Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Sorry everybody.

I've had alot going on lately. But, all is well. Lost my card for the camera and had to get a new one. Had a funeral to go to over the weekend. Been helping out some friends. And, been getting some injections in my back. So, now that I have my shit back in one sock, I really need to keep this journal updated. But, thanks to those that continue to follow along and sorry for the long wait.

Day 51 Flower .....

Was looking in on the ladies and noticed I had some PM on the lowest, biggest, oldest fan leaves on the plants in the back of the box. I quickly realized I just don't have the airflow I need for 6 large plants (with all thier leaves left on). I don't have room in the boxes for large oscillating fans. And just can't get the lower air flow that I need. So, I turned my exhaust fan on all the way (been running at half speed till now) and defoliated the rest of the plants. I know ... I know, I said I was going to do a side by side comparison. But, it's already become very obvious that the defoliated plants are beating the hell out of the ones that were left alone. So, been spraying them down with lemon water (1 part lemon 2 parts water ... or you can use half and half for PM) to control/kill the PM as best I can. I seem to have gotten rid of the PM since it was only on a couple plants and was only on lower leaves and no where near the buds. I know I have spores floating around in there. And, I plan to take all the plants out in a day or so and wipe down the inside of the box with bleach water and let it dry for half a day before putting the girls back inside.

Here's what they all look like .................


Some of the branches are really skinny ...... since I can get them swaying in the wind due to limited space. And, they are getting so heavy they are falling over. I needed to prop them up somewhat. So I put in some stakes and string. You are probably wondering why I put the tape up on the stick and what it's for. Well, I have a buddy over here that was bending over in his garden and almost took out his eye with a stake. So, it's a great way to protect your eye .... and make it harder to miss seeing the stake.


I really like the way these girls are turning out. Already 3 times the grow I did last time. Here's some size comparison for the buds. They still got a couple more weeks to go.



So, I fed them for thier last time today. No more juice for these girls. It's time to flush. I'd hate to fuck them up at this point by feeding them too late and ruining the taste and making it harsh.

Check out the trichs on these ................



And, lastely, here's veg box. Not happy at all. They are too cramped and driving up the temps. I've cut them down to size three times already and they keep bushing out. They are so thick now, that most of the bottom leaves are dying off since there is very little light penetration. So, they are going to be really really happy when I finally repot them and put them in the big box.


Well, that's it for now. Sorry it turned out to be a short update. Hope that's enough to hold you "Update Addicts" until the next one .... LOL. The good thing is, this crop will be dried and cured for 420. Can't wait.
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Looking great Mutt! +reps :thumb:
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Yeah ... no PM to be found. I'll be harvesting the Jillybean in about 8 more days. A friend of mine is the King of growing Jillybean, and I got my clones from him. If you let the Jillybean go too long it gets really piney. But, if you take it down by about 56 days, it has a nice fruity taste and smells like Oranges.

The Ripped Bubba I will let go till about day 60-63 depending on what the trichomes look like. This batch is going to be left to cure until 4/20 ..... this will be for our 4/20 party.
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

They are 7 gallon pots. I really like using them. I used 5 gallon smart pots last time. I had to water them 1 gallon each ever 3 days. Now, using the plastic 7 gallons, I only water a 1/2 gallon every 4 days. I'm using way less water and nutrients this way. Sure, I use more dirt. But, the dirt can be recycled and recharged with nutes, worms castings etc ... and resused.

I did manage to find some tomato cages at walmart today. So, the next batch will be using tomato cages to keep the colas from drooping.

I decided I am going to harvest on Wednesday. I was looking at the trichomes today and noticed they are all cloudy and about 10 percent is amber. I wish I would have started my flush a week earlier. But, with the defoliation, there's not a whole lot to flush anyway. So, I think they should be OK.

Here's what the Jillybean looks like ...............




And, while I was figuring out whether the tomato cages would work out or not .... I knocked off a good sized bud. So, I figured I'd take some trich pics and then hang that bitch up and dry it out. That way, when I cut them down on Wednesday, I can smoke that bud first and get high on what I am trimming. Can't wait till wednesday.

Here's the Ripped Bubba .............


I'm much happier this time. These came out much better. Still not a pound per plant. But at least twice as much as my last grow ... per plant.
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Love the photos. Looks really good Mutt!
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Looking frosty Mutt :)
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Thanks guys. This defoliation really made a difference. I'm probably going to keep doing it. Until I get bored with it anyway .... LOL. I'll make sure I do a really good harvest update .... showing some trimming and stuff.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to do a journal for each batch I run ...... or, should I do a perpetual grow journal and just document as I go???

Any suggestions??
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Breaking a perpetual into parts will help attract new people to reading as they will not see a high page count and feel overwhelmed when catching up.
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

That's so true .... I hate catching up. I've got the girls in the dark right now. Chopping them Wednesday and I'll take pics as I do. Trimming won't be an issue since I defoliate. I'll probably gives these a nice bikini trim. Unlike the last batch. I left the leaves on then and threw them in a jar ..... LOL.
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

yeah what tactical said:)
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Awwwhhhh ya! trim 'em close!
I've got a kick ass pair of Fiskars Titanium Nitride Micro-Tip Comfort-Grip Easy-Action.... scissors
Worth every penny...

I feel like I could trim the pubes off a gnat...

...but hope I don't see any gnats...

I look forward to your harvest!!:thumb:
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

Yeah ..... me too. This grow went off without a hitch. Small little issue with PM ... but that was so easy to fix. No bugs (except the occassional gnat) and not lock outs. Everything went so smooth. Blue Planet nutrients are so fantastic to use. So easy to mix and very very hard to burn with this organic nutes. I'll be using them for a while. At least until I decide to go to Supersoil and water only. But, I'm not there yet.
re: Mutt's 2nd Organic Grow - Soil - TGA Genetics

OK .... here's the harvest. The nugs are pretty dense. Not as big as I wanted. But, much better than last time.








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