My 1st & A Half Grow!



Soil is a little dry but holding out till FedEx delivers my pH up and down today. Good morning guys, keep them positive thoughts Rollin and I'll catch yall tomorrow with another update and rattle some more bull shit your way. Lol

My 1st & A Half Grow!

Alright!!! Got my pH supplies, used a light dosage of grow big Ph'd to 6.5 to start them getting used to the nutes. I was thinking I'll step it up depending on how she reacts... finally on a comfortable cruise control. See yall tomorrow guys!!!

My 1st & A Half Grow!


Hey guys, I missed my daily update/pic yesterday. I FIM'd her on the 15th and she seem to be flourishing also gave her some nutes today as my soil was dry about 1.25 inches down.

Big shout out to my man Pennywise on all the advice from light distancing, nutes and all the other good input/vibes.

My temp has been lingering around 84 and she is just loving it.

I hope you guys are finding this post in good spirit, yesterday I was blessed with seeing my brother and getting him to stay with me for a while... always remember when your down on your luck and things seem to not be working out in your favor, there is always a smile and a heart warming experience right around the corner. I haven't cried in years and the very sight of my broken down big brother was enough to make me weep like a child. He coming of a long run of meth and running from a possession charge he got 18 YEARS AGO. He came back home to turn himself in and get his life right... so if I may be so bold, can I ask you (if you are the religious type, I don't want to step on any toes or beliefs) please join me in praying for mercy for him. He is anew amazing human being and an even better brother. This goes to show that even in the darkest of times your God or higher power will never turn his back on you and will always bless you with what you need. Thanks for the help and open ear guys, just needed to vent... as I am the one in the family that is the rock and I don't want to trouble or worry my family with my stress. This place is amazing. .

My 1st & A Half Grow!


Hey guys, I missed my daily update/pic yesterday. I FIM'd her on the 15th and she seem to be flourishing also gave her some nutes today as my soil was dry about 1.25 inches down.

Big shout out to my man Pennywise on all the advice from light distancing, nutes and all the other good input/vibes.

My temp has been lingering around 84 and she is just loving it.

I hope you guys are finding this post in good spirit, yesterday I was blessed with seeing my brother and getting him to stay with me for a while... always remember when your down on your luck and things seem to not be working out in your favor, there is always a smile and a heart warming experience right around the corner. I haven't cried in years and the very sight of my broken down big brother was enough to make me weep like a child. He coming of a long run of meth and running from a possession charge he got 18 YEARS AGO. He came back home to turn himself in and get his life right... so if I may be so bold, can I ask you (if you are the religious type, I don't want to step on any toes or beliefs) please join me in praying for mercy for him. He is anew amazing human being and an even better brother. This goes to show that even in the darkest of times your God or higher power will never turn his back on you and will always bless you with what you need. Thanks for the help and open ear guys, just needed to vent... as I am the one in the family that is the rock and I don't want to trouble or worry my family with my stress. This place is amazing. .

My 1st & A Half Grow!

Peace and prayers to all of you,
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