MNS - My New Spot

Sorry to see that brother. Crops looking real nice though. I have had planty of issues. I now use one tabletop oscillating fan that runs 24/7 in addition to 2-3 others per tent. I put the tabletop fan on the floor (sometimes with a small riser), so that it blows the soil tops and those shaved legs, and keeps RH from gathering down low at lights off. It's a bit extreme with a nearly 1:1 ratio of fans to plants, but being a mile from the beach, it's what works here. Used to get grey mold and PM, and luckily nothing for a couple years easily now. :wood: Once any mold gets on or in the soil, or down low, it climbs up the plants imo.
thanks mate.. only time I get it is from not topping, trying to grow something that makes a nicer photo, lol.. I've got a system, where I mightn't get the weight out of the tent but these type of things are usually kept at bay.. so I'll have a floor fan,a tower, one blowing the tops and extraction. That should hopefully get me trough summer :passitleft:
Cannodinosaur (your names hard to spell :rofl:) I thought about it.. I'm not 100% on washing.. Idk.. l liked it the first time,outdoor harvest but I've also stuffed some up with it,so I'm hesitant.. :passitleft:
Ah man that sux, have had issues with mold in the past, remember my C99 outdoor last year, whole plant was fucked from the rain late in flower :( Everything else is looking sweet though man, killing it :passitleft:

Love the look of the La Nina, should end up with some decent sized colas on her by the time she is done :)
Hey man :passitleft: yeah it sux. Saved most of the plant.. took the top and lower set and ditched them, have the next two drying away from the rest of the plant. But they are fine.. still a lot of flowers from her, which surprised me. Stinks.. old school nice.. I think you'd like (I'm saying that before smoking but I think it'll come through in the smoke).. . im happy with these plants.. really happy actually.. I've got to take some better pics but med man is wicked. stinks, sticky, smells a little lethal actually..
I will have to look through my stash and see if I have any critical skunk hehe :) Closest ive found so far in smell of what I'm looking for is the Silver Mountain from Bodhi, holy shit man that thing smells amazing, not quite oldschool but damn, the one I have outside is stacking like crazy :thumb:
Ive wanted to try the med man for a while, I don't think I have any of them yet but I do have a 10 pack of White Rhino from Nirvana, supposed to be some pretty narcotic weed from memory ;)
thanks mate.. only time I get it is from not topping, trying to grow something that makes a nicer photo, lol.. I've got a system, where I mightn't get the weight out of the tent but these type of things are usually kept at bay.. so I'll have a floor fan,a tower, one blowing the tops and extraction. That should hopefully get me trough summer :passitleft:
Cannodinosaur (your names hard to spell :rofl:) I thought about it.. I'm not 100% on washing.. Idk.. l liked it the first time,outdoor harvest but I've also stuffed some up with it,so I'm hesitant.. :passitleft:
With h2o2?
what stuffed it was they got to wet and went mouldy.. I didn't swing enough water out at the end of wash. Worst was it was an indoor harvest that didn't need it anyway. Depending on how I grow at the time will depend of whether it needs a wash or not. Sometimes I'll feel like foliar feeding, I'd more than likely wash those buds.. I don't think you need to use h2o2 with health flowers. Should have washed the rest of cs I guess but ahh, she'll be right mate :rofl::passitleft:
Feral, google it and read some journal reviews, that'll tell you if I s worth it or not.. I've heard they are f2 but who knows.. might have been white widow.. but then what widow they use for the rhino cross. Would that be from the same original f1 selection? Like the rest? Idk, google :rofl::rofl::passitleft:
Yeah ive seen a few of them grown and they are alright, pretty sure blaze grew the nirvana ones ;) Yeah who knows where they sourced their genetics for each cross, tbh it wouldn't surprise me at all if they are straight up F2's from GHS or some shit :rofl: :rofl: id be more interested what afghani they used if they actually did make the cross :rofl: all I know is they were damn cheap at the time, like $20 for a 10 pack of regs :rofl: I will probably buy Med man and run them before I ever get to the white rhino :passitleft:
Apparently their white widow is f2, packets from ghs and few months later they selling it too.. But their widow to use for rhino, that'd be the f1male (used to make f2) into an Afghan... a selection just as anyone else has made (I'd think)..
Think there would have been plenty afghans back then to work with.. there's some article about the work that went into afghans.. had to get botrytis out of it etc.. that's going back, wouldn't have a clue where I remember that from.. might have even been a magazine article :rofl:
Yes, I grew out 2 white rhinos. Can highly recommend it. Has that hardcore burnt rubber, chemical smell in flower. After a week or 2 in the jars, it smelt like apricot jam. Very sweet. Fantastic head and body high. Quite strong as well.
Just went and had a look at veg girls.. looks like two shark shock males,leaving one female. One of the males looks awesome, might use him.. two ssh males, with one definite female other not showing.. mango widows aren't showing..
medicine man. Couple weeks off.. I like this plant..


Hemp festival in Melbourne. December 2nd & 3rd.. I'm going..
All looking good, man. Sorry to read about the rot.... That sucks. I give mine a good flick after a wash, but am always worried I might break em..
From now on, I'll give em a couple extra whips. Better a broken bud then a rotten one!
It was definetly a crazy time. We used to get the best Hash from a dude who was the brother of a top ranking Paramilitary. He was a lovely bloke with a great sense of humour. His wife was a really quiet woman who definetly ruled the roost, he always asked her if she minded if he popped out for a while, she would say 'be back by dinner time' (or something similar) and he was always home by the right time. He used to have this crazy black Hash, it had a red AK47 stamped on it, he said it came direct from the Mujahadeen - I never doubted it ! He had this giant embroidered picture of JFK over his mantlepiece, really surreal. I always wanted to write about my years there, we had some hilarious escapades, they really were crazy times.

Hey there sweet peeps the Irish I wasn't there for more than a few months on a couple of occasions :) but they were very memorable :thumb:
:passitleft: getting ready for sandman.. work tomorrow.. Christmas is almost here. Silly seasons started, busy times.. and hit finally.. actually too hot.. gone from cold 15 to 30 in a couple of days..
swelling gone down? Antibiotics? Looking forward to the kush times ahead :)
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