Mr Teddy's Greek Indoor Grow - Indicas - Soil - LEDs

Hi Mr. Teddy, really looks good! Doesn't seem like node spacing is a problem. Honestly, I waited too long to top in my indoor grow for most of my plants, you should top ASAP> like...... now. (when you read this) Go pinch off the inner tippy-top nodes Mr. Teddy! It can be intimidating the first time I know, but just do it quick and soon there will be two beautiful nodes in the place of that one, and all the more future joys to come as a result ;)

Great looking plants :) looks like they're already jumping the hot soil hurdle. :love:
:circle-of-love:Off for a smokey wokey :thanks:

looking good and cool story about collecting water. "walrus mustached" lol.
:thanks: Yes, old Pansstis is a big man round here. Well, he's a big man full stop. As I said way back on my outdoor journal, there are more than the average number of kids running round the village with walrus moustaches and pot bellies. Known in the Teddy household as Pantsaredown.

Hi Mr. Teddy, really looks good! Doesn't seem like node spacing is a problem. Honestly, I waited too long to top in my indoor grow for most of my plants, you should top ASAP> like...... now. (when you read this) Go pinch off the inner tippy-top nodes Mr. Teddy! It can be intimidating the first time I know, but just do it quick and soon there will be two beautiful nodes in the place of that one, and all the more future joys to come as a result ;)

Great looking plants :) looks like they're already jumping the hot soil hurdle. :love:

Now I read the tutorials, studied the posts and watched the videos but frankly, ladies and gentlemen, "Go pinch off the inner tippy-top nodes" is all I needed to know about topping.
:bravo: SoilGirl
It was done at first light today.
PS What colour nails are you wearing for The Big Date? Call me old fashioned, but I really think that I ought to meet this chap before my virtual daughter goes walking out with him. :cheesygrinsmiley:
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.....They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

Abraham Lincoln, October 3rd 1863

To all you old colonists over there in the New World, Happy Thanksgiving from Mr and Mrs Teddy xxx:circle-of-love:
Now I read the tutorials, studied the posts and watched the videos but frankly, ladies and gentlemen, "Go pinch off the inner tippy-top nodes" is all I needed to know about topping.
:bravo: SoilGirl
It was done at first light today.
PS What colour nails are you wearing for The Big Date? Call me old fashioned, but I really think that I ought to meet this chap before my virtual daughter goes walking out with him. :cheesygrinsmiley:

:yahoo::slide::laughtwo: Congrats on your first tops Mr. Teddy! Hahahah I loved your response. I'm glad my way with words is appreciated! LOL.

Aw lol you're so funny but sweet at the same time. I THINK - but mind you, I am not entirely positive - I will be going with red :) I haven't done red for a while. Classic, but still flirty. :dreamy:

... but since he won't see my toes, maybe they can stay purple and I'll still feel like I'm sticking with my roots. :laughtwo:

And aw thank you Mr. and Mrs. Teddy! Happy Thanksgiving! (although its still about 9 hours away we're already in the spirit of the holiday, and making preparations for the feasting!) :circle-of-love::volcano-smiley::Namaste:
I haven't done red for a while. Classic, but still flirty. :dreamy:

Every man's favourite combination. Good choice. :thumb:

Hey hes our very own 420MrTeddy :thumb: not just an intelligent an really nice guy but mate yep you come from a great level that I am tickled by most every time I see your post:circle-of-love:

Thank you, Sir Jaga of Enlandshire. *Bows modestly whilst grinning inside*. My knowledge of growing is small so I try and make it at least worth reading.:circle-of-love:


Minor Update: A Small Drama (But Not A Crisis)

When I checked on the three girls just before 1a.m. the tent was running a little hot at 32C (89F). The cheap Greek heater's thermostat had blown and it smelt of very hot wire. So that was unplugged and the central heating turned on for the night for the little 'uns. Checking just before lights out at 7a.m. this morning, the tent had dropped to 19C (66F - easy conversion, 1966 being of course the year that England beat Germany 4-2 in the World Cup Final at Wembley. :slide: Lordy, how far we've fallen) And the house was very chilly. The expensive Greek central heating had blown. So today, leaving Mrs Teddy to supervise the plumbers, I dashed to the nearest big town (big town. Ha. It's smaller than Camden in London where we lived) and bought a less cheap heater and a fire extinguisher. Unlike me to be prepared, but I don't think I could just wing it in a fire.

