My 2018 Outdoor Grow Journal - 2nd Grow ME


Active Member
I have 5 plants altogether, 2 seedlings that are supposedly White Widow and then 3 clones, 2 Bubba Kush and 1 Platinum Kush. Located in New England area.
I am growing them in 3 gallon eco pots, Roots Original soil. Currently using Advanced Nutrients, just started last week (6/19/18).
Is there anything else I should be doing? This is my 2nd grow outside, last year went less than perfect haha. I want to do better this time instead of winging it.

Thinking of transplanting maybe 1 or all of the clones into 5 gallon pots but not sure how to go about it without damaging the roots?

These pics were taken on 6/22/2018 I think they look ok.. are they healthy looking? I got the clones on June 6th. For the life of me I cant remember when I did the seedlings haha doi, I thought I wrote it down.. sometime in mid may.

Anyway that's all for now, will update later. Thanks in advance for any help, advice, suggestions or anything. I may have missed something here sorry if so.

Looks good. Bigger pots yield bigger plants. To transplant, put the current pot on an upside down bucket and peel down the sides of the fabric pot. Tearing a few roots in the process is no biggie...they will grow back asap.

Have a great summer grow...:goodluck:

Thank you! That bucket idea is genius haha worked great. Except some roots that were grown into the bottom of the pot. Thinking about doing the other 2 as well but I'm out of soil for now.
Thank you! That bucket idea is genius haha worked great. Except some roots that were grown into the bottom of the pot. Thinking about doing the other 2 as well but I'm out of soil for now.
Glad it worked for you...I often do a bucket within a 30 gallon pot to keep the soil from going everywhere....

Roots always grow into the fabric....that's the function of a permeable allow the roots to grow until they hit are...thus "air pruning".

Looking good!
Welcome to my journal all! Sorry I didn't say so before was trying to make sure I included everything :)
I transplanted my Platinum Kush to a 5 gallon eco pot.. thinking about transplanting my 2 other clones, especially the biggest one (BK1- Bubba Kush) but I need to get another pot and more soil (Roots-Original)
Like I said in my first post I have been giving them nutrients, just mixed in with the water twice a week, using half the recommended amount. (Advanced Nutrients - Sensi Grow A & B) is there anything else I should be adding to help them grow strong and healthy? I saw their B52 product and saw it could be used as a foliar spray but not sure about that never done it before, could add it to the water also but will it make a difference? Anyway enough rambling haha I took more pictures, I think the babies look healthier than they did.. hoping they are females and I am not wasting time, energy and resources into them for nothing lol. Not sure how much longer it will take to tell.. they aren't any further along than 7 weeks from when they sprouted I believe, still haven't figured out where I was tracking it ugh lol thanks for reading my post! If you made it this far haha.

The plants are doing pretty good. I haven’t updated in awhile I apologize, but I don’t think anyone cares or noticed haha!
If anyone happens to see this I am wondering what is eating these leaves and what I can do to prevent it and keep other bothersome insects and mites away? This plant is the only one affected. It is one of the white widows I started from seed (which is now bigger than the rest I got as clones!)
Thanks in advance and appreciate any suggestions and tips!!
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