My Continuous Auto Closet Grow - Pink Salad!

Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Thanks for your comment pantyraid!

Yeah pink buds are awesome!
The pink salad strain still has three phenotypes, and each is a different color.
It comes in Pink, Purple, and Green. Honestly I like having three colors in one strain!
I bought the 12 regular seeds on seedbay, and they were 43 bucks including shipping.
That's $3.58 a seed. They got fem seeds there also, but I wanted some males so I could breed.
Now I've successfully made my own seed from that first batch, and have hundreds!
I do want other strains one day, but I'm really happy just growing these for now.

I've found the Pink Salad to be an extremely hardy strain.
It's almost like you could beat it with a baseball bat, and it would just keep growing. lol
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Thanks pantyraid!

I'm new to posting tho, and don't really know what reps are?
I've seen others talking, and giving them in posts, but never really figured it out.
Thanks tho buddy!!
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

In 10 gallons of water, dissolve 1.3 ounces of 5-12-26, when that is totally dissolved add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts for extra Magnesium and Sulfur. Finally add in .86 ounces of Calcium Nitrate. This will give you 150ppm of Nitrogen, which is the perfect rate for growing hydroponically."
Hydroponic Products | The JR Peters Blog

I've worked some math mojo on the JR Peters blog 10 gallon formula to come up with their mixing recommendations in gram weights for one gallon of solution. I think I've now discovered where the 3/2/1 recommended formulations I read in forums came from. Someone did the same math I just did.

Recommended by JR Peters Labs for "one gallon" of solution.

5-12-26 = 3.64 grams
Calcium Nitrate = 2.4 grams
Epsom salt = 1.5 grams

I've taken the 3/2/1 formula a step further I think tho at least for me, because I'm considering my use of hard water, and that I'm growing auto strains. (Auto's are most happy with 1/2 strength of the recommended solutions) My ratios more like 3/1/.5 the last two numbers cut down at half strength for tap water use. Then the whole gallon watered down with a second gallon of water for auto strain use.

So here's my formula in grams for "two gallons" of solution.

5-12-26 = 3.64 grams
Calcium Nitrate = 1.2 grams
Epsom salt = .75 grams

Now back to my spoon guide. lol

5 grams = 1 teaspoon
3.75 grams = three 1/4 teaspoons
3.125 grams = 1/2 teaspoon + 1/8 teaspoon
2.5 grams = 1/2 teaspoon
2.0 grams = 1/4 + 1/8 teaspoon
1.25 grams = 1/4 teaspoon
0.625 grams = 1/8 teaspoon

Looking that over "two gallons" becomes

5-12-26 = three 1/4 teaspoons
Calcium Nitrate = 1/4 teaspoon
Epsom salt = 1/8 teaspoon

haha this is as close to it that I can get using spoons.
A good gram scale would be more accurate, but good ones aren't cheap!
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Numbers, pots, and dates:

My trusty label maker! :)


I use it a lot in my grows. Label seeds, bottles of PH down acid, and dating things.
I was dating each pot with a start date, but I changed that recently.
Now my pots just have numbers.


The plants start date is recorded next to that number in my notebook.
It's much easier than pulling off labels, and making new ones.
Also because I've got two strains, and multiple phenotypes I can record all that stuff too. :)
The numbers go outta order, because I'm always pulling males out, but the notes keep the plants in order.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

My thoughts on the war on weed:

The governments got the situation all messed up with all the drug war propaganda.

People are supposed to be living in a free country, but all were free to do is buy consumer products.

Try to grow a harmless plant, and keep yourself outta the line of fire between drug dealers, and police,

And they wanna kick down people's doors, and make up a ton of lies about them growing hundreds of pounds.

They wanna call it the gateway drug, but they create the gateway through prohibition.

So we create a black market because anybody who's tried it knows it's harmless.

Underground networks spring up everywhere to fight the wrongness of the hypocrisy of the law.

But those networks become corrupt, and other things move through the gateway they created.

Other things like crack, heroin, or even guns have been offered to me when buying pot.

I wasn't interested, but this just goes on, and on like that, because of the popularity of cannabis.

It's not the smoking of cannabis that creates some kinda reefer madness craving for other drugs.

It's the never ending exposure to other illicit activity that gets people to try something harder.

Make cannabis legal, and you remove the support it gives to the black markets.

It is the number one "drug" everyone gets busted for!

Cocaine, and other real drugs like it don't have near as many users.

The war on drugs has always really mainly been a war on weed!
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Hey Toker,Funny we were talking root excelurator's.I went by local grow shop to pick up some thing's and he had free sample's.:cheesygrinsmiley:But what is funny is he gave me this
.Kind of funny.I'll let you know how it work's.I got some info on HG too.I also got
which I think is going to help me in my current situation. J6K
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

That's cool. How much was the silica blast? What's the deal on the house & garden excelurator? Does it say why it works better?
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Yeah I think silica blast would be good with my setup, but don't feel it's essential. I'm growing fine without it, and if I do try something new it would be a root stimulator. Trying multiple new products at the same time makes it hard to see what's happening. How's it working out?
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Hi everyone!!

Thanks for checking out my grow, but I feel I've expressed the things I had to say, so I'm done posting updates at this time. It took a lot of time, and research to bring together my ideas, and I just wanted to share my slightly different approach to growing.

There are about a million methods to growing cannabis, and a million cannabis growing myths. I've read tons of grow logs, and have seen so many people chase after their grow by spending lots of money. The thing I've often wondered is why plants can be grown inexpensively in farms, and greenhouses, but a cannabis grow seems to have it's own set of rules as if it was from another planet, and requires you to spend a fortune.

