Mono Grows A Kilo :)

Only two pics today guys.

First up is the 4 participants for the kilo. The tutankhamon are a week or so older than critical sensi star, so I'm guessing may yield more... Second pic is the room, cleared out everything not needed in there. Currently there is 850 watts of hps running in a 5 x 3.5 area (measured at canopy height since sloping walls) :)
Picture perfect plants, WOW!
Canna Butter. Each tub is an ounce of butter. Each tub is made with 1 ounce of trim (leaves, stems, small buds).

We store this in the freezer, like any other butter. The most its been kept so far is 5 months, no change in potency :). I must show our butter making progress along with some cake or cookies :)


So, Mrs Mono is always busy making edibles :). Here is the current snacks.


Chuck us one over here.

A kilo?!! Oh man instant subscrive on this huge journal\project. What are your lights ?

Currently 850watts of hps. The original plan was to try for a kilo with two outdoor Frisian Dews, that plan still stands :). I'm also going to aim for a kilo indoors from four plants. Still not sure on how much light I will run, it's tempting to try for 1000g from 850 watts, on the other hand I may purchase a second 600 and run both during flowering :)
Currently 850watts of hps. The original plan was to try for a kilo with two outdoor Frisian Dews, that plan still stands :). I'm also going to aim for a kilo indoors from four plants. Still not sure on how much light I will run, it's tempting to try for 1000g from 850 watts, on the other hand I may purchase a second 600 and run both during flowering :)

Yeah thats a lot of light :eek: good luck i'll be following the develops if you are successful you should send some to me!! thats a lot of weed :p
Yeah thats a lot of light :eek: good luck i'll be following the develops if you are successful you should send some to me!! thats a lot of weed :p

Thank you very much buddy, I just subscribed to your journal :).

It would be great if there could be some kind of scheme set up where people on here could trade samples from their grows :)

So after a bit of research it seems I'm not going to be able to veg under the sun for another 5 weeks or so without some degree of artificial light. I would really like to do the indoor four with as much veg time in the conservatory as possible.

Looks like I'm going to have to figure something out for extending the day length. Would household LED's add to light hours? Rapid growth isn't necessary but preventing flowering is :)

So after a bit of research it seems I'm not going to be able to veg under the sun for another 5 weeks or so without some degree of artificial light. I would really like to do the indoor four with as much veg time in the conservatory as possible.

Looks like I'm going to have to figure something out for extending the day length. Would household LED's add to light hours? Rapid growth isn't necessary but preventing flowering is :)

By the end of the month we should have 13 hours of daylight.....would you need to wait much longer than that to prevent flowering?

Never tried growing with daylight before but hope to give a go this year. HPS v the Scottish sunshine?
By the end of the month we should have 13 hours of daylight.....would you need to wait much longer than that to prevent flowering?

Never tried growing with daylight before but hope to give a go this year. HPS v the Scottish sunshine?

I wonder, I wonder... Maybe quite stressful on the plants, or quite confusing on really cloudy days. I wonder... Got plenty of hps and wouldn't change it for the world, gotta give the Scottish sunshine a bit of faith though :)

Regular Afghani - Another herbies freebie. I've not had very much success with these seeds, culled two weak ones early, they hate to be cloned. This one seems to be doing better, and it's a female :)

She is around half way through her stretch, going 12/12 from seed, one more week and I will hit her with some flowering feed and soon after some pk 13/14 to make it available as soon as they need it

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