My Favorite Place To Be

I go beyond that Giroux. Last time I ran a photo I have a 5x5x6.5 tent and it nearly took the whole tent over. I got 1.5 pounds once dried and cured. I lost a lot of weight but I had enough smoke to last me 9 months or so.
No offense but why change then. lol
I understand things get boring, but there is always new things to try even with just a soil grow. If you are growing plants that big in soil indoors why not go outdoors and get ten times the size. But thats just what I would do.
I veg for 2 to 4 months.
That's perfect though. If you want to constantly grow. I don't know how much you smoke but if you could get 1.5 pounds I'm sure it would last you awhile. This way here your not running power bills higher all the time and you wouldn't have to work so hard to keep yourself medicated. I have been researching Ontario, I have family there and have been told electricity costs are very high. When I lived there before it wasn't bad but I heard the federal government has raised the prices almost 25 percent in the last year. Is this true? That Katherine Winn and the liberals are destroying the province of Ontario. This I know for sure
I wished I could but I'm indoors lol. Those guys grow 30 foot trees. I would have to hire help to cut out the floors in my house and have lights like no one's business lol. Maybe hire a few hands as well. Lol would you be interested? I am looking to move to Ontario soon
I would be more then interested. You are a master grower that knows alot. I would be honored to work with you.
No offense but why change then. lol
I understand things get boring, but there is always new things to try even with just a soil grow. If you are growing plants that big in soil indoors why not go outdoors and get ten times the size. But thats just what I would do.
Too many thieves out there. I couldn't trust anyone to not find it and destroy it or steal it
That's perfect though. If you want to constantly grow. I don't know how much you smoke but if you could get 1.5 pounds I'm sure it would last you awhile. This way here your not running power bills higher all the time and you wouldn't have to work so hard to keep yourself medicated. I have been researching Ontario, I have family there and have been told electricity costs are very high. When I lived there before it wasn't bad but I heard the federal government has raised the prices almost 25 percent in the last year. Is this true? That Katherine Winn and the liberals are destroying the province of Ontario. This I know for sure
I would love to get a gram a watt. If I keep taking notes from all yous I will blow that goal out the water.
I would be more then interested. You are a master grower that knows alot. I would be honored to work with you.
Well let's see then lol. There's a guy I met here just like you who lives in Ontario by the name of KingJoe. My bro and I were talking once we move to Ontario we want to meet up with him and grow some together. I'm not sure the area he lives but if I can find a house near him I might just meet up with him. I have a younger brother that I just love to death who wants to move with us to Ontario. Hopefully we can find a place that will accomidate all of us lol
Well let's see then lol. There's a guy I met here just like you who lives in Ontario by the name of KingJoe. My bro and I were talking once we move to Ontario we want to meet up with him and grow some together. I'm not sure the area he lives but if I can find a house near him I might just meet up with him. I have a younger brother that I just love to death who wants to move with us to Ontario. Hopefully we can find a place that will accomidate all of us lol
Well yous seem to be a tight family.
Thats awesome I would love to meet you your and kingjoe as well. We could all do one big thing. Put all our funds together and do it. I would be down big time. You will have to let me know when you move DA.
Well yous seem to be a tight family.
Thats awesome I would love to meet you your and kingjoe as well. We could all do one big thing. Put all our funds together and do it. I would be down big time. You will have to let me know when you move DA.
I will. Finding the right place is pretty tough but I know we will find one eventually lol
lm in on this one I got my learning stick lit and ready to soak in the knowledge!!!!
I couldnt grow outdoors here and rely on it, too many people and the risk of losing it to rippers is too high.
Isn't this the truth. Absolute thieves are everywhere in the Fall combing the woods, lol. They form a search party line like the cops would do if they were searching for a missing person, LOL
We used to string 300lb test strength fishing line with large #4 treble hooks tied to the line. Get wrapped up in that and you will not go back to that place. EVER!!! Lol
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