MisterMister's First Grow

My precious lol
Day 13 flowering AK47f 1, 2 and 3 from seed march 1st, 8 weeks veg, 2 weeks flower (so far)
Loos a bit like Calcium. Are you giving any type of Cal/Mag supplement? LED for somereason causes Cannabis to use more Cal/Mag than other lighting options, so you need to make sure you give it on every feeding. Also, if you are using RO water of deionized water, you should be giving Cal/Mag as well.

pH could also be an issue, so make sure you are within the proper range. Soil should be 6.2-6.8

Calcium is typically absorb at a pH of 6.5+ so if you are a little low, you might be missing the uptake.

Reference Charts


So I wanted to recap how Im doin atm

Please correct me where im wrong, but since I dont have a reservoir and Im not preparing gallons at a time - instead I have or fill 500ml bottles with spring water (7.0 ph) which amounts to 1/8th gallon. I find myself having to convert tsp (5ml) and tb (15ml) to ml. I use ml and divide my nutrient calculations by an 8th (8 bottles of 500ml = 1 gal)

My nutrients atm include
feeding at every other watering
Foxfarms Big Bloom (recommended max dosage is 7.5ml per 500ml) this is new for me and as such ive only added 0.5ml per 500ml.
Foxfarms Grow Big 0.625ml/500ml (during veg only)
Foxfarms Tiger Bloom 0.625ml/500ml (during flwr only)
Botanicare CalMagPlusN 0.625ml/500ml (at every watering)
Great White Microbiotics (during transplanting only)

Veg cycle (3-8 wks) (250w 11band LED, on grow lights only, 20/4)
in 4"air pots and 5 gal smart pots

Mother/Transition cycle (250w 9band LED, 20/4)
in 5 gal smart pots (i didnt have enough room to flower her, so ill mom her abit)

Flwr cycle (4-8 wks) (400w HPS at 75%, 12/12)
in 5 gal plastic buckets (future flwrs will be in smart pots)

Ak47 feminized (from amsterdamseeds)
Fox Farms Happy Frog Soil (and extra Perlite) (ocean forest proved too hot)
Poland Springs Bottled Water (7.0ph, room temp, watered every 2-3 days)
4" pots get 1/4-1/2 bottle h20 each
young 5gal gets 2-3bottles h20 each
mother 5gal gets 2-4 bottles h20 each
flowering 5 gallons get 3-5 bottles h20 each

I flush heaviest once every 1-2 weeks

Ive adapted to this watering schedule because i am still trying to account for the open door humidity loss (drops to 30-35%), high air temperatures (rises to 78-85), and continual but osculating fan blowing on leaves. I also have to insulate my windows facing the evening sun (window temps soars above 100 between 2pm-5pm and with the coming summer its only gunna get worse), ill deal with that when i install the new ac i just got.

I just picked up an ac unit to keep the air temp between 70-75, giving our plants a comfortable 75-81 temp during the day, that should ease up the need for the powerful fans.

My aim is to reduce the veg and flwr cycles to their minimums and rotate a faster perpetual harvest with smaller grows using less soil (and maybe do hydro later on). These 5 footers take up too much room atm.

Thanks for reading my recap, feels like a real journal entry. lol. 3+ weeks to go, stay tuned.
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