So as of now the situation is:
- The girls are looking fair dinkum at a constant 25C (77F)
- They are smelling delicious, especially Mazar whose delightful odour is amazingly powerful for her size
- The new heater is working perfectly
- The central heating won't be fixed until tomorrow
- Mrs T and I are sitting next to the fire which is weak because the cheap wood I bought from the Dimos (local council) was cheap because it's wet so the girls are, as it should be, warmer than us.

Pip Pip!
:love: Mr Teddy

Hello fellow travellers. I trust that all is fine and dandy with you this Sunday.

The heating is working, both in the tent and in the house. Everybody happy.

Two days ago I topped all three girls. Yesterday they got a dunking. No nutes, natch. Mrs Teddy's exclusive bathroom got a thorough Mr Teddy cleaning afterwards. The secret of a happy marriage is separate bathrooms. Today I entered the perverse but apparently rewarding world of training. You can do all the reading, you can do all the research, but at some stage you've just got to do the doing. Airpot holes are so handy. I anchored the base first to minimise any root-pulling and then trained from the opposite side.

Blueberry first, the squattest of the three:

Then Mazar and Masterkush. If you look closely you can just about make out the double tops from each coming through like the Persian hordes at Thermopylae. Hooray and huzzah, as Nils Crane would exclaim.

And here they are in more natural light. (That's why I've kept the CFLs in there, daT).

Astonishingly to me, just a couple of hours later they are already moving up to the light and I've tightened them a little more. I like this game.

Wishing you all peace this Sunday.
:love: Mr Teddy x
Hello Mr Teddy
Thats some nice LST you have going on and arent the airpots good for it I started a lil training:high-five: It is real good fun playing with the girls ,, have you checked out any vids on supercropping sounds erly maybe BUT never to early to snap them stems ,, it sends more nutes up to places that are harder to reach There are some great videos on it I think our Jorge Cervantis I am not sure if I spelt the name right,, but on one of his vids he does like a snappy thing on the main stem,, a bit like giving her a Chinese burn but ,, it breaks the tissue in the stem an sends nutes to the bits ,, :goodjob:Yep them shires is where I am
Hey the girls are loving life in Greece:high-five::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
YaaSoooo Mr. Teddy. Nice work on the training. You are really doing it nicely too. Didn't care much for your cold weather. A good time to snuggle with Mrs Teddy, which I am sure you took advantage of. Your plants are looking top shelf. Well done, my friend.
I do fear with out really knowing it you have turned into a die hard grower. No looking back now...the deed is done.

I was surprised that you had heat so quickly. I'm sure it didn't take too much bribery. Amazing what a few drachmas will do. If I were younger I might try to sneak back into the country. Peace my friend.:peace:

It's a awesome light for taking pics indeed :circle-of-love: I don't dislike the purple either! purple's my fav color :cheer:

Girls looking very happy :bravo:


Thank you daTenshi. :circle-of-love: This of course is my first experience of LEDs, indeed of any indoor lights. In person, the veg light from this PlatinumLED P450 is quite pink, but from the look of the girls Platinum seem to know what they're doing. All that research into stuff that isn't really my thing - like PARS and coverage and spectrums and output and quoted watts vs. actual watts - looks like it's paying off. I'm not entirely sure, but I think they employ Oompa-Lumpas in the factory.

Hello Mr Teddy
Thats some nice LST you have going on and arent the airpots good for it I started a lil training:high-five: It is real good fun playing with the girls ,, have you checked out any vids on supercropping sounds erly maybe BUT never to early to snap them stems ,, it sends more nutes up to places that are harder to reach There are some great videos on it I think our Jorge Cervantis I am not sure if I spelt the name right,, but on one of his vids he does like a snappy thing on the main stem,, a bit like giving her a Chinese burn but ,, it breaks the tissue in the stem an sends nutes to the bits ,, :goodjob:Yep them shires is where I am
Hey the girls are loving life in Greece:high-five::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
:ciao: jaga. Blimey, I'm not sure that I'm ready to start snapping stems yet. :laughtwo: That's the gardener in me. But I'm off to look up Jorge's videos.
Have a peaceful day, my friend.

