Metalpoet - 1st Grow - Northern Lights Auto - Soil FFOF - CFL - Indoor

Day 88: Slow & Lush
Hello, Dirt, IJ, Snid, Canna, Pat, CK, Ween, and anyone else I forgot, including all you lurkers!:hippy:
I'm a little overwhelmed on a personal front but will try to keep the Tilly updates coming.
So Tilly spent another few days under the skylight. She doesn't seem to mind. I DID check for any ctoss-dressing tendencies but she seems gloriously and decidedly female.
The gnats have had a minor resurgence which would not be an issue but they are much easier to fight when I am here and I have thing to take care of elsewhere. Anyway, I will beat them back down.
ODOR: again, only making notes for all the lurkers who wonder how bad the odor is. Previously we thought she had smelled up the place but that turned out to be the smell from a tiny bud of Blue Dream that got left out in the back room, not from Tilly at all. BUT Tilly does smell now. Not strong. She is still out and about and uncontained but she smells up the room. Still not STINKY, just smelly.
She is very lush and it is almost impossible to her opened up. I thought there might be signs of issues on one leaf, but I need to double-check.

Grief makes you stupid and I'm dumb as box of rocks and likely to walk into walls right now.
Hi, IJ. I've been dealing with a family tragedy: grief & responsibility... it is so very nice that someone notices when I run silent... :love:
update on Tilly now....
So sorry to hear, bro. My sincere condolences to you and yours.


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Family is what's most important to each of us, nothing can replace the void created. It's very hard, big hugs to you.

On a lighter note, I'm really starting to think your going to surpass my first grows expectations. You've done really great with Tilly, her shape and stature is impeccable. Just wait until all those buds stack up together and form a nice solid cola. Good work MP, keep it going and...

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Day 92 Issue: Stains on Veins?!?
After another round of skylight treatment, Tilly continues to fill out. But let's start with the problem. The problem I thought I saw last time is definitely there. Small brown staining mostly along veins of leaves closest to the light. Age or maturity of the leaf does not seem to be a factor. The ph of the soil has been going slightly acidic after strong feedings so I have been switching off with plain water. She was dry this morning so I gave her straight water (not a drench because we have to leave again in a few days and I will need to water the morning we go). Temps have been reasonable (<86°f day, ~70 ° night). So! After a bit of research on my issue I think calcium or magnesium? Waiting to see what everyone thinks but have it in mind to pick up some calmag today.

Odor: Well the skylight is pretty much in the entryway and there was no missing the smell when we opened the door. That seems to be a factor of containment and stillness though. The place stayed unopened and the smell had no where to go. Back in the back room with her, shut the door and we are fine. The backroom smells (delicious!) but not bad and mostly at night.
Canopy shot.

I've totally lost the level of the canopy. Tertiary branches shot up while I was gone. They are thick, fat, and making a run at being primary colas... they are also taller than the rest of the plant. I think at this stage I'm letting it roll.

Seeing lots of frost! Feeling pretty good about that!

See wonky heights? Those 3 tall suckers didn't exist 3 weeks ago.

So far, best cola.

Still thick.Yes, I got rid of everything that didn't look viable... it all looked/looks viable. Shrug... hopefully in 2 weeks I can thin it out by taking samples.
Tilley is starting to resemble NL#1 in my tent... multiple fat colas, right up near the center. I'm thinking it's a good sign. :thumb:

Not sure about the cal/mag issue, hopefully some pros can help there.

Goin well, my friend, going well.


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Day 101 Harvest Nears?
Another trip and back again. Tillie is a trooper. However, I was unable to locate the calmag so flushed with 7.0ph water before this last trip. Not sure if the problem on her leaves persists or not.
She continues (???) to produce and grow new leaves. She hasn't had any added N since she started to flower so I think she is just a leafy witch. What you see below is after an hour of gentle but thorough pruning of leaves in order to provide air and light throughout. It's a struggle to keep her limbs open now. She closes up like a fist when left on her own too long. I had to bend one of the new tall limbs because it was about 4 inches taller than any other branch --- like she's determined to have that standard central cola despite having been topped long ago.
Canopy shot. You can see some of the leaves with the stains along the leaves here. Not sure if that is halted.

Is this ready? The top, though, kind of puny, seems to have a lot of darkened pistils.

Heres the side shot. The underside has more white pistils. I expected these to get much thicker. Never got to do the backbuilding. Maybe now is the time?

Of course the guys in the center are not even close to harvest... but are trucking along at lightening speed and may catch up in 10 days or so.

Side shot.

A friend is bringing a small magnifier for me to borrow while I get one ordered; I had thought I wouldn't need it for another week yet. Will post any pics of trichs I get.
The odor is considerable from any time previous. The room stinks (delicious!) but doesn't get outside the room or the building.
Any thoughts on Tillie's harvest status is much appreciated. Guess I need to start planning for imminent harvest.--- I almost feel like I will jinx the harvest if I get too ready for it ;-) .
Getting close.... small "wooo-hooo!"!!!!!
She's really taking her time, eh? Looking like she's going to be like my Maria. A 120+ day plant. At this point unless your in a hurry to harvest I'd just watch as she fills in those pistils with buds. Like Dirt suggested I'd say at least 14 more days.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
She's looking good MP:bravo: I would say a couple weeks left before harvest imo. Still a lot of white hairs and some swelling to do. Keep up the great work

Well that was the response I had hoped for. The buds are awfully scrawny, but the tops were looking kind of brown...the next morning a few more white pistils sprouted on all those tops... she is also a bit dry so I expect her to perk up after watering this am.
Hey MP. If it were my garden I would hold off on the backbuilding for a little bit. I think your buds look like they can pack on more weight and the hairs are still fairly white and straight. Maybe another 2 weeks? Also depends on the trichs imo. Looks savvy af though. +reps

Hi, Dankest! Thanks for the input! She's been a slow flowerer. Having watched her all along I think she is just SLOW by nature. Oh, sure, I may have (or not) slowed her down with repeated stripping of leaves (leafy witch that she is) but light and air is not optional.
I think I may be in the home stretch now!!!!
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