MisterMister's First Grow

So I got two mums growing still, each about 12 weeks old
one tall (was never pruned properly, now getting mangled trying to shape her),
and one short (supercropped properly, now LSTing and pruning to keep her looks up).
And i transplated 3 clones to larger pots yesterday, gunna flower them next, and try to get on an 8week perpetual harvest system.
So I got two mums growing still, each about 12 weeks old
one tall (was never pruned properly, now getting mangled trying to shape her),
and one short (supercropped properly, now LSTing and pruning to keep her looks up).
And i transplated 3 clones to larger pots yesterday, gunna flower them next, and try to get on an 8week perpetual harvest system.

The 2-month perpetual harvest system is the way to go. So close to harvest time, and the buds look delicious. :drool:
#1 got her 2 gallon flush today of pure water, tops getting real heavy now, had to tie them to stay up. 5 days till harvest
Hey guys 7 days left, almost harvest time. I posted this question on harvesting and curing in a new thread please check it out and give me your opinions if you could.
Harvesting and Curing

Sounds like a lot of work for what may be a very small increase in THC. Worth a try, but I'll stick with the regular chop, dry, trim, and cure method. That said, I may enjoy some whiskey on the rocks while I chop 'em down. You know, shock the liver and make it stop functioning while the intoxicating liquor courses through my veins.


Phone: "Rrriiinnnggg, rrrinnnggg."
You: "Hello"
Creepy voice on the other end: "Seven days!"
Phone: "Click"
Looks like the easiest method of curing is to hang for 14-30 days till thick stems snap when bent, then 3-10 days jarred in all darkness

If it takes 14-30 days to dry, then you may have a humidity issue. Our buds at work dry in 3-6 days at 70'F and 50-60% RH, then we de-stem the nugs and put them into tubs to cure until we can get around to trimming all those pounds of bud. Once trimmed, they go back into tubs until they're ready to be packaged or jarred. Not everybody's favorite method, but it works for us on a commercial scale.
Thank you very much. I like your method much better :)

You're welcome. I'm all about experimenting though, so try some different methods and find what works for you. I know a grower that has been wet-trimming for 25+ years and recently made the switch to dry-trimming because he seen how much faster we were trimming our buds. If you find a better method, let us know.

Happy Harvesting!
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