Monster Cropped White Widow - SCROG - Hydro - 2015

Ok so tonight I went ahead and changed out the water in the bubble buckets.

The bucket with the biggest plant received,

2 gallons of RO water
10ml of CALMAG
16ml of SWEET
5ml of Liquid KoolBloom

Total PPM-1560 PH 6.0 ppm of CALMAG 285

The other 3 buckets I decided not to do both sweet and calmag so I changed it up slightly, I added these nutes to the remaining bubble buckets,

2 gallons of RO water
16ml of SWEET
5ml of Liquid Koolbloom

Total PPM 1435 PH 6.0 PPM of Sweet 188

I also retied some of the tie downs on some of the plants to open them up a little more. This is the last time I will be doing any type of LST work on the plants. The biggest plant, I will name Bertha, I couldn't even get to the ties to tie her down anymore, she has grown into that much of a monster! She alone will take up half of my 4ft x 4ft tent by the time her flower stretch is done. she already takes up 1/4 of it as she sits. The others are filling in and out quite nicely as well, I should have a phenomenal yield this time compared to last grow. I am hoping to get close to 1lbs from bertha by the time shes done, hopefully, fingers crossed.

Here are some photos I snapped after changing the bucket waters and tying them down again


I will be watching bertha since she got both calmag and sweet for any signs of nute burn, I'm hoping that since shes so big that she should be able to handle the ppms without any problems.

When I change out the bucket water, I take the lid off the bucket and bring it into the bathroom, I then take a gallon of RO water and flush the rockwool with 1/4 gallon, then use another 1/4 gallon and completely rinse the root ball out, I then take the bucket and empty it in the tub, add hot water and a capful or so of bleach and scrub, this kills the bacteria and gets rid of any slime, then I rinse the hell out of the bucket until I can no longer smell any bleach, usually takes about 5 or 6 good rinses, I clean the airhose with the bleach water as well, and rinse and clean the air technology with a mild soap solution and water. Then reassemble and add water and nutes. I have noticed that using the general hydroponics line you have to add in the micro first, if you don't then your plant will almost certainly show deficiency signs, just some thing I have noticed.

Well that about sums it up for now I will post more later,
yeah this is the last week of the CO2 generators being in the tent. CO2 is not necessarily needed during flower like it is during veg. CO2 helps the plant build up its cellular structures as well as its root system, Since these should already be done being built up by the time you switch to flower, there really isn't any further need for it anymore. The plant during flower needs massive amounts of sugars, to help in the creation of the buds. The more carbs you feed it the bigger the nugs get. That's why you use sweet instead of calmag or with it, i guess we will see how bertha does with both.

My plan during flower,

well during flower there really isn't too much to do other than keep PH in check and don't nuke them with nutrients. I do plan on changing the nutrient water every 7-10 days as usual, I will also not be adjusting my lights anymore since they are already at the top of the tent anyway. My main plan is just to keep an eye out on the trichomes when it gets closer to harvest. As it looks right now, I will be harvesting around the end of the first week of December. That's awesome, it gives me all that herb for the Christmas season.

Side update, so I got a vaporizer a few days ago, and it works very well, I have been smoking my white widow I grew with it, since I harvested about a week early, I use the vaporizer to get the most out of the herb. Well my little pot monster, my cat is so addicted to weed, once she hears me grinding the herb, she runs and lays right next to the vaporizer on the table and waits with her nose in the air for me to blow smoke at her so she can get high. I medicate and hotbox the cat on exhale, then after our session she goes and eats, and then plays like shes on catnip for awhile, then passes out for a good 3 hours. Nice to know I have a smoking buddy!
That's a good question I am glad you brought that up RSO

I hope that covers a few of your questions, but I also must admit that I wrote this post extremely medicated and I apologize if it runs on.

Thanks sciguy, that's the best explanation I've read yet, extremely medicated or not. And thank you for noting that General Hydroponics nutes will show signs of deficiency if you don't mix the micros first. :Namaste:

That's why I'm here sciguy. :adore:
HAHAHAHA gotta love cats that love the ganja. I never knew a cat that didn't want in on a session
Look good M9, don't know what else to say but I hope you fulfill your expectations on this grow job.

Hey guys not much of an update, they are still trying to build their first buds. The smell coming from the tent is pungent, I may have to get another carbon filter, the best way I can describe the smell is a peppermint smell with skunk undertones. Right now I am just letting them naturally grow, no more LST work, with the exception of bending a fan leaf down or two to let light penetrate through.