YaaSoooo Mr. Teddy. Nice work on the training. You are really doing it nicely too. Didn't care much for your cold weather. A good time to snuggle with Mrs Teddy, which I am sure you took advantage of. Your plants are looking top shelf. Well done, my friend.
I do fear with out really knowing it you have turned into a die hard grower. No looking back now...the deed is done.

I was surprised that you had heat so quickly. I'm sure it didn't take too much bribery. Amazing what a few drachmas will do. If I were younger I might try to sneak back into the country. Peace my friend.:peace:
:thanks: OMM. I hope all is well with you on the island. Yes, Mrs T said to me just this morning "Baby, if you had another tent could you do the vegging thing in that and use this one for flowering?" RESULT, I think you'll find. :high-five:

PS You are completely right about a bit of cash helping to oil the wheels and fix the boiler. Plus of course your friend has to know someone who has a cousin. :cheesygrinsmiley:
PPS Sneak back in? Wouldn't that be fun. Just let me know which container you will be hiding in and I'll pick you up.

Now that I've got your attention...

Kali spera from the mountain where a cracking storm is rolling and thundering and pouring. We're surrounded by fog so it feels as if the lightening is right next to the house. The dog and the Nazi kittens are curled up together in front of the fire, the English cat is hiding under the bed, I've got the curry on the stove and Mrs Teddy is watching Housewives of Atlanta on YouTube. So it's as good a time as any for an update. Some quality me time. :laughtwo: I do hope everything is tickety-boo with you all. :ciao:

Four days after the last watering, all the pots are dry and light (sounds like a beer slogan) so it's into the leather bucket - the most useful thing in the garden along with the wheelbarrow - which goes into the bath. A good 15 mins later, or roughly the time it takes a chap to enjoy a couple of cigarettes with a Greek coffee whilst watching the gathering storm clouds march up the gulf like an invading Persian army, each one is done and just gets a gentle top watering to complete the treatment. This time I introduced just the tiniest drop-ette of BioBizz Grow into the top watering.

Blueberry first.

The topping has done what it should as you can see. I think I'll top again unless anyone has any objections.

Next, MasterKush.

And finally, Mazar.


One or two of her larger fan leaves are showing signs of what I take to be Magnesium deficiency, not uncommon I see around here under LEDs.

So I shall set my alarm for tomorrow morning at 6.45, just before lights out, and give all three of them a Cal/Mag foliar feed. You may have nice bottles and brands. This is Calcium and Magnesium Greek stylie:


I've already mixed a couple of teaspoons in a litre of spring-water because I certainly won't be doing that in the dark tomorrow.

And then, back home for all three:


Grow, my pretties, grow....

Thank you for stopping by. Your likes and comments always remind me that I'm not talking to myself. :cheesygrinsmiley:

May your God go with you.
:love: Mr Teddy x
They look beautiful. I would say top a couple more times to get a nice big bush.

Now that's the kind of advice I like to hear. :thanks:

Roger, wilco, message understood no.1. Will proceed as per instruction. Don't drop a couple of tuppeny ones in the briney. Just triple top. Will do.

I see a winter grow has popped up on your signature, JL. On my way over. And where are those pictures of Amsterdam you promised? C'mon, Chop Chop!
Yay! I love to get caught up and see things going so well :) everything you've learned is definitely paying off Mr. Teddy, to see those pics and think this is your first indoor grow... :cheer: and yeah top more if you want :D

-but also keep in mind, there IS such thing as too many nodes to be worth it, and your lower nodes are doing a lot better a lot sooner than mine did, which is your plant just asking you to let them grow into the big top branches they want to be, with a little help.

