Music City Cannabis Soil White Widow Grow Journal - 2018

That's good info I appreciate it. Still a lot of trial and error I have to do to be able to answer some of that correctly. The guy I purchased the lights from had several of these T5 as he grows herbs and spices and such and the lights didn't seem to get hot at all the ones that he had on I can set my hand on the bulbs and I put them 10 to 20 inches a way and it didn't seem like a whole lot of heat coming from them which was one reason I went with the T5 as opposed to HPS. I'm not too much worried about the lights as I am just the building itself as summer is approaching but I have a few things in mind from the solar panel fans and a stand-up air conditioner just want to make sure I have enough fan for the tents themselves so I don't run into any issues. I am going to check out this Ventech you've mentione... Thanks

Ok well I went ahead and pulled the trigger! Troy01 thanks for the suggestion on the VenTech VT DF-6 I think that'll be perfect! Also grabbed a speed controller for it as well just stinks that I have Amazon prime 2 day shipping and the controller won't be in stock until the 26th of this month but oh well. Loving this forum!
The VenTech works remarkably good for the price. My lights raise the temperature inside my tent by about 5 degrees above the ambient temperature in the garage at about 50%. My garage is currently running about 68 degrees and my main tent is about 74 F which is perfect for me. I like to keep my tent between 74-80 F when the lights are on.

I also bought a iPower Exhaust Fan Speed Controller Adjuster for Duct Inline Fan Vent Blower 350W for $12.99 on Amazon. It is perfect. It is truly variable and not just the 3 presets like many have. I post the names as the moderator doesn't like us to post links to Amazon.

Another quick update! Got the 4x4 tent set-up in the building with it's better half Nickel City BadBoy T5 (12bulb) still lots to do but slowly coming together... :rollit:

Another quick update. I've gotten my 5 White Widow Seeds delivered today from! Yesterday I found a nice solar attic fan used on Craigslist and will be installing it on the roof of my building this week. Got a killer deal! It came off a very nice 2 story home and retails for over $400 I grabbed it for $100 bucks.
Haven't gotten alot done lately due to all the rain so I spent a few hours on drilling the holes in my 5 gallon grow buckets and let me say it was a job doing 5 of these but at least it's something out the way and completed. Air pruning from start to finish.
Thanks man! Yep and it took about 3 hours of drilling lol. I had my girl mesaure and make the dots and I did the drilling...

Fantastic job. It looks like they were precision drilled. I bet your wrist was worn out.

Got my new solar fan installed today. Works great! Today was very dull and overcasted and it was still moving pretty good. Thought i would be Poppin seeds this week but 3 of my items from Amazon got lost on the way but atleast I can say Amazon is a pleasure to work with as they answered my call right away and refunded my money so I could re order my items.

Got my new solar fan installed today. Works great! Today was very dull and overcasted and it was still moving pretty good. Thought i would be Poppin seeds this week but 3 of my items from Amazon got lost on the way but atleast I can say Amazon is a pleasure to work with as they answered my call right away and refunded my money so I could re order my items.

I had that happen recently and they refunded my money and then the next day my items mysteriously were delivered. Amazon's records showed it sill missing. I called Amazon and they told me to just keep it and apologized for the mess up.
I really couldn't complain as it was 2 6" exhaust fans.
I had that happen recently and they refunded my money and then the next day my items mysteriously were delivered. Amazon's records showed it sill missing. I called Amazon and they told me to just keep it and apologized for the mess up.
I really couldn't complain as it was 2 6" exhaust fans.
That's awesome! Would love for that to happen to me. Maybe it will. Supposed to get my fan and timers tomorrow.
You never know. I also bought something for my son a couple weeks ago. I got a notice that it had been delivered so I sent him a message. He checked and nothing. After two days I contacted Amazon and they replaced it. 5 days later a neighbor brought it over and said it had been left on their door step. Again Amazon said just keep it.

Maybe I've just gotten some lazy CS reps tht didnt' want to deal with the return.
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