My 1st & A Half Grow!

... and fate would have it, my plant is dead. Due to a fumble on my brothers behalf... luckily I have a seed in germ already!!!! Just "wow" is all I have to say about today, been at the ER with my youngest and everything... will restart on pics and new regimen tomorrow morning. .

My 1st & A Half Grow!
Ooooh, that's sad. When it rains it pours. Hope your youngest is OK. She's definitely unsalvagable?

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Definitely not salvageable... it looks like a tree straight out of the tornado... I have a nirvana freebie in germ right now, so it'll be alright, even if it comes out male I'm still gonna grow it out and test a few techniques out on it that way my skills will be on point with "the ladies" lol. Totally sucks because it hit a nice growth spurt after being outside that whole day.

My 1st & A Half Grow!
Update: ok... both of my seeds have sprouted BUT... the widow seed that I gave to pops... Goofy ass didn't pull the bag off the planter OR put light on the sprout, so she has all yellow up top and clear stem... I'm gonna try and nurse it back to life. In town right now leaving grocery store. Will be posting pics of them as soon as I get home... won't be able to get back on and chat till later, but after I post the pics, feel free to throw pointers my way on the yellow sprout that pops tried to murder. Lol see yall in a minute. Glad to see you guys are hanging around still, I enjoy you guys' funny ass comments... I'm all about busting balls so nothing is off limits in this thread.

My 1st & A Half Grow!
Presidents day? How we forget upon retirement. Since I can't get shit done today, girls are asleep for the next 12 hours. So.... I was raised on a farm in upstate NY. Learned at a young age how to grow food and decorative plants. Learned how to grow cannabis correctly the summer of 76. Been the Johnny appleseed of this wonderful plant ever since. I have grown thousands of plants all over the world. While in the military mostly Gorilla and Patio grows. 2000 - 2010 rank and obligations stifled my grow ops. Retired after 27yrs 11mo and 15 days in the INFANTRY. Currently one of our small family businessess is organic veggies for local restaurants and a fresh market. I use a Dutch style flow through hydro system and raised beds in soil.
A little over a year ago spent 4 months in rehabilitation for prescription opiates (furnished by VA) and alcoholism. (Have not used either since).
Last November my son found 50 seeds in a servival container with some old military gear. Don't know what he was thinking but, he popped 25 into germination and than told me about it. Winter around the corner, no lights, no area set up, NO PLAN!!!
OK, into action also on a budget. Decided to go hydro. First time indoor Cannibis hydro grow. Some old T5 lights, plastic storage bins and miscellaneous materials laying around I went to work. Christmas was good. Received 4 small MARS HYDRO 48 reflector LED lights. A small grow cabinet 22"x14"x65" complete with start up shit (should have given me the cash. The box and it's contents are a piece of shit).
Stealth grow in progress. Box came with a 3 gallon, 9 - 2" net cup hydro tub. 9 plants into a SOG that morphed into a SCROG (in order to collect some clones). Currently in 4th week of flower. Had to swap out tanks last night. Increased it to 5 gal.
9 more plants went into a 10 gal res. Reduced to 6 plants. 12/12 eight days ago, pistols popped this morning, official start of flower phase begins.
Finished clone area yesterday. 21 plants in a 12 gallon tub.
This has been a challenge but, FUN and therapeutic to say the least.
My grow techniques work well for me. If I'm in control I normally have a 100% success rate.
I am far from a master grower but, I consider myself an accomplished hobbyists.
Take our advise wisely. Apply what works for you. Learn and experiment. Love what we're doing and have FUN with it.

Your plant is looking good.
Not an Auto, good you will learn more. Save the autos for when you have more confidence in your growing ability.

Sorry about Ramblin on. A pause under a shade tree can do the soul good.
Good to have a fellow pipe hitter amongst the crew. 12 yrs TIS, AS 18B/X. Stuttgart, Bragg, Carson, JFK School of special warfare. 3x Iraq/Syria - 2.5x Afghanistan. SFAS/SFQ Black hat for less than a year then deployed to Trash can o stan and was medically discharged after that.

My 1st & A Half Grow!
Glad to see you pushing on with another grow. Been a little busy, wife decided to get her appendix taken out (not by choice, quit eating red meat, not this country boy gunna keep mine). Anyway nice accolades there, be proud of your accomplishments and lets get you accomplished at growing a damn weed (actually a glorious plant).

Went strolling in the woods Sunday and came across a set of beautiful TWINS!!!:love:


Just had to go and visit them today, Holy $#!T :thedoubletake:


Hang in there and meet you on the HIGH ground.
Glad to see you pushing on with another grow. Been a little busy, wife decided to get her appendix taken out (not by choice, quit eating red meat, not this country boy gunna keep mine). Anyway nice accolades there, be proud of your accomplishments and lets get you accomplished at growing a damn weed (actually a glorious plant).

Went strolling in the woods Sunday and came across a set of beautiful TWINS!!!:love:


Just had to go and visit them today, Holy $#!T :thedoubletake:


Hang in there and meet you on the HIGH ground.
Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't kept up with my journal as promised. I have had some very trying times lately.

1. My brother DEMOLISHED my plant being a dumbass, also turned out he brought meth into my house... to say the least he is no longer here. It's a good thing, sometimes you have to just let go of family and let them go their own way.

2. I have had quite the bout with health lately... BUT I'M BACK ON TOP and that's all that matters.

I have my last White Widow in Germ right now, just put her in dirt.

Bare with me guys, the trials and tribulations have been strong lately, but now that life is back to normal, we are g2g. I will post more pics after she sprouts.

My 1st & A Half Grow!
Onward and upward! She still hasn't broke ground. I got terribly bored yesterday and threw a few more in germ. I will probably gift a few of them but hey, pretty good gift right? 3X purple floss, 2X nirvana freebies, and my last White Widow. Hopefully will have some fun here soon. I'm kind of playing around with the different germ methods trying to find what works best for me, got the paper towel method and greenhouse method going on different strains so we shall see...

My 1st & A Half Grow!
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