Modest Grower Tests Out Mars Hydro's FC6500

Congrats on the new cross MG! Looking forward to seeing one of those in the future. :goodluck:
Thanks Shed! I was originally thinking I'd wait just because my stash is overwhelming bit as I logged in today, I'm thinking ill get one started. Now that I've seen your post, I think I'll drop a bean today. Happy sunday!
Any luck with the automation stuff?
Been slow going although I have ordered new parts. I have to move in June so much of my work has been researching or ordering components
Happy Thursday everyone. Excuse the sloppiness of the grow and see the potential of this great light. Also, gotta say growing in hydro can really help reduce work during long periods as far as watering and what not.

My little to no effort grow... beans, tomatoes, peppers, cbd plants, and my first plant from seed that I pollen sprayed haha. It's a mess but I'm impressed with the little effort so far.

This pic was pre trimming and supercropping but I'll update. Thanks @Mars Hydro for this amazing light.

there's a cbd plant and tomato plant on the other side of the big lady

this is obviously not an ideal grow with so many plants so tight together. Also, many different plants all fed the same nutrients is not ideal. That said, I'm happy with this fun experiment.

Hope everyone is doing great! Much love 420 fam
Here's one of the buds from the mom somango plant that was grown under the Mars Hydro FC6500. I had two tents going and was gone quite a bit during the grow but it cured nice and is tasty sweet citrus hits all days

Happy Friday Four 20 Family! I ate some of my beans and they were tasty! On topic pic (auto cbd in the shot) anyway, very happy with the grow for what it is

Some random pics. About to add the special sauce to the reservoir for frost production during the rez change tonight. Needless to say trimming is in order!

Little trimming while I changed out the reservoir. Still more to do, especially lower but I have tine this weekend. The smell is amazing! Very sweet. I am hoping we have some frosty pictures come next Friday
Happy almost Friday! I forgot my password and email but the light is still going strong and I'm in late flower with some of the seeds produced from my last grow.

actually had to put them into pure darkness for a few days in flower so what they are becoming is still pleasing to me. Temps are hot maybe 87F but i might tinker with that over the weekend plus cooler temps coming in forecast. There is one auto in the fabric pot. The 5 gallon buckets are all from the somango X GDP. I see two pheno types, the back corner is more GDP but very leafy indica. The back left is more hybrid and forms better nugs I think. It's in fade (I'm hoping haha) and will finish earlier than the darker green two on the right.
Happy almost Friday! I forgot my password and email but the light is still going strong and I'm in late flower with some of the seeds produced from my last grow.

actually had to put them into pure darkness for a few days in flower so what they are becoming is still pleasing to me. Temps are hot maybe 87F but i might tinker with that over the weekend plus cooler temps coming in forecast. There is one auto in the fabric pot. The 5 gallon buckets are all from the somango X GDP. I see two pheno types, the back corner is more GDP but very leafy indica. The back left is more hybrid and forms better nugs I think. It's in fade (I'm hoping haha) and will finish earlier than the darker green two on the right.
Been a year and you drop in here like you never left! :ciao: MG.

Got a couple of hungry ones but the colas are looking pretty thick. :thumb:
Been a year and you drop in here like you never left! :ciao: MG.

Got a couple of hungry ones but the colas are looking pretty thick. :thumb:
Hey Shed! Good to see you and thanks for swinging in. Yeah, these ladies have nor been treated the best and I'm a bit rusty on this one but I'm just happy I have some going. I definitely need to swing by and see what's growing on in the shed!
Even if you're rusty they still look like they're packing on some weight!

I've just got two growing this summer, and you can see the latest pics of them here. Drop in whenever you're in the mood. :)
Thanks for the link! I took a peek and they look super happy. I'll be catching up on yours. Have a great night!!
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

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