My take on this grow log was to try, and find things that have worked for others in the real commercial growing world. Like hydroponic nutrients, and techniques used in real greenhouses, and apply those things to growing cannabis.

Commercial growing operations struggle to produce a great product, but also keep their eye on costs. At home it's more a labor of love, and costs seem to lose meaning.

We want to produce the best, and are willing to pay the price, but this can also be our downfall. We turn to salesmen, and labels on nutrient bottles for answers, and want to ignore standard greenhouse tried, and true practice.

We seem to need twenty high priced bottles to care for our cannabis, but we go outside to our gardens, and use tap water, and miracle gro. In fact thousands of cannabis growers everywhere use miracle gro, and love it, and just as many thousands of growers everywhere hate them for it, but the greenhouse nutrients I'm using in bulk are even far cheaper!!

All these ideas I've posted here have been around awhile, but I've never seen them all put together. My philosophy has always been to find my own way, while trying to keep it economical, and still grow some great weed!

Thanks for reading!!
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Some money saving ideas starting seeds I thought I'd share.

One of the problems with autoflower grows is transplant shock.

When your plant is locked within a two month grow window you have no recovery time.
That's why it's recommended by many auto growers to only start seed in your final pot.

Starting in the final pot is the method I use now, but I've been looking for new ideas.

The problem is when growing from regular cannabis seeds half your starting crop is male.
Males are great for breeding new seeds, but in everyday growing they just get tossed out.

But only start seed in your final pot takes a lot of valuable light space,
so I'm looking at alternative shock free seed starting methods to save space.

Start your seeds in solo cups? Maybe you'll like this idea.


Newspaper pots are a biodegradable option.
Heres a review of a paper pot maker I've seen on amazon.


But this wine bottle method seems more the right size for autoflower growers.


Autoflowers like to send down deep roots.
If they find the pots bottom to soon it also stunts plant growth.
The idea is to have a container large enough to let the roots expand during the full 17 to 20 days.

Once you know the sex of your plant you can transplant the females without shock.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Ok so I'm taking a break from perpetual growing, and starting 28 regular seeds in an attempt to grow 12 female plants in one grow.

I'm trying my own homemade newspaper pots filled with my coco, and rice hulls blend, so I can start enough seeds under one of my 150 watt hps lamps while I finish off two remaining plants under the other lamp.


These pots are holding together well so far. I made them from a single sheet wrapped around a tall, and skinny raspberry balsamic vinegar bottle. I did use a small amount of wood glue on the seam.

About 20 of the 28 seeds have popped out so far, and it's day three. I plan to leave these in my homemade pots until I can sex my new plants, and then transplant paper pot, and all into the 12 rose buckets I use.

All the pots are sitting in a green 10 gallon walmart tote. I added my one gallon of PH'd water down the side of the tote, and they are sitting in about a 1/2 inch of water right now. I plan to add more water in the same way as the bottom of the tote drys up. Letting the water soak up from the bottom of the little pots.

This is totally experimental, and I have no idea what will happen. It could end as a miserable fail! lol

I've got lot's of seeds tho, so I'm going to give this a try. Maybe I'll even try more than once. It seems to be working out for now. :)
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Yeah the ink and glue should be no problem. The inks used in newspaper printing these days are all natural dye made from soybeans, and the glue is the non toxic type you can eat. lol.

I don't use 2 litters for a few reasons.

One is I couldn't start 28 seeds in 2 litters under one 150 watt hps lamp. The size of the pot takes up to much space.

The other is my attempt to avoid transplant shock. The newspaper pot gets transplanted with the plant. This is not a technique I've invented, but rather a common gardening technique used for regular garden seed germination.

Autoflowers have a short lifespan, and transplant shock can ruin a autoflower grow. Unlike regular cannabis strains which can recover given extra time in veg autoflowers keep moving along and you end up with a super small flowering plant, because of transplant shock.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Yeah I'm not sure myself at all buddy. These newspaper pots are all over the web tho, and they even sell devices on amazon for making them for anywhere from 8 to 20 bucks. But it's easy enough to use a tin can, or wine bottle to wrap your own.

I did mine a little different than most tho, cuz I wrapped only one layer of paper around the bottle I used to make the pots shape. Who knows this may lead to problems like the pot falling apart before I can sex the plants, but I don't want a bunch of paper holding back my roots. I don't water on top, but pour water down the side of the container to avoid water wear on the paper pots. The water soaks upward keeping the whole thing damp.

This is my first try, and if it doesn't work like this I might try again with more paper. I think people are afraid to try things like this because of the cost of seeds. Garden seed is way cheaper than cannabis seed. I make my own seed tho, so I got no worries there.

At first I thought of this as a way of starting more seeds in my solo mini seed starting greenhouse, but have extra room in my little grow space, because I've been sprouting so many males lately. If this works I can use just the one mini greenhouse to start enough plants to keep my closet stocked with plants.

It would mean I could jumpstart the entire 12 plants every time by starting enough seeds three weeks before the end of a grow.
Re: My continuous auto closet grow. Pink salad!

Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!

For those who are interested I've had 100% sprouting success with my 28 Pink Salad seeds. :)


I first put these seeds for a 24hr soak in a cup of tap water on 11-21 and now it's 11-27 and all have sprouted!!

They seem to be happy for now, and I probably won't do a photo update again until I start to sex the plants.

Have a happy holiday! :cheertwo:

PS: Top left newspaper pot has a sprout also. I guess I cut it outta the photo, cuz it was a little taller. haha
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