My 2024 Grow: 4 Inside/7 Outdoor

Sorry I’ve been a bit on updates. Just starting a new job and just too tired to update afterwards. So anyways I’m now just starting flowering in the tent. Yeah, you’re reading that right because my timer was taken off Timer Mode. I should be midway done and I’m just starting, and they’re all bushy and roughly 30-36” tall, before their true flowering stretch happens. So cross your fingers I have room over the coming weeks but I think we are gonna get real tight, real soon. Also might notice some unhealthy looking leaves here and there, but I take it that was all thanks to my timer not working properly. So I have given them some Epsom salt and a last of of my high phosphorus bat guano. Seems to already be making a difference, with some dry sea kelp on the way for later. So I think on my day off Monday, I will once again trim/prune up my girls.

Outside I’m sad to report that WPM spots have been found on my Fat Bastard, Sleepy Joe and Slapz. Not an outbreak like I’ve had on some plants last year or year before. So I removed a bunch of the big fan leaves to help with the airflow outside, and hopefully help keep this issue to a minimum. Fat Bastard is living up to its name and is still weeks ahead of everyone else in bud structure wise, and keep thinking September harvest. Smells a little fruity, black locorise and skunky smell. . . .she’s gonna be nice when done. Gotta remeasure some of my outdoor gals soon because MK and Slapz are almost the same height now, and I’m looking upwards. Reminds me of my Slurricane plant I grew last year size wise. Even White Gold is starting to look better and should get a couple ounces maybe in the end. Cloud Walker is an impressive looking plant with thick limbs and just shy of MK/Slapz. Trop Cherry is the only plant I’m concerned with, because the leaves look pail and droopy like sometimes. So everyone outside also got a good amount of Epsom Salt and Bat Guano before last night’s watering and look so much nicer today.

So far not a ton of stretch yet, minus ATF which is probably nearing 30” tall. Coco Mwlon is the smallest but bushiest one. My other 2 are roughly the same height of 37.5” tall. Bought me some dried Sea-K to help out, but couldn’t find my high phosphorus bat guano online :( At least I’m finally seeing the first real signs of them flowering. . . .THANK GOD

Outside was looking real thirsty last night and were all given a nice drink by my mom this morning while I was at work. (Thanks mom) Had WPM show on Sleepy Joe, Trop. Cherry, and Fat Bastard. So I gave them a milk/water treatment spray last night, along with the last of my old bottle of seaweed liquids. Plant leaves looked overall healthier looking today and will be keeping a close eye out on any progress. One of these days I’ll be brave enough to get on the ladder and measure everyone’s height one last time. Pics aren’t the best as I used my iPad

Beautiful growing! The only thing that would make it perfect would be a bit of a clean up on that tent floor ya bloody grub! Lol!

Yeah I have a day off tomorrow and if I’m not too tired I plan on sprucing up my floor and trim all 4 plants a little bit. Lots of under growth I’m sure I can rid the plant of for bigger colas development later. The big factor for me not cleaning is 1) I don’t wanna and a thing for later me to do 2) because of my new job I’m just too tired. Although the main reason is 3) as soon as I head downstairs my 2 Goldens go crazy barking at me to get my ass outside for ball time. One doesn’t do the basement stairs but the white guy does and gets in there like a dirty sock and he is one giant shedding white furry sock.
Yeah I have a day off tomorrow and if I’m not too tired I plan on sprucing up my floor and trim all 4 plants a little bit. Lots of under growth I’m sure I can rid the plant of for bigger colas development later. The big factor for me not cleaning is 1) I don’t wanna and a thing for later me to do 2) because of my new job I’m just too tired. Although the main reason is 3) as soon as I head downstairs my 2 Goldens go crazy barking at me to get my ass outside for ball time. One doesn’t do the basement stairs but the white guy does and gets in there like a dirty sock and he is one giant shedding white furry sock.
Excellent news.

I’m a bit of a clean freak. Order makes my heart sing.

And congratulations on the new job! Hope you feel suitably proud of yourself :)
Well the tent has been trimmed up, cleaned up a bit (did for you @Trala and congrats for the top photo) They have grown a tiny bit more but health is improving, with starting of frosty leaves being seen. I think both Double Chocolate and Death Star, I’m sitting at roughly 38” now. Although they have a lot better breathing room below now, and still hope to get a small fan in there soon. All 4 were with mostly removed of small lower/inner limbs but filled a grocery bag full in the end and stunk my house up for a good solid hour. Oh and the Sea-K is really helping out here and . . .

