My 2024 Grow: 4 Inside/7 Outdoor

Outside I’m still confused by my White Gold plant I decapitated and looks dead in my pictures. Last night we had a bit of ran, let the dogs out afterwards and my plant was ALIVE and looked good (not dead) but this morning we’re back to looking like wet spaghetti. My Trop Cherry and Fat Bastard are finally growing and showing branching. (FB was showing nothing until 2 days ago) Although my big surprise over the past few days since my last update is Cloud Walker. The stem just went super thick from the bean post it was looking like just a week ago. Again, warm weather is here to stay it seems and they grow baby.

So I pretty much did what I said I would do. Shortly after posting, I went downstairs and added the top layer Ocean Forrest soil to the tops, and everyone got water yesterday. My girls are looking HAPPY! Double Chocolate and Death Star are really stretching. Coco Melon has spots stretching, but might need to prune/clean up now then later to get them to really stretch. Pretty much pruned ATF after today’s picture was taken. Humidity is high, but will kick my exhaust higher in a week or so. Also probably add a little fan below the grow for added air circulation.





Outside is looking much better as well. With my last Fat Bastard finally growing, but branching some monster fan leaves here and there. Cloud Walker is enjoying her move to the sunnier side of the yard, along with White Gold’s shadier move (she looks alive) Starting to sort of mainline the tops of my Slapz, Sleepy Joe and MK Ultra x Bubblegum. As I have brought out good ol’ reliable green foam wire. Already noticing the sun getting lower and not rising as early as she use too. So only a few more weeks before it triggers them to flower on me.



Paul Bunyan took an axe or Mother Nature got pissed off and did this to my backyard tree today.

thankfully neighbours behind us are good and safe, but damaged some of the roof on a couple houses. Plus look how it landed . . . . I’m gonna need to buy a lottery ticket after that.


the water in some areas in my backyard right now are between 2-3 feet high. Higher before I came home from work according to my mom and sister. Plus the one dog likes climbing the tree.
Well to the dismay of my dogs, especially the new guy. The mini lake that was in my backyard has now receded enough for me to get some pics. So on Tuesday after the storm they brought in a crane to remove a good chunk of the tree that fell on the neighbours places. We still have a long limb, the stump and a broken fence in the backyard that we are still waiting on an insurance adjuster to come out. Cause on Tuesday when they were removing the tree, we got another shit ton of rain and Toronto flooded. So yesterday my mom got frustrated and we got ourselves a small pump late afternoon yesterday and got almost all of it out after roughly 5-6hrs with our garden house. The amount of dead bloated worms in the mucky as fuck water/yard I have now, is truly stunning. Their sacrifice and my plants being submerged in this compost tea, made them looking healthy as hell. :rip::goodjob: Can’t really do any training cause I keep sinking into the ground, the dogs follow and we’re trying to keep them as clean as possible. As we allow them on the furniture, but not when they’re like this and it’s hard with 2 of them. So anyways some overdue pics (some before water was almost completely removed) and crane shots of mostly before and after they removed the tree in small heavy as hell portions. You can see in the pics they left about 12-14’ stump and that long limb that is resting near the fence. Probably gonna need a crane when they finish removing our end

Inside I have some leaf issues here and there, but overall all are looking pretty healthy. Probably just having issues with the ocean forest soil I dumped on them almost 2 weeks ago. I had to give everyone a real good drink, minus ATF with her stunted growth. They all probably grew 2 inches overnight with the drink they got, and DS and DC will probably need another tomorrow.

Minus my ATF, my girls in the tent are super thirsty. They’re growing nicely after every watering, and lately that’s been every 2 days. So I know I gotta defoilate my tent grow greatly, and so with a bowl of Malawi wand Killer A5 Haze I went plucking. I only did it to my Death Star and ATF but the others will soon follow. Holy Ahit were they ever sticky and I can see the frosting starting to form on many of 5e fan leaves I removed. I haven’t seen that happen on my grow since my first tent grow with Blue Cheese. I was like Clark Griswald afterwards, and was a pain in the ass to clean off. I also bought a small little fan that I think I’ll throwing in there in a week or so for extra airflow. So some tent pics, with a couple before and after their shaves.

Outside is still surviving nicely and I have defoilated everything but my Fat Bastard and White Gold. (Which I’m grateful for just living) I don’t have an after pic for my Cloud Walker but she had fucking huge fan leaves from the Jurassic period, but it sadly I did loose a bottom limb from the storms on her. I removed a fair amount from everyone, from fan leaves and smaller in growth nodes. So I’m hoping they stretch good in flowering and rewarded with chunky colas. So some pics of before(Sun) and today after their trim on Trop Cherry, Sleepy Joe, Slapz, MK Ultra x BubbleGum



Just a quick update on Double Chocolate and Coco Melon from the tent. Today they got trimmed and waxed up a bit, could and will probably do more on Coco soon. I removed a lot of lower limbs and a ton of big leaves on both. Again, I think Coco needs a better shave but almost seem to look full again shortly after the first trim. Also turns out my timer was set for 12.5hrs of light and not the 12 I thought had set. Now that’s been fixed and for good measure I took off another 30mins. So some before and after picks. Good 6 inches of clearance under them now.

