back. For me it was fungus gnats and root aphids, both.
They are very helpful, btw, and nice people if you ever want to call and pick their brains about this stuff.
If it were me, and based on my previous battles with them (fungus gnats)? I'd tackle it with dunks, AND do the SNS 209. If the problem is just fungus gnats, I don't think the SNS 203 is necessary as it's also expensive. And, probably overkill battling fungus gnats that can be controlled by a combo of dunks and the SNS 209 that you bought.
Just my 2 cents - I've battled fungus gnats a few times, unfortunately! Hope you don't mind the suggestions - I'm sure you have or will have it under control anyway...