Here are a couple pics I took

This is turning out to be a double edged sword,

On one hand I can take daily pics and post them as well as hop on others threads and answer their questions, But on the other hand, there is not much for me to talk about regarding my own grow on my own thread. It almost seems pointless to take pics everyday, especially when there isn't much to tell growth wise. I have been looking at all my posts and the pics contained within them, and to be honest I don't see a difference in the pics from yesterdays and a week agos. I think that at this point, I will only take pics again once they have flowers on them, cause at this time its almost pointless to take pics of the plant until something else starts going on.

Thanks to everyone who is still following this journal and all its ridiculously long posts. I am doing this for you all so that way you don't have to see the same thing over and over again. its hard to tell in a pic if a plant put on 1/2in overnight, but you can see buds swell overnight and those are always great pics to look at!
Hey sciguy, I'm along for the ride if you'll let me! I got pointed this way by a post from Weaselcracker, and I'm glad I clicked it! It took a bit of time to make it all the way through, but I really like the details and explanations. It seems like you have a good approach to determining what works well for your setup, and I'm excited to see what it brings. Keep up the good work!

P.S. - That's hilarious about your cat/smoking buddy. I had no idea those felines had a taste for the herb! :)
Good morning sciguy, I have a question for you.

Do you think "prozap" bug strips would be okay in the veg & flower room?

Thank you in advance.
Hey sciguy, I'm along for the ride if you'll let me! I got pointed this way by a post from Weaselcracker, and I'm glad I clicked it! It took a bit of time to make it all the way through, but I really like the details and explanations. It seems like you have a good approach to determining what works well for your setup, and I'm excited to see what it brings. Keep up the good work!

P.S. - That's hilarious about your cat/smoking buddy. I had no idea those felines had a taste for the herb! :)

Welcome aboard!
Good morning sciguy, I have a question for you.

Do you think "prozap" bug strips would be okay in the veg & flower room?

Thank you in advance.

Yeah I think they would work great, just be careful with their placement, too close to the heat from your lights and you could melt that sticky material onto your plants, and to close to the plants will get your leaves stuck to it. You just need to find a place low and to the sides of the tent, that way it can catch the flies in the same area that they will be in. Doesn't make much sense to have it at the top of the tent, when most flies spend most of their time around the bases of the plants and the lower buds and branches. I'm not saying they don't go to upper buds and tops, but you tend to eradicate them quicker and control their spread by keeping the traps down lower. Hope that answers the question good enough, good luck on getting rid of them :thumb:

I havent had pests since switching to hydro, growing indoors, and stopped getting clones from the dispensary, but growing my seeds and taking clones from the seeds I grow and breeding my own seeds. There are also the SNS sprays that are available and those work extremely well too. But if you weed out the middle man ( dispensary/other peoples ) clones, you can control the cleanliness of your grow a lot better.
Thank you sciguy. Sorry, I didn't mean the sticky strips. Bug Strip. This is what I was talking about. I was hoping to use your scientific mind and find out if I can use this in my grow rooms?

Again sciguy, sorry that I was not more direct in my question.
No I knew what you were talking about, Those are basically a gel that sits in a plastic housing, the gel used in that housing can melt around heat at around 88F. The gel used is basically the same thing as the sticky tape itself. If that gel melts and melts onto your plants or in your soil, it will ruin that entire plant due to how toxic it is. That's why I said to keep it away from the heat and toward the bottom, I also said to keep it kind of away from the plants, that's because if a leaf tip gets into that gel through the slit holes, it will ruin the entire plant, the plant sucks things in through its leaves, and it will soak in those chemicals. If it doesn't kill the plant, and you grow the plant out and harvest it, you will get anyone who smoke the buds sick.

For example, I have my little oscillating fan and air pump sitting on a box that's roughly the same height as my grow buckets, I would place those on that box, its the same height as the bottom of your plants, close to your plants, but far enough away that you don't have to worry about the heat melting the goo onto your plants, or have to worry about your plants leaves getting caught in the slits and soaking up those harmful chemicals. Hope this is a better explanation.
Yes sciguy, that does help. Use it but keep it away from my babies. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

It's my hope that guys like you will some day be getting a reward for your work with medical cannabis.
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