My First Grow: Georgia Pie

Looking good.
Yea as I suspected she was drinking more than you could afford to stay away happened to me before too that’s why I knew to remind you water before walking out the door.
Luckily tho she took a little damage cannabis enjoys a wet dry cycle with the method you’re growing.
So things will bounce back fairly quickly once she gets her water.
During dry cycles the roots go searching for water, so tho she shows a little damage up top she was doing a lot of work below that will make leaving her without water harder to do.

As far as the SIPS go they really are set it and forget it.
Gro buckets are inserts you can use so all you have to do is drill a hole and insert bottom add soil and water.
Takes a lot of the work out of it and gets you straight to the results

Hope you enjoyed your trip! It was cold this weekend hope you bundled up!

Edit* for punctuation and spelling sorry this was my first reply of the morning no smoke or coffee yet 😂
You were right, I did water right before i left but as you said she drinks more than I could afford to stay away:). I'm glad she didn't take more damage and that the others seemed to hold their own pretty much. I will have better methods for next time for sure. Maybe when I start the autos I will go for the sip method.

I had a wonderful trip thank you for asking, NV was a bit chilly as well but I came prepared for that. No need to apologize for the spelling/punctuation I am grateful for your reply and all the information you bestowed, i'm not a stickler for those things but I definitely understand about not having your morning smoke and coffee yet:laugh:
Day 30 (12/21)
I have noticed new growth on all the girls,
GP1 has healthy looking new growth at the top and appears to be okay after her trim. This was in the morning before going to work, I did check the soil to see if she needed to be watered at that time around 6:30am she did not, although by the time I got home 6:08pm, there was a slight droop and she and GP2 were watered lightly. I also moved the light up a few inches about 2 to accommodate for them getting a bit taller, as well as rotated the pots.

She was also still okay this morning and receive a light watering on my return from work. This picture was also taken in the morning before I left.

She drinks the least so she was the only one who did not need water when I returned from work, more than likely she will need it by tomorrow. This was also taken in the morning before work.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday 😊 and if you are in a cold region staying warm and safe.
Day 31 (12/22)

Good morning everyone and happy Thursday😊. This is what the girls looked like this morning GP3 is to the
left, GP1 to the right and GP2 in front.
I went into the tent and noticed she had a bit of new growth towards the bottom since her cut, i was worried that the giant fan leaves were blocking most of the light so I tried my hand at some low stress training😅. This is the result

I also tried a bit of low stress straining and I think it went okay, I didn’t break anything or hear anything snap.

She did not need to be watered still so I gave her a bit of LST as well, just very slight since she is tiny.

I know I will have to do this multiple times as I am sure they will start to bend back up towards the light. I may have been too gentle, my LST was probably more like a gentle tug on the stems😅.

If things go as planned, I originally planned to veg for about 2 months or so flipping to flower near my birthday of January 25th. But I am keeping in mind the possible stretch and my grow space so if they reach a certain height before then I will do it sooner.
I’m leaving you all with a question this morning feel free to chime in. Do you prefer wet or dry trimming and why? Me personally I’ve never trimmed anything(since it’s my first grow)😂 so I don’t have experience with either.

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. Happy Growing😄
You don't get much sleep it looks like!

Plants look very nice after the recent work you've done with them. :thumb:

I wet trim so I can inspect each bud for bugs, rot, and mold, but many growers will dry trim. I also like my sugar leaves off the buds after trimming, and I find that more difficult to do once they've dried and curled in.

I've never heard anything that keeps that from being a completely personal decision.
Wet trim, the leaves stick out, easier to cut. Dry trim more trichomes fall off
Looks like they are coming back, after the drought
What don't kill em only makes them stronger
You don't get much sleep it looks like!

Plants look very nice after the recent work you've done with them. :thumb:

I wet trim so I can inspect each bud for bugs, rot, and mold, but many growers will dry trim. I also like my sugar leaves off the buds after trimming, and I find that more difficult to do once they've dried and curled in.

I've never heard anything that keeps that from being a completely personal decision.
I actually don’t sleep much at all 😂 usually 4-5 hours on a good day. Thank you so much, GP1 looks a lot better than she did upon my return☺️. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and methods, trimming is definitely a personal decision as far as wet vs dry. I was just curious to see what other prefer. With the reasons you gave, I definitely understand why wet trimming is your preference😃. Do you worry about them drying to quickly?
Wet trim, the leaves stick out, easier to cut. Dry trim more trichomes fall off
Looks like they are coming back, after the drought
What don't kill em only makes them stronger
I hadn’t thought of that, I can see how it would be easier with the leaves sticking out to trim, and to preserve the trichomes. Do you ever have issues with to fast of a dry? Slowly but surely coming back😄
Day 32 (12/23)
Thank goodness it’s Friday 😃 Hi everyone, the high today is -1 here, so I hope everyone is staying warm.

The photo above shows GP3 to the left, GP2 to the right and GP1 behind. I continued with LST this morning slight bending the stems in ways that allow more light to penetrate lower ones. Other than that there really isn’t much to update on today. I will check back towards the middle of the day to see if there are any noticeable changes. The following pictures are after the LST I attempted to do.




Happy Growing💕
Good luck with the weather...I hear it's moving out of the plains soon and the east coast is next. 🧊

Is there a reason you have the plants all in the middle of the tent? If you spread them out some the leaves won't touch and there will be better light to the lower growth.
Do you worry about them drying to quickly?
I dry them either in a big cardboard box or a 2x4 tent (depending on what's available), so I try to control the hang dry by sealing them off or blowing air in. All depends on the ambient RH in my neighborhood at the time.
Day 32 (12/23)
Thank goodness it’s Friday 😃 Hi everyone, the high today is -1 here, so I hope everyone is staying warm.

