~ Veg update Info/Pics ~
I have been very busy in the veg side this weekend. I finished my mom, clone & dry chamber this weekend and got it into the room. Had to move some stuff around, but I like this setup a lot better. It seems to be the way it should've been along if that makes sense.
I also transplanted 4 of my big veg girls yesterday. They are all confirmed females so that is good
They are VK2, RB2 (finally I go another female of this strain as I can't find it anymore), ST1 (we were really concerned this was a male do to its vigorous growth, but she is a girl) which is one of the ones I found in the compost pile and TB3. I think I have a few more ready but can't put anymore in the 8gal pots as I won't have the room in flower.
I will also be transing some of the ones I want to keep as moms into 1gal pots for now and putting them into the new chamber as I move the others into the flower room. For now I am going to keep a JH, SSH, VK, RB, TB and maybe a couple of others. I am not sure as of the mom line up yet.
I also need to take clones of the ones that are going into flower so I don't lose any. I will probably do that tonight, just not sure yet.
Here is the new chamber. I have currently put in 2 of the big pots until I can move them to the flower room. I just don't have enough room on the floor and they should only be in here for a few days. The chamber is 2' deep x 4' wide and 5' tall. I still have to put the velcro on the front to make it sealable. I have one of my small cfl light arrays in there. I have (2) 3500k, (2) 5000k and (2) 6500k bulbs in there. I also have my UBT tops in there. They are doing well and I think I can harden them off starting tonight.
There is ST1 to the left and TB3 to the right. I swear they grew 6 inches overnight after the transplant.
Here are 6 in the 4gal pots. It's a jungle down there, but they are all doing well. I think there are IDKs, STs and a TB4 in there.
Here are the other 2 I transd into 8gal pots. To the left is a TB3 that I LSTd and RB2 to the right which I also LSTd
Here is a right side bench shot. I have to go through these as I have moms in there and just so many that I may get rid of a few just to make room, but we shall see what I come up with.
Right side
Left side
Well that should do it for Veg as well. I think that brings everything up to date so far.