It's half promix organic vegetable & herb mix, half compost with some perlite added.
I had a bit of a problem this summer with the water just running through the promix.
The compost is from the bin out back where I put all the leaves from the yard and deadheaded plants, and soil from previous outdoor grows as well as vegetable scraps from the kitchen. It's pretty rich, and has a good amount of perlite in it. There are also a bunch of earthworms in there, so it's also full of frass and castings.
I put it into a tote with a bunch of diatomaceous earth to clear out anything with an exoskeleton before I bring it inside. That's worked to keep my indoor space clear of pests so far.
I forgot where I read it but boiling water is supposed to be good to. CL🍀
I forgot where I read it but boiling water is supposed to be good to. CL🍀
I've heard that, but I'd like to keep the microbes and mycorrhizae alive. