Morda Grows Blacken Blueberry Rose With The ZE250 Sponsored By ParfactWorks

If you're just going for seeds then you can flip as soon as they show sex, so topping now will get you the most tops by flip time. If you wait to top then recovery time pushes you further and further out. No need for huge plants for seeds!
Wouldn't I need to flip to get them to show sex? These are Photo's... Or am I misunderstanding something...

Yes 8 nodes should give me 16 tops unless I top the branches of course. That is more than enough tops for seeds. If you convert 8 into binary it is 1000 so, would that mean I'm batting 1000...? :rofl: Sorry couldn't resist. :D
Ok I understand... So the longer I keep in veg to let it flower on it's own, the better the plant will react as apposed to forcing them to show.

Like I said, I'm used to growing outdoors and the indoor grow is all new to me. That is the only indoor grow I did back in the late 90's was a total fail. Plants stayed in veg and never showed. My be I just did not wait long enough... I don't remember how long and gave up.... it was way to long ago. LOL
Would it slow them down much if I force flip and go back to veg? I may go with 3 plants in slightly larger pots, I think the 2 I have are 3gal, and wait... Worse thing that could happen is small plants and get an extra male or female... Still get my goal.

I was thinking of doing a force flip so I could make sure I have 1 male and 1 female in the 5gal buckets... I'm not sure I have room to let all 5 go to that stage...
@InTheShed I really do want to thank you for your time. It is making reassess how I'm doing things. :high-five:
Would it slow them down much if I force flip and go back to veg?
Sure will, but another option (used by BTzGrow :rip: ) is to take a cutting (after at least 3 weeks, and you see alternate nodes), and flip it when it has roots. Then you'll know which ones are the males and which are the females.

Sure will, but another option (used by BTzGrow :rip: ) is to take a cutting (after at least 3 weeks, and you see alternate nodes), and flip it when it has roots. Then you'll know which ones are the males and which are the females.

Ok then I may just keep two of the smaller ones to improve my odds for now.

I'm not set up for clones yet, I also want to improve my grow skills before I start that.

I did go through that post and it is quite interesting. I took out my Digital Microscope to start looking at my plants starting with the small ones. I was not expecting to see anything, just wanted to look. I wish I hadn't but, at same, time glad I did.

Look at what has come to haunt me already. :thedoubletake:

seed 6-2Thrips.jpg

Aggggggrrrr. Well at least I know what to do. It is early in the game so I will sprinkle D-Earth on the top of the soil. This may not add Calcium but is deadly to Thrips. They breed in soil and I'm sure I can nip this in the bud quickly.
I'm not set up for clones yet
All you need is a solo cup of perlite. No set-up needed.

Rinse perlite.
Fill a cup.
Add an inch of water.
Take cuttings (45º angle on the cuts).
Strip lower nodes.
Put stem in perlite so the bottom of the stem is just above the water level.
Keep on the floor next to your plants.

It is early in the game so I will sprinkle D-Earth on the top of the soil.
Spray at lights out! Don't rely on breaking the life cycle with DE as it will take too long and doesn't work when it's wet. Neem or potassium salts of fatty acids (Safer insect killing soap). Both OMRI. If you go with the Safer's, rinse it off the next day.
Ok then I may just keep two of the smaller ones to improve my odds for now.

I'm not set up for clones yet, I also want to improve my grow skills before I start that.

I did go through that post and it is quite interesting. I took out my Digital Microscope to start looking at my plants starting with the small ones. I was not expecting to see anything, just wanted to look. I wish I hadn't but, at same, time glad I did.

Look at what has come to haunt me already. :thedoubletake:

seed 6-2Thrips.jpg

Aggggggrrrr. Well at least I know what to do. It is early in the game so I will sprinkle D-Earth on the top of the soil. This may not add Calcium but is deadly to Thrips. They breed in soil and I'm sure I can nip this in the bud quickly.
Curiosity may have killed the cat but you may have saved the grow! Good eye!
All you need is a solo cup of perlite. No set-up needed.

Rinse perlite.
Fill a cup.
Add an inch of water.
Take cuttings (45º angle on the cuts).
Strip lower nodes.
Put stem in perlite so the bottom of the stem is just above the water level.
Keep on the floor next to your plants.

Spray at lights out! Don't rely on breaking the life cycle with DE as it will take too long and doesn't work when it's wet. Neem or potassium salts of fatty acids (Safer insect killing soap). Both OMRI. If you go with the Safer's, rinse it off the next day.

