~ Veg update Info/Pics ~
I haven't updated veg in a while, but after all it is veg - LOL. With that said there have been many things going on that I have needed to get to and finally have a handle on things in there. So right now I have 12 that are ready to go into flower in a week. I want to trans 4 into 8gal pots a few days before I move them into flower. I am thinking VK2 (female), RB2 (not sure), TB3 and TB4 (I think fem, but not sure.
If I don't have clones of these 12 I will be taking them before I move them to flower.
So I will have 8 in 4gal pots and 4 in 8gal pots, but I just hope I can find the room in there to accomplish this. It is going to be a tight fit until I harvest the 5 in there now.
I am sure some will be male and that will give more room, but I won't know that for 5 or so days into flower. I just hope it is not any in the 8gal containers. If so I will replace them with confirmed females.
I UBTd about 6 last night some were from the bench and couple were from the floor group, but now all 12 have been UBTd that are getting ready to go into flower.
So here is the floor, there are IDKs, STs, TBs, RB & VK
This first pic was from 3 days ago
This is from this morning
I also decided to do another photo shoot of the UBT test plant TB4
Close up
Closer yet
Top view
This is the bench and as many strains up there, actually just too many to list at this time.
Right side
Left side
So in a couple weeks I should have a better handle of what's staying (females) and what is going (males), which will make for a lot less clutter. I have also almost finished the mom, clone, dry chamber and it should be in place by this weekend. It is 2'x4'x5' tall. It will mainly house the 4 moms I want to keep and also be used for drying when harvest time comes around. I will have an update of that at some point.