Plants are coming along, but my interest is in those beautiful golden retrievers……did I see a yellow and an English Creme???
I lost my best friend this past yr and still haven’t gotten over it.
All dogs are great but that breed is something special.
I'm so sorry for your loss my friend. Retrievers are special indeed best family dog so patient with children at least our daughter's dog is. She's a 4 legged nanny🥰
Plants are coming along, but my interest is in those beautiful golden retrievers……did I see a yellow and an English Creme???
I lost my best friend this past yr and still haven’t gotten over it.
All dogs are great but that breed is something special.

Sorry about losing your furry bff. I lost my first English retriever roughly 2 years ago as of Thurs. still, yes I do have the 2 dogs. The traditional one is Fozzie Bear and is roughly 3yrs 3m and got him to keep my avatar friend (Buddy) going after having some cancerous growths removed. Sadly we lost him just over a year later, but he was almost 11yrs when we lost him. The newest guy is also named Buddy, as the name just works. He is roughly 20m old, built like a tank but a little possessive with his toys. It’s something we hope to work on him soon and fast, but he’s a cuddler.

Before we had Golden’s (being 3rd and 4th) We had White German Shephards and the first 2 we great, 3rd was spooked as a pup and had problems with him. The first was a tank and a true family guard dog, and our 2nd was a suck and loved everyone he met. He was one of our favs, even though he broke out of the front windows mesh screen twice and required neighbourhood searches. One time he was found in 30-45mins around the corner waiting for the lights. The one time he went missing just after midnight and found him by our old church almost interrupting a wedding that was going on.
Sorry I’m not updating as often as I think I should be. Monday they chopped the leftover bits of the tree that fell in the yard, to pieces and hauled them away today. They also lopped off a bunch off another big tree in our yard, and gave the guys some of my grow from last year. Gave them some on Monday with the bosses son saying he loved it, and was happy for more. They took a shit ton off the tree still standing ans I might of gained even more light in the 2nd half of this grow. I think outside is probably just in the midst of starting it’s flowering stage. Growth is becoming stacked near the top of the limbs. I wonder if I’ll get any crazy stretch like I did last year on my MAC and especially that Slurricane that nearly tripled during flowering. Also back into the really hot and humid weather, but no torrential rainfalls developing with the weather. So some of the pics you can see they were in need of a good long drink, and just gave them that before this update.

I defoilated these gals a week ago and they already look bushy as hell again. I might need to prune one more time, as I think I’m a week less into my flowering stage than I think with the extra half hour I had left on my timer. My Double Chocolate is growing big time and is roughly 28” all around. Getting some lite green colouring on my leaves but could be because of the rampant growth it’s been doing the past 5 days after that defoliation. I’ve plucked a few big fan leaves here and there tonight, but I think another deep pruning is needed again soon. Just starting to see the pistils showing here and there now, but ATF look like she’ll just stack all full colas on every stem with the way she’s looking. Not bad runt, not bad

THE STRETCH IS ON OUTSIDE! Holy cow on what some of these plants have done in just even a couple of days. In particular Cloud Walker, Slapz and MK Ultra x Bubblegum. White pistils are on all but the White Gold that will at least give me something to try in the end. On the other hand, my Fat Bastard is flowering nicely and it almost looks like it’s 2 weeks ahead of everyone else. Although my real hot and muggy weather is coming down for the next 5 days, hopefully it doesn’t damper this growth spurt.

Inside I think flowering is finally happening, after noticing that extra 30mins on my timer. Double Chocolate and Death Star are almost the same 32” tall, but all but my ATF are bushy like hell. Everytime I go down I’m plucking big fan leaves off all my plants. Need to find some strong wire and try and get my big Infinity Board just smidge higher in my tent. I think part of the fan leaves aren’t liking the light that close to it. Anyways picture time

We are into our flowering stretch outside BIG TIME! Measured them last week and were roughly 4-5f tall, with Slapz being the tallest. The past day or 2 they are probably gained another 6inches to a foot. With once Slapz, MK Ultra x Bubblegum and Cloud Walker really getting tall. Everything in the yard is now cleared, grounded down and fixed from that July storm. Now I have a ton more airflow and sunshine for this final stretch, but I just hope it’s drier as well.

So inside is stretching a bit more, as my lights weren’t 12/12 for the first 10 days of what I thought was flowering cycle. So the pistils are just starting to form, Death Star and Double Chocolate are 34” and 32” tall. Coco Melon is a giant ass bush and Alaskan Thunder Fuck just keeps impressing me from the we runt she was to the beauty she is today. Looking to add a smaller fan to get airflow going below the dense canopy I have going

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