Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Congrats on the harvest, sorry I'm late, with everything going on my end I haven't had time to catch up on everyones gardens!!!
The Ed Ros wont need much training, probably 4 or 5 stems to tie down and mine had hardly any popcorn, just solid bud. Will drop by again soon my friend, enjoy the rest of the weekend
Good morning my man. You don't need to miss me, I'm right here and not going anywhere:love: Apart from the local farm to collect my weekly meat and veg :rofl:


I know you're always here that's what's so great! But I feel like I don't tell ya enough that I'm thinkin about you!

Have fun today!
I know you're always here that's what's so great! But I feel like I don't tell ya enough that I'm thinkin about you!

Have fun today!

You don't need to tell me my friend, I already know :love:

Mrs A has me hanging the remaining wall tiles in the kitchen, Dark Devil Auto appears to be a great motivator....
Thanxx for the link Mr. Amazing. A lot of members have been asking for it.
A few people around the place have been asking about a cannabis liquid to put into an e cig. I came across these 2 sets of instructions on other sites and thought id copy them over here for the fine folks at 420 magazine to enjoy.

Most important thing to remember folks...

Safety first

I take no responsibility for any accidents resulting from inadequate safety measures while following any of these instructions

Make sure you take all precautions and stay safe.

I havnt as yet tried to make this myself so I'm unable to comment on how it works. If anybody does make some I would be very interested to see how it turns out as I plan to make some in the future.

What you´re going to need?

Before you get started on making your cannabis e-liquid, make sure you have all of the following things:

Propylene Glycol — you can buy this from Amazon and it costs about $7
The recommended dosage of cannabis is 6 grams, but you can use more or less depending on how strong you would like it to be. Make sure you´re using good quality cannabis!
High proof grain alcohol. Do not use rubbing alcohol for this! You are looking for alcohols such as Everclear and Alcool.
2 mason jars
Some 5ml dropper bottles
Cheese cloth (for filtration)
A baking tray and aluminum foil
A cookpot and an oven

How to make cannabis e-liquid
e liquid vape How To Make The Ultimate Cannabis E liquid

The first step is decarboxylation. Don´t skip this step! It´s really important. The chemical process which takes place when marijuana is combusted (such as smoking it) doesn´t occur in vaporization because temperatures don´t necessarily get hot enough. So this step is important to make sure the THC is activated!

Finely chop your buds. The finer they are the better! Then put aluminum foil on a baking tray, spread your buds out and put them in the oven. At 220-225 F, leave the buds in there for about 15 minutes. They will be dry and probably a little bit brown.

Put your decarboxylated buds into one of the mason jars. Start filling the mason jar with Everclear alcohol (or whichever high proof grain alcohol you have chosen) until the buds are just covered in the jar.

Put about 3.5 inches of water in a pot, and put the mason jar in it. Turn on a vent if your stove has one, and maybe open a window. In this step you are trying to evaporate some of the alcohol in the jar. Continually stir the cannabis during the process. Allow the alcohol to evaporate until the buds are still submerged, but less so than before. The mixture in the jar will get darker and darker as you continue to do this as the THC gets absorbed in the remaining alcohol. The more buds you use, the darker it will get.
Once you feel you have evaporated enough (without doing it too much), add a little more Everclear to the mason jar, returning it to its original position. A little higher is okay too.

It is time to filter your product. Cover the second mason jar with the cheesecloth and begin pouring your mixture into the second mason jar, allowing the cheese cloth to catch the buds. Squeeze as much liquid out of your buds as possible.

With the mixture that is left in the mason jar, repeat step 3. This time, you want to evaporate the liquid until there is only 5 ml left in the mason jar. You can use the dropper to measure out how much is left in there.

Then add 20 ml of propylene glycol. This makes about 25 ml of liquid out of the 6 grams of cannabis that was recommended. Other people also use food grade vegetable glycerin instead of propylene glycol.

Here is the second one...

First you'll need to obtain all the necessary ingredients and materials before you start the process. In order to make the advanced e-liquid, you'll require the following items:

EJ Mix. Available from Amazon
High Proof (190+) Grain Alcohol (something like Everclear will work). You must use at least 190 proof for the extraction to be as efficient as possible.
Blunt Tip Sringes (like these). Syringes are essential to the process as they make the liquid transfer steps easier, mess-free, and more efficient.
Some dropper bottles (these work well and are opaque to prevent sunlight exposure)
Optional: LorAnn Flavoring (the same kind used in e-cigarette liquids) to give your product some taste!
Coffee Filters
Parchment Paper
2 Mason Jars.
Larger jars are better for making and storing higher quantities of liquid. If possible use opaque jars as they prevent light from degrading the THC in your juice.
Stove pot (big enough so that you can put one of the mason jars in it almost halfway submerged).
A minimum of 3.5 grams of high quality loose leaf bud.

