Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Happy weekend Mr A. Hope it's full of happiness, we're getting some heavy, heavy storms here, so it's a movie & pipes weekend for me :rofl: lots of love man

Cheers WS, not a great weekend, but not a bad one either. Had to pop up to help a friend out on friday night and didnt get back till yesterday evening. My girls suffered but more on that later. Hope you enjoyed your movie day. :passitleft:

Movies and pipes sounds like a great idea, WS :)

Happy Weekend, Mr A! I know you've had a lot of stuff passed to you, but here's another ...


I love that you still have a nug from your first grow -- that's sweet and I totally understand it. There's something so awesome about the first cannabis plant we grow, isn't there? The first time I got high on weed I nurtured myself, from seed to bud, I felt thankful and in awe of the power of this plant :)

I can never have too much passed to me glimmer.
Here is the nug in its own little jar. She was cut back in May, I nipped a little hit for my pipe a few weeks ago and it was the smoothest thing I've ever smoked.


I love this flower and i couldn't be without it, my sanity depends on it.

Popcorn and a doobie :popcorn::passitleft:

My thankyou fine sir :popcorn: :passitleft:

Happy Sunday Mr.A!!!! :passitleft:

It was not but I thankyou anyway :)
Good to see you Mr Poppins, I miss you :love:

Learned a lot from your thread Mr A, thanks :)

:welcome: Happy to help. Here, take this :passitleft:

Good day sir!

I've got a pocket full of sunshine and there's a little bit left for someone special. :love:

Hope you're doing well my man!

Thankyou my friend:love: I needed that :hug:
Its a new week and we go forward, never looking back. :high-five:

What's in your other pocket? :drool::laughtwo:


In other news..........
Your micro grow looked awesome as ive been reading through it MrAm4zin. Could i ask a question or 2?

You have me hope of trying a led - i had nearly given up! Do you think a Mars reflector 240w/48 would work in a 34" cab? I would ofc lst/scrog to keep the plant down (autos) just concerned about lightburn/burning. Also heat possibly! If i dont go for an led i would be using 200w cfl.

When i read your progress with your 30" cab i was really impressed!:bravo:


Welcome to my little corner Ogug and the wider 420 community in general.
Thanks for the compliments. Growing in a small space does have its challenges, Heat was indeed my main issue when I upgraded my light unit. I ended up moving it outside and cutting a big hole in the top for the light to shine through. I showed pics a few pages back but ill add on here to show you.


As for your light question, The mars reflector 48, should cover a 2 foot square space from a height of 18 inches. So depending on the floor space you should be ok.
I've had mine within a few inches of the light unit without issue but I wouldn't recommend that. :) I try and keep them to 12 inches below the light but that can't always happen.

Hit me up anytime if I can be of more help.

Get a journal up when you start and ill pop over. I do love me a good micro grow.:thumb:
Nice to be back bud, I missed you as well. Life isn't the same without my 420 peeps. You should stop by my journal and see Baby Greens, she's been asking about you ;) :passitleft:
In other news.....

Whilst feeding my ladies on friday evening I got a call from a very worried friend, in desperate need of help, so I dropped the girls back in the box and headed off.

In my rushing I didn't empty the catch tray under the pot of the Amnesia haze. She had been sat in a solution of ph 5. something feed water from Friday till Sunday. She got a heavy flush and put back under the light. She looks quite sad at the moment but I have every faith she will bounce back.

She is 46 days



The Ed Rosenthal Super Bud on the other hand is looking great. She only got water on friday as I didn't have time to mix her feed. Looking a bit pale but otherwise ok. She got a feed last night.

She is 47 days



Ill update my Berry Bomb Auto a bit later. (I have no pics of her at the mo) when I announce my future plans for my little grow box.
Berry Bomb Auto is getting ready for her dart up towards the light. A few more days, maybe a week and she might be ready for some training.

She is day 16



Moving Forward

I need to do something new. There are so many things I'd like to try bit with my very limited space, I'm going to need some produce in reserve.
I was planning on a big (ish) scrog or flux with my next seed to make that stock but with spannabis coming up, I'm going wait till I get back to pop the photo seed and get that started.

For now, I've dropped my lights to 11/13 on/off. After seeing the results ziggy gets I thought why not give it whirl.

When my big one is done I want to start making some seeds of my own. I've been inspired by glimmergrass method of using colidal silver on just 1 branch of a plant to make pollen. And I will use this same way.
Anyway I'm tired and need to sleep.
Nite nite:love:
Nite, Mr A :)

I know your girl will recover from her wet feet just fine. You do amazing things in that box of yours! I know the feeling of wanting to try something new. Maybe you and I have short attention spans? That would explain a few things ...

Yeah, you have to do something new. Don't let it get stale. I need to do an update about the pollen -- I may have a dud on my hands (or, rather, 3 duds). I got pollen sacs but don't know that there's any pollen in them. toker69 wrote about this. I suspect I just started the process too late in flowerr -- my next go round I'm going to start the conversion right when I see the pre flowers.