I do have spinosad to do a spray with. As with neem oil it is also an after lights out application. Neem oil is not available in my area, looked for it all summer. Also looked for Safer's with the same result. I don't have an issue spraying them in veg with spinosad. I had these on my outdoor grow this summer and the sinosad knocked them out fast. Those were out in a raised bed so DE would have not worked on it's own. Started getting them on a potted plant in mid flower and did the DE on the soil and shook the plant vigorously. I checked it every day and after 7 days they were gone so I know that it works.

I have not been able to work since my first heart attack 2 years ago. Funds have dried up and just scraping by. Not looking for sympathy, just fact. My wife works full time and that is what has keep us afloat. I must get creative with what I have an use what I have on hand. We are Very lucky that we have no mortgage, Just pay the State rent (Taxes) and able to live where we are for less than any apartment. I have a lawyer working on my disability. Once that kicks in we will be much better off. It will allow me to get things that I need to keep these grows going and improve my equipment. When I can afford it, I will get some of the stuff that Sierra Natural Science offers, right now it is just not possible.

On a side note:
I do know that DE has no affect on aphids though. They walk right through it and just shed in off with their skin. I worry more about them and spider mites than thrips.

Edit: I'm on the same page when it come to spraying. I was trying to avoid it in the house. It is raining here and will give them a drink let the soil dry on top and sprinkle the DE. That will give me 7 days before re watering and will check them daily between. If I see them increasing in number then yes it will be time to take them outside and give them a good spray. I am glad they are small (Even Audrey III) and will be able to get up under the leaves easily.
Good info on the DE and aphids...thanks!
I don't have an issue spraying them in veg with spinosad.
I would save that for flower when the options are more limited. You can use liquid soap for the thrips.
I have not been able to work since my first heart attack 2 years ago. Funds have dried up and just scraping by. Not looking for sympathy, just fact. My wife works full time and that is what has keep us afloat. I must get creative with what I have an use what I have on hand. We are Very lucky that we have no mortgage, Just pay the State rent (Taxes) and able to live where we are for less than any apartment. I have a lawyer working on my disability. Once that kicks in we will be much better off. It will allow me to get things that I need to keep these grows going and improve my equipment. When I can afford it, I will get some of the stuff that Sierra Natural Science offers, right now it is just not possible.
I'm so sorry to hear that MG. I'm glad you're surviving at the moment and I hope your lawyer comes through for you! And because funds are low, you might want to try your hand at cloning just in case you want a free plant or two. Practicing now will make it less stressful if you ever really want to have another of what you just grew.
Good info on the DE and aphids...thanks!

I would save that for flower when the options are more limited. You can use liquid soap for the thrips.

I'm so sorry to hear that MG. I'm glad you're surviving at the moment and I hope your lawyer comes through for you! And because funds are low, you might want to try your hand at cloning just in case you want a free plant or two. Practicing now will make it less stressful if you ever really want to have another of what you just grew.
I agree cloning is in my future no doubt about that. I'm not pressed for plants/seeds atm it would be more for having a way to get a second grow from a good Mom.

Seed Bank:
Seed Bank.jpg

Back this summer I searched for mixes of the soap sprays for thrips, and there are many. I do have a large bottle of Captian Jacks concentrate, and for these, I think a 1/2 gal mix will be more than what I need. It was fairly cheap and readily available. I have a good hand sprayer for the job. As far as doing it in flower, I have reservations with Spinosad because the plants absorb it. Part of how it works is the Thrips ingest it when feeding. There is not enough info on what it may do when smoked.
I read that too, there is a lot of miss information out there and hard for people to sift through. I was told this by a commercial grower when I was looking for it this last summer and that is why they can't use it here in MI. Here is a test result sheet that shows it in can be the plant. (Bottom Left)


I'm not saying what you showed is miss information, I'm just saying that IMO the jury is still out.
Also this is in the articial you posted:
"Spinosad is broken down rapidly by sunlight. In the presence of sunlight, half-lives on leaves are 2 to 16 days and less than one day in water. When applied to leaves, some spinosad can be absorbed."
I guess the true test is to spray it 16 days before harvest, wash per usual at harvest, and then test! A negative test doesn't help if it wasn't used.

I was just showing that it is tested for.
I took this guys word for at the time. He did not have anything to sell me so it wasn't like he was pushing a different product. I would have been suspicious at that point. He had commercial Spinosad and it was outrageous in price. LOL
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