Once you have all the necessary ingredients, you can get started with the actual process. Make sure to choose a well ventilated workspace which vents to the outside (and use only an electric stove with no open flame -no gas!).

Part One

First, grind your loose leaf into fine pieces and place it on a baking trat covered in parchment paper.

Next you'll need to decarboxylate your bud, so preheat your oven to 100C (220F) and insert your baking tray containing your ground loose leaf for about twenty-five to forty minutes until it turns light brown in color.

Once your bud has been decarboxylated, place it into one of your mason jars and pour in enough high proof alcohol the loose leaf is submerged with 1/2″ (1.27cm) of alcohol on top.

Then place a lid on your jar and place it in a cool dark place for at least 48 hours (but the longer the better).

Each day give the liquid a light shake to mix up the active ingredients and encourage extraction.

After at least 48 hours has passed, remove the jar and prepare your second mason jar as well as 2 syringes and a coffee filter.

Unscrew the blunt tip needles from your two syringes, remove the plunger from one of them and insert half a coffee filter inside. This step increases filtration while minimizing losses which would be absorbed by normal filtration methods.

Take your syringe without the filter, and begin sucking up the liquid from your first mason jar and squirt it into the syringe which contains the filter, then replace the plunger. Squeeze this liquid (which will now be filtered) into your second jar and keep repeating this step until no solution remains in the first jar.

Seal your second jar and put it in your freezer for 48 hours. This step increases purity by allowing any undesirable contents to settle at the bottom of the jar.

Carefully remove the jar from the freezer, and filter it by using the same process outlined in steps 6-7.

Then let the mixture warm up to room temperature before you proceed.
This step is highly important as heating up cold alcohol can be dangerous!

Take the lid off your jar, place it in your stove pot, and then fill the pot with enough water to cover almost half the jar to create a bain marie.
Turn your stove vent on high and then bring the water to just under a boil and watch closely until all the alcohol boils off. Once this happens you should be left with a dark, thick oil at the bottom of the jar. Using 3.5 grams of potent loose leaf should leave with just under one gram of strong concentrate which you can now turn into an e-liquid using the next part of this guide.

Step Two

Using your pot, fill it again to halfway with water with your mason jar containing the oil inside. I recommend putting a knife or fork at the bottom of one side of the jar so that the liquid will pool to one side (making removing it easier)

Using a new syringe, measure 1mL of EJ mix for every gram of concentrate that you have inside your jar. Feel free to experiment with a little less or little more EJ Mix to alter potency, but this is what worked for me.
Again, bring your water to just under a boil, but you won't need a lot of heat for this step (just enough so that the oil gets dissolved into the EJ Mix). It should take about five minutes before the oil is fully dissolved.

Take your syringe and transfer the solution into a dropper bottle for storage. You can also mix in a tiny bit of flavor (be careful as the flavors can be potent) in order to give your liquid a great taste!

As the weekend draws to a close id like to send my thoughts and best wishes to my friends over the pond who are affected by the snowstorms. I hope your all warm and safe.

Onto my little box.

Ed Rosenthal Day 38

This girls is gonna be a quick finisher, she is smaller than the AH but my she is starting to get frosty. Cal deficiency progression seems to have halted.




Amnesia Haze Day 37

She was thirsty again today. Drinks much quicker than the ER. She had water and calmag. She always seems to look a little droopy but other than this she appears healthy.




Berry Bomb Day 8

They are cute at this age



Thanks for popping in everyone. :love:

Check your PMs.
Thanks for the e-cig fluid info. That'll get people excited. :laughtwo:

Things keep clicking along nicely in your garden. So, who's being motivated by the DDA, you or the missus, or both? Home improvement is always a good thing, in my book, so kuddos.

Missing you with all this running around I'm doing. I needed to stop and leave a hug. :love: :hug: :love:

Check your PMs.

Thanks, I checked pm, nothing new?

Thanks for the e-cig fluid info. That'll get people excited. :laughtwo:

Things keep clicking along nicely in your garden. So, who's being motivated by the DDA, you or the missus, or both? Home improvement is always a good thing, in my book, so kuddos.

Missing you with all this running around I'm doing. I needed to stop and leave a hug. :love: :hug: :love:

Thanks Sue, we were both enjoying the DDA yesterday. Big hugs to you :hug: :love: :hug:

That Dar devil looks awesome man :goodjob: Now I'm wishing i took advantage of the recent sale at the grow shop it was 40% off sweet seeds LOL

You should have done it. I like it.
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