Anyway, blah blah blah. More elsewhere. Just wanted to say hello and compliment you on your plants, especially that Super Bud. That is super frosty!
Good plan mazin, i hope you get all the reserve you need. From now on im pollinating like glimmer too. Wow i cant believe the Ed and the amnesia are sooo big already, it seems like it was just yesterday when you started them. I guess im still on photo time lol. :smokin:
Welcome to my little corner Ogug and the wider 420 community in general.
Thanks for the compliments. Growing in a small space does have its challenges, Heat was indeed my main issue when I upgraded my light unit. I ended up moving it outside and cutting a big hole in the top for the light to shine through. I showed pics a few pages back but ill add on here to show you.


As for your light question, The mars reflector 48, should cover a 2 foot square space from a height of 18 inches. So depending on the floor space you should be ok.
I've had mine within a few inches of the light unit without issue but I wouldn't recommend that. :) I try and keep them to 12 inches below the light but that can't always happen.

Hit me up anytime if I can be of more help.

Get a journal up when you start and ill pop over. I do love me a good micro grow.:thumb:

Hey Mr Am4zin, thanks for the reply! :thanks:

Yea, i saw that picture as i was reading through - but thanks for showing it again! I remember reading your prob when you got that beast! Tbh i still have to read through more of your journals (i was reading through your 300w non brand led too etc) I kept reading, but also looking at your pics to see how close those plants were too the light in a restricted environment like mine! I would have it inside the box like your older grows i was looking at to contain the fan noise.

The cab would be 34"(h)x21"(d)x21"(w) - the pots im using atm are 9" tall (bit big probably) but that would leave seedlings about 24" at birth, leaving when in bloom/full height 12" if i kept the full 12" distance - i would have to improve my lst much early on i think if i did that!

Tbh it is reassuring knowing that you are using the mars400 and kept it at 12" with it all ok (and even shorter if you really couldnt help it!) :yahoo:

I think im going to have to re-read from page one to last on all of your journals tonight :thumb:

If anything from seeing your grow you gave me the hope not to give up and just stick to some cfls :thanks:

Apologies for derailing your fantastic grow tho Mr Am4zin! :thanks:
Nite, Mr A :)

I know your girl will recover from her wet feet just fine. You do amazing things in that box of yours! I know the feeling of wanting to try something new. Maybe you and I have short attention spans? That would explain a few things ...

Yeah, you have to do something new. Don't let it get stale. I need to do an update about the pollen -- I may have a dud on my hands (or, rather, 3 duds). I got pollen sacs but don't know that there's any pollen in them. toker69 wrote about this. I suspect I just started the process too late in flowerr -- my next go round I'm going to start the conversion right when I see the pre flowers.

Anyway, blah blah blah. More elsewhere. Just wanted to say hello and compliment you on your plants, especially that Super Bud. That is super frosty!

Thanks glimmer, I'm looking forward to the Super Bud, it came highly recommended in the form of a gifted seed, couldn't get it into soil quick enough when the space allowed.

I am getting bored with what im doing at the moment, don't get me wrong I love tending to my girls but I need to change something and I have some fine photo strains sitting on my shelf just waiting to get going.

Good plan mazin, i hope you get all the reserve you need. From now on im pollinating like glimmer too. Wow i cant believe the Ed and the amnesia are sooo big already, it seems like it was just yesterday when you started them. I guess im still on photo time lol. :smokin:

My friend who looked after them when I was away at Xmas (they were a week old) came up for a visit last week and she couldn't believe the change in them either. I'm impressed by the speed that these two have shown so far. PureGreen, who gifted the seed, harvested his after just 65 days and I gotta say, mine is bang on target for about the same time. The AH will go a bit longer I think.

New seeds going in tomorrow, I'm gonna run 2 in tiny tiny pots, there about 2liter and plastic. Not sure what I'm gonna run yet, I'll post a list later of what my choices are.
Until then. :passitleft:
Hey Mr Am4zin, thanks for the reply! :thanks:

Yea, i saw that picture as i was reading through - but thanks for showing it again! I remember reading your prob when you got that beast! Tbh i still have to read through more of your journals (i was reading through your 300w non brand led too etc) I kept reading, but also looking at your pics to see how close those plants were too the light in a restricted environment like mine! I would have it inside the box like your older grows i was looking at to contain the fan noise.

The cab would be 34"(h)x21"(d)x21"(w) - the pots im using atm are 9" tall (bit big probably) but that would leave seedlings about 24" at birth, leaving when in bloom/full height 12" if i kept the full 12" distance - i would have to improve my lst much early on i think if i did that!

Tbh it is reassuring knowing that you are using the mars400 and kept it at 12" with it all ok (and even shorter if you really couldnt help it!) :yahoo:

I think im going to have to re-read from page one to last on all of your journals tonight :thumb:

If anything from seeing your grow you gave me the hope not to give up and just stick to some cfls :thanks:

Apologies for derailing your fantastic grow tho Mr Am4zin! :thanks:

No apologies needed, I'm here to help as well as learn myself, I've crashed many a thread with my questions.