The photo above shows GP3 to the left, GP2 to the right and GP1 behind. I continued with LST this morning slight bending the stems in ways that allow more light to penetrate lower ones. Other than that there really isn’t much to update on today. I will check back towards the middle of the day to see if there are any noticeable changes. The following pictures are after the LST I attempted to do.




Happy Growing💕
Yeah buddy -22 in Denver yesterday lol had heater on full blast all day! Girls are looking a good! I agree with other poster about spreading them out a bit.. maybe LST them outwards a bit away from each other?
Good luck with the weather...I hear it's moving out of the plains soon and the east coast is next. 🧊

Is there a reason you have the plants all in the middle of the tent? If you spread them out some the leaves won't touch and there will be better light to the lower growth.

I dry them either in a big cardboard box or a 2x4 tent (depending on what's available), so I try to control the hang dry by sealing them off or blowing air in. All depends on the ambient RH in my neighborhood at the time.
Thank you so much, I only went out once today for food for my kitten. I hope things are warmer where you are 😊.
My reasoning was due to the light intensity drops in the corners so I was trying to keep them all in the middle of it. Maybe I took it too literally😅? I will try to spread them out a bit for a few days to a week and see how they do. Thank you for the suggestion😊

As far as your drying methods, that makes sense actually. I’ve read that many wet trimmers worry about/ have issues their crop drying too quickly so I was trying to get more insight. I’m happy it’s not an issue for you😊
Yeah buddy -22 in Denver yesterday lol had heater on full blast all day! Girls are looking a good! I agree with other poster about spreading them out a bit.. maybe LST them outwards a bit away from each other?
-22😳😱😱😱😱, I cannot imagine that. Do they advise citizens to stay indoors and close non essenstial businesses? I hope you are staying warm, i don’t blame you for having your heater on full blast.
Thank you so much, I think I will measure a 4x4 space inside the tent so I can avoid the drop in the corners with the light and can LST them outward without worry.😊
-22😳😱😱😱😱, I cannot imagine that
I can it's that cold here in the Canadian prairies. Into the -40s with the wind-chill
I hang my plants in a cold room in the basement the colder the better
Happy Holidays
I hope everyone who celebrates has a wonderful time with friends, family, or even alone. Many blessings, wishing you all a relaxing holiday season filled with joy.🤗
Day 33 & Day 34

Day33 -12/24 Saturday

Saturday there was not really much to do, I did space the pots out a little more so they are no longer touching, and rotated the pots . I continues with light LST as well trying to manipulate them outward as suggested😊

GP3 is on the left, with GP1 to the right, and GP2 in front.

This day I kept the RH between 65-70, and watered GP2 very lightly.




Sunday- Day 34 (12/25)
This morning GP1’s dehydrated leaves were really bothering me so I took them off so the energy could go to the smaller five finger leaves she is putting out. I also gave GP2 and GP3 a trim taking off the lower three finger leaves.



GP2- She was not happy about it, and was a bit droopy, received a light watering


GP3- She is still loving her 0.5 gallon, although in a week or two I hope to put her in a gallon pot.

RH was set to high today (between 75-85), they really seem to thrive afterwards, but only tomorrow will tell.

Happy Growing 💕

I can it's that cold here in the Canadian prairies. Into the -40s with the wind-chill
I hang my plants in a cold room in the basement the colder the better
I believe it, one of my friends just moved from Canada to the states not long ago, and he would also mention their winter weather. I thought we had it bad😫, I hope you are staying safe and warm. With colder temps in the basement do you that the dry takes longer? If so, does that then make you worry about mold?
It was a hot 14 degrees today😂, at least it felt somewhat nice after being in the negatives. I’ll take what I can get😊, hope you are staying warm this holiday season.
I believe it, one of my friends just moved from Canada to the states not long ago, and he would also mention their winter weather. I thought we had it bad😫, I hope you are staying safe and warm. With colder temps in the basement do you that the dry takes longer? If so, does that then make you worry about mold?

It was a hot 14 degrees today😂, at least it felt somewhat nice after being in the negatives. I’ll take what I can get😊, hope you are staying warm this holiday season.
Not in the winter, the humidity in my house is barely 20 %. I try to take it as long as possible 5 days in winter, a week in the summer. Till outside leaves feel crunchy Then jar, put in fridge, humidity usually comes up to 70-80%. I than remove let dry for 1-2 hours, put back in fridge. repeat every few days till 62 % & keep stored in fridge. Have some 3 years old stuff still tastes great
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are staying safe and warm☺️ I know i’m definitely playing catch-up after the busy three day weekend

Day35 Monday 12/26 - Day 36 Tuesday12/27

Day 35 Monday- (12/26)

In this picture we have GP2 to the left, GP1 to the right and GP3 up in front. This was taken in the morning a few hours after lights on and everyone mostly seems to have recovered from their trim. I’m really happy by how quickly they seem to bounce back. I did not do much this day, I did check the soil which was still slightly most so I did not water.




Day 36 Tuesday-( 12/27)

This picture was taken at 6:30am yesterday, all of the girls were pretty thirsty and definitely needed a drink which I gave them later in the evening after returning from work. I don’t want to over water them or underwater so i’ve been trying to be more careful. I miss my inside tent camera pictures, with the new spacing it’s hard to get them all in one shot. I will need to get the small ladder to hang it higher. (4’11 problems😂)
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