Outside has really gotten a jolt of energy with its flowering because of the Sea-k. I did roughly 6 Wendy’s chili plastic spoons worth as a top dressing, with my one golden licking it off here and there. (He’s a weirdo) Plus my mom had tomato plants that she thought were dead or on were on their death bed. So I flung some of the Sea-K around and revitalized her entire grow and couldn’t be happier. Which is good because one of them is called “Brown Sugar” and holy fuck are they delicious and sweet. Anyways my next goal outside is to safely get a final measure on how tall everyone ended up at. So I hope to have that for my next report but simple picture updates for now.


PLEASE DON’T GROW ANY TALLER IN THE TENT. PLEASE!!! I have taken my lights and brought them as close to the top of my tent without fearing the heat from the power box melting/burning anything down. My Double Chocolate has now overtaken Death Star as the tallest plant in the tent. . .by an inch or 2. They are now roughly 44” and 42” tall. Coco Melon and ATF are roughly 36-39” tall. Plants are looking healthier but some burnt spots here and there that I try to remove when spotted. Got a good drink a couple days ago and needed another one today, but again, they grew a few inches (and I don’t want them any taller) So new pics which are getting harder to take for the ones in the back.

Ok I lied about outside and haven’t measured a single one. I 2 good reasons 1) hot and tired today and 2) my dogs are running like nuts in the backyard. I started a new job and I don’t need them to injure me so soon into my new job. I had a bottle of AN Overdrive that had been sitting on my shelf for the past 2.5 years, but threw caution to the wind and empty the contents into all my outdoor containers. That was last night and I noticed a healthy green returning to some of my lower Trop. Jerry plant that has really faded to yellow/light green colouring. Still have WPM issues popping up and yanking the leaves when I see it. Tomorrow I will try and do another treatment before the cooler wet weather hits this weekend. Also trimmed a few inner limbs that weren’t doing much or had wpm showing their ugly face on. I took 2 bigger lower limbs off my Mk Ultra x Bubblegum at the bottom. (pics included) I’m hoping airflow will be a bit better and will help keep the wpm issue as just a small issue as it is right now.

Been a bit since my last update and so let’s start in the tent where buds are developing nicely and can thankfully say they have finished stretching. Getting a lovely colour coming in on my Coco Melon with some purple coming out in the buds and the smell is getting lovely sweet. All of them are looking frosty and smell has for sure increased as well. I have also bought myself some Monopotassium Phosphate (0-52-34) and have just done a watering a couple days ago with it as a top dressing. Finding top dressing my soil (not mixing it with the watering) has really kept the plants in a healthier place and the frosty looking buds being proof to my eyes at least.

My outdoor gals are getting thicker but I’m getting worried. We are getting unusual warm and muggy days, no breeze at night and fog. So wpm is showing its ugly head on Sleepy Joe and removed a bunch of lower branches that wouldn’t produce much (or were really covered in wpm) Her issue seems to be a little better since I did that 3 nights ago, but Fat Bastard is really getting hit hard. I removed a couple of buds because they were covered in it and were small anyways. They are creeping close to other big buds on her and did a milk/water spray last night. Seem to help a bit because the issue wasn’t nearly as bad looking tonight. I’m hoping I can stretch her one more week but I’m pretty sure I might take her down next Monday. (not this Monday) I also gave them each 5 Wendy’s chili spoonful of what I like to refer to the bag of plant cocaine 5 days ago, and plants looked happy. Gave them a bit more tonight as they were a bit light in moisture and all got a good watering. Funny enough, I have given it to my mom’s tomato plants which she was ready to give up on a few weeks ago. SeaK powder turn them around and not the plant cocaine have them ripening faster for her. Making great tomato sauce out of them, and holy fuck are the Brown Sugar Tomatoes we grew are amazing. Back to everything else, my Cloud Walker really yellowed on me and the reason for the cocaine being brought in and seems to be righting the ship. Removed a lot of fan leaves that yellowed hard on me but seems to be looking greener after her first sniff. Should be interesting to see what she does over the next couple of days. Slapz is changing leaf colour here and there, but nothing bud wise yet. Oh and yeah I will eventually measure them again, I swear.

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