Your space will be very similar to mine, only 4 inch taller, putting the light on top has been a godsend to me, it gave me so much room, don't under estimate the amount of room needed to hang an led unit, I did with the 400w, it's so much bigger than my old one, the 300w took about 6 inches to hang, I think you could manage this with the reflector 48.

On the lst note, I didn't document my methods here, I just read up on other journals and winged it, when I saw a top getting a bit tall I'd just tie it back down again. All I do now is tie the main top down when she starts to get tall. Smaller pots help too, smaller pots =smaller plants.
No apologies needed, I'm here to help as well as learn myself, I've crashed many a thread with my questions.

Your space will be very similar to mine, only 4 inch taller, putting the light on top has been a godsend to me, it gave me so much room, don't under estimate the amount of room needed to hang an led unit, I did with the 400w, it's so much bigger than my old one, the 300w took about 6 inches to hang, I think you could manage this with the reflector 48.

On the lst note, I didn't document my methods here, I just read up on other journals and winged it, when I saw a top getting a bit tall I'd just tie it back down again. All I do now is tie the main top down when she starts to get tall. Smaller pots help too, smaller pots =smaller plants.

Ah cool ok, no problem Mr A!

Yeah, when i was seeing your issues with your new led and you managed to do that, that was great! Yea i do have a few inches higher but tbh im thinking of reducing it to 30" after not only seeing yours but where to put it! Do you think i could mount the led about 2" from the roof of the cab, or should i give it more room?

I also mainly winged it on lst on my older attempts with cfl too, something i know i have to improve and constantly keep an eye on - i was using speaker wire with 4 holes cut into my pots. For height/size i would be using the square 4litre/1gallon ones. Nearly all of my older attempts in the smaller space were kept to around 12" (when it didnt go drastically wrong)

Thanks again tho Mr A, this is a huge help in me deciding what to do. :thanks:

I also think those plants will pick right up under your greenthumb :thumb:
Ah cool ok, no problem Mr A!

Yeah, when i was seeing your issues with your new led and you managed to do that, that was great! Yea i do have a few inches higher but tbh im thinking of reducing it to 30" after not only seeing yours but where to put it! Do you think i could mount the led about 2" from the roof of the cab, or should i give it more room?

I also mainly winged it on lst on my older attempts with cfl too, something i know i have to improve and constantly keep an eye on - i was using speaker wire with 4 holes cut into my pots. For height/size i would be using the square 4litre/1gallon ones. Nearly all of my older attempts in the smaller space were kept to around 12" (when it didnt go drastically wrong)

Thanks again tho Mr A, this is a huge help in me deciding what to do. :thanks:

I also think those plants will pick right up under your greenthumb :thumb:

You could, it would all depend on how you plan to mount it. The unit itself is 2" and you would need to allow some airflow around it so it don't overheat. Pop some pics of your cab up here, I'm itching to see it. :passitleft:
Here is my current seed list and two of them will be going into soil tomorrow.

In fems we have....

Afghan Skunk
Superior Diesel
Hollands Hope
Pure chocolope

In autos we have

White Widow
Critical Jack
Dark Devil
Berry Bomb
Pineapple Express

Looking for input on what to pop next and also which of the fems will be a good candiate for heavy training.

Smoke time. :passitleft: :passitleft:
Here is my current seed list and two of them will be going into soil tomorrow.

In fems we have....

Afghan Skunk
Superior Diesel
Hollands Hope
Pure chocolope

In autos we have

White Widow
Critical Jack
Dark Devil
Berry Bomb
Pineapple Express

Looking for input on what to pop next and also which of the fems will be a good candiate for heavy training.

Smoke time. :passitleft: :passitleft:

i was wondering about the Holands Hope for training.. Pigeons may have input. Afghan tends to be too tough early on imo, but strains vary. bet the diesel would be interesting :)

You could, it would all depend on how you plan to mount it. The unit itself is 2" and you would need to allow some airflow around it so it don't overheat. Pop some pics of your cab up here, I'm itching to see it. :passitleft:

Hey Mr A, sry i couldnt reply sooner :Namaste: I had an idea to mount it by drilling holes at the very top and using some bamboo stick to hang it from - that's the idea atm anyway :cheesygrinsmiley: Then using some jack chain/the supplied cord. At least it can be set in one place so i dont have to move it! I'd prob give it an inch or 2 headroom to breathe.

I don't have the cab made/in operation atm - i thought of it recently after getting by with my even smaller thing that is well,,,, pretty ghetto lol :Namaste:

I dunno how these plants grow out,,, but i remember hearin good things about chocolope, the afghan sounds good to. Or for the autos the White widow and the Crit Jack,,, these are just random choices - no idea how they grow out :p
Hi Mr A , I've not tried the others but the pineapple express is a great smoke , my favorite to date .
Be safe .

I keep reading good things about the pineapple express but the last one I did turned male and so did Pigeons one. (both got heavy training) but I'm not planning on training these two so might give it a go.

I'm chucking a vote in for white widow Mr A. Oooo exciting times ahead my man! :high-five: :passitleft:

Thanks wrecked, This is one of my favourite smokes, I wanted to give her a little more room than a half gallon pot.
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