MNS - My New Spot

sorry all, I'm going to have to stop growing for the near future.. I've been denied access and communication to my daughter since Christmas.. I wasn't doing anything about it because of finances and plants.. fuck that.. I can get a loan if I have to and the plants can wait. Depression has hit me hard, with this, over last few weeks and getting worse this week. Actually I haven't worked, I think it's because of it.. I know man up and shit,well that's what I'm going to do.. I don't know how long it takes. I've heard dudes come and do house checks etc.. I just want to be able to do something about it.. Have some sort of control over my life. not dodging it because some fucked up law.... I'll need a dealer :(
Sorry to hear bro . Everything will work out for you soon . And you will be happier once everything is cleared up and you are back to doing what you are passionate about.
Fuck that sucks mate, keep your chin up and you'll find a way to get back in contact with your daughter. I'm pretty sure i'm within an hours drive of you so if you need a place to move your plants or help packing up your grows I'm more than happy to help out. Depression is a fickle bitch and she doesn't discriminate :( Also fuck dealers LOL
Damn man, that's terrible bud.

I hope things work out for you and your daughter. I really mean that.
Thanks fellas.. it's been a real struggle between the two of late.. I already feel better making the decision I have, like a weights been lifted but given me purpose. Scared also about losing everything I've worked for.. I'm not really sure what to do about it, Who to call.. It's hard living so far away, with no solicitors etc to talk to. Left couple email to some places but no returns yet.. i work for myself by myself. Banks don't like that. I don't know if the bank would loan me $$ to pay her out.. my life might be on the change soon.. might make me sell house etc.. I don't know what's in store.. I just need to see my daughter.. I'm prepared to start again, if it means I've got a routine with her again..
Do whatever you've got to do buddy.
Totally understand mate. Its a pity, but fanily comes first. Ive had 16 years of crap myself and men rarely win out. Which is wrong but way it is. Anyway can always grow some nore hoochy down the line. Look after yourself.
Yeah Aussie, I know I'm not going to win anything.. I just want a routine visitation. Whether it be duel custody or fortnightly visits, I just want to know and have my rights looked after,'cause they aren't at the moment..

So I'll finish this off with a tasty looking mango widow bud.. these are stinky and glistening.. the other plant is a strong stone, this looks & smells better..

Do what you have to man. I gave up all but my son in my divorce. She now lives in a huge house, 3 cars, yard etc, and I live in a 1br dump. But my son is here at least 1/2 the week and I cant help but feel I came out on top :) Chin up man and keep your goals in sight. Best of luck!

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope everything is sorted quickly with little fuss.

I'm moving this to Completed Journals as requested :passitleft:

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Thinking about you Grizz.

You will find the way to anywhere you truly want to be. Best of luck.

I look forward to your return.

Peace, Hyena
Like said................ Handle your business............... Man, I let drinking and drugs get in the way of alot of things... MOST I wish I could go back and do a redo... Dude,,, we don't get redos. Make the first count.. Just do a drive-by and when it's good... Well send me a pic...............

Best luck and Keepem Green
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