My First Grow An A 4x4!

Sorry your little one didn't make it. Is there such a thing as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) for plants?
Not sure lol perhaps something similar? Such is life. Hope its the only one I have to watch die. I just cant wait till i know they have a good root system and are more hardy.
I've been pretty fortunate. I've had one bad seed that never sprouted, pissed me off too because it was the most expensive seed I've bought, and one sorry weak plant I culled half way through a grow.
I've been pretty fortunate. I've had one bad seed that never sprouted, pissed me off too because it was the most expensive seed I've bought, and one sorry weak plant I culled half way through a grow.
Yea if seeds were cheaper i would care a lot less. I got 3 going strong and 1 slow grower. Hopefully it ends up surviving. Can't absorb as much light as the others unfortunately cause it doesn't have any true leaves. Ill be germing a few more seeds to throw in tomorrow.
The nutes I wanna get are 50 bucks. Gunna do general hydroponics flora gro, flora micro, flora bloom, amd calimagic. Wrote out the schedule I'm gunna use just now. I'm poor so it might be a while until I can get the nutes unless i work some magic somehow. Anyway I have a question hopefully someone can answer. Is there anything natural I can feed them for now? Even if its not super strong I just think it would be best they have something. Anyway to give them a calcium boost? I am growing in 80% coco and 10% peralite and 10% poultry manure. I read that in coco a calcium supplement is kinda important. How will growing in coco do without any nutes for a while? Hopefully I can find a way to get an extra 50 bucks. Its not alot but I'm totally on a rut right now. Not gunna explain my life but it turns out i have a broken wrist from over a year ago amd I just now found out about it so I'm not working atm. Got bills and stuff that habe to be paid and the nutes are being pushed on the back burner. Any thoughts?
Lol! Just did some reading and apparently urine is okay to feed plants if you dilute it. So guys, I might be doing just that. If it gives my plants something to use for food I'm game. Hopefully will have the nutes ASAP! Any suggestions for a calcium/magnesium supplement I could also mix in with water that I can give em? Something that most people probably have at home?
Sorry to hear about the broken wrist. Been there done that. Ended up getting a proximal row carpectomy (where they take out 2 bones in your wrist). Pass on that if they offer it as a solution. My wrist is as bad now as it was when broken and there is no way to go back.

As far as feeding, I've used Dyna Gro Foliage Pro (a complete 1 part fertilizer with all the macro and micro nutrients) for several years. It's inexpensive. It's not "natural" but I don't think what you were planning on feeding them is either. You can use the same product from start to finish. It cuts down on costs a lot from not having to have a bunch of different products. I'm not quite sure how it will work with the chicken manure. I normally feed it at a rate of 1/4 tsp for week 1, 1/2 tsp week 2, 3/4 tsp week 3, and 1 tsp per gallon for week 4 and beyond, and I feed every watering. I suppose if I was using it in conjunction with a soil or Coco ammended with some sort of fertilizer (like your chicken poo). I'd probably do the 1/4 or 1/2 and let the plant tell me if it wanted more. Just throwing it out there for what it's worth.
Yea I might go woth the fox farm trtrio but its smaller bottles for pretty mu
Sorry to hear about the broken wrist. Been there done that. Ended up getting a proximal row carpectomy (where they take out 2 bones in your wrist). Pass on that if they offer it as a solution. My wrist is as bad now as it was when broken and there is no way to go back.

As far as feeding, I've used Dyna Gro Foliage Pro (a complete 1 part fertilizer with all the macro and micro nutrients) for several years. It's inexpensive. It's not "natural" but I don't think what you were planning on feeding them is either. You can use the same product from start to finish. It cuts down on costs a lot from not having to have a bunch of different products. I'm not quite sure how it will work with the chicken manure. I normally feed it at a rate of 1/4 tsp for week 1, 1/2 tsp week 2, 3/4 tsp week 3, and 1 tsp per gallon for week 4 and beyond, and I feed every watering. I suppose if I was using it in conjunction with a soil or Coco ammended with some sort of fertilizer (like your chicken poo). I'd probably do the 1/4 or 1/2 and let the plant tell me if it wanted more. Just throwing it out there for what it's worth.
Thanks. Yea I broke my lunate bone I think its called. But appreciate the info. I think they said something about removing a bone so ill see what the other options are! Good to know. And ill look into that dynagrow stuff for sure. I habe some regular plant food that's like 24-?-? I might just add a pinch to some water so it has something. Gunna wait till it really starts to show signs that they need food. Hopefully by then I will have something.
Got some more seeds today and am germing two right now. They are iron triangle og kush. Never heard of it either. Should be good. So if all my plants going turn out to be female, I will have 5 plants to harvest at the end. Might clone, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now i hope they are just gunna be females. Who knows maybe ill cross the two strains.
Ok well I just made some "homemade nutes" lol. We will see how it works. Its gotta be better than nothing. I wish I knew what the ph of my water from the tap is. Ill find out real soon when my stuff gets here. Seems to be taking forever:/. I added three eggshells crushed to tiny bits, 1 tsp of Epsom salt, 1 banana peel, and the weirdest ingredient of all urine lol. About 1 cup of it is say idk I didnt really measure it out to 1 gallon of tap water. Sounds weird but hopefully it will give my plants a little something for now. If anyone think a this is a bad idea now is a good time to tell me because i will be feeding them with it tomorrow. I found some other stuff online and will probably make some of those after this. Hopefully my two seeds sprout taps soon and can go into the coco. Dont want them to be too far behind. I guess ill take some pics and post them cause they are a tad bigger now. Probably not to interesting of a journal so far but it gives me something to do.
Just took some pics with light from the sun. Tell me what you guys think. Looks like plant 1 has some leaf mutation. Or maybe something due to pH being off or a deficiency of some sort? I'm not really sure. For the most part id say they look pretty good for not having the nutes i wanna give them or being able to ph the water. The stuff i ordered should be here Friday. Got my two other seeds in dirt. Won't be able to post for a little while as my phone is about to run out of service. Anyway here are the pics I took today.

Here are some recent pics. Ill comment later on what's happened since last i posted. Plants are way bigger.

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