Master Kush for example; in the side-view pic I saw that 5 of the lower nodes are all already getting to be even with the top nodes, at this early stage of growth that's fantastic. If I were you, I'd try to encourage all that great branching that's already there, maybe only re-topping the 2 nodes you got from the first top once and each of the 5 lower onces once, evening out the canopy, like my outdoor summer Euphoria plant that I only side-LST'ed and FIM'ed once, and ended up with like a dozen or so even tops, but a shorter version with better exposure, more nodes, and less directly vertical growth. I think a game plan like that could get 3-4 dry ounces per plant even with only a 2-3 month veg for you (thats a pretty darn good pay off!) .... but that's just me, if you don't do that I'm sure it will do great anyways, you're really growing as a grower and you're making your own style. ;) It's fun to watch.

Take care and try to avoid the Persians! :love:
Yay! I love to get caught up and see things going so well :) everything you've learned is definitely paying off Mr. Teddy, to see those pics and think this is your first indoor grow... :cheer: and yeah top more if you want :D

-but also keep in mind, there IS such thing as too many nodes to be worth it, and your lower nodes are doing a lot better a lot sooner than mine did, which is your plant just asking you to let them grow into the big top branches they want to be, with a little help.

Master Kush for example; in the side-view pic I saw that 5 of the lower nodes are all already getting to be even with the top nodes, at this early stage of growth that's fantastic. If I were you, I'd try to encourage all that great branching that's already there, maybe only re-topping the 2 nodes you got from the first top once and each of the 5 lower onces once, evening out the canopy, like my outdoor summer Euphoria plant that I only side-LST'ed and FIM'ed once, and ended up with like a dozen or so even tops, but a shorter version with better exposure, more nodes, and less directly vertical growth. I think a game plan like that could get 3-4 dry ounces per plant even with only a 2-3 month veg for you (thats a pretty darn good pay off!) .... but that's just me, if you don't do that I'm sure it will do great anyways, you're really growing as a grower and you're making your own style. ;) It's fun to watch.

Take care and try to avoid the Persians! :love:

Hullo SoilGirl. Thanks so much coming by. Of course I remember your lovely Euphoria. That's great advice, well explained. :thanks: I assumed I was aiming for an even canopy but now I know I am. :laughtwo:

Yesterday I topped each of the double top sites for the second time so today I'll follow your advice and start topping the lower nodes. I've trained them again too, taking the tops around the edge of the pots. It's getting difficult to tell immediately which are the top nodes now - I have to trace the main stem up from the bottom to find them. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'm also gently bending by hand some of the larger fan leaves to give lower sites more light. One can follow the journals and do the research, but actually experiencing how these remarkable plants grow is the real learning.

I rose from my bed early this Saturday to give them another Magnesium foliar spray just before lights out. Mazar's fans are still looking peaky, and I'm sure I'll lose one or two fan leaves from her - but her leaves are so bulky that it's probably an advantage. I've read that the foliar feed takes up to 24 hours to be fully absorbed, so I'm spraying every other day. If it continues on Mazar I'll up the dosage a little. Or try the kelp spray which worked wonders for Frisian Dew this summer.

This interventionist approach is interesting. It brings you close to your plants and makes one fully understand their structure. I'm glad I'm doing it. I train many of my climbing plants outdoors - climbing roses, honeysuckle, passion flowers - to give as much horizontal growth as possible because that results in many more flowers. I'm creating a plum tree espalier too, against a wall. I guess it's the same principle with the girls.

Talking of which, there's some weak sunshine out there today. Must go and clean up the perennials and give the lawn the last mow of the year. I love gardening, outdoors or in. I'll pop some pics up later - their growth rate is wonderful: already they're starting to look like little bushes rather than bent over plants. :slide:

Thanks again, SG. Have a happy Saturday, everyone. Pip Pip! :circle-of-love:
High Mr Teddy
the joy of growing ,, just topped them again thats gonna help the end result,s :volcano-smiley:How about some Pix

Good morning, jaga. Sorry, I got too caught up in the outdoor garden yesterday to take photos. It was a glorious, bright winter day and there's a lot of work to do shifting tender plants into pots and indoors ready for what (I hope) will be a snow-filled New Year. We need it to avoid another summer drought. Then Mrs T and I got involved in enjoying Frisian Dew - fully dried and cured for a week so far. WOW - what a beautiful, smooth and seductive smoke she is. She's definitely on my list again for next year.

I'll get some pics up today. Happy daze to you and the misses. :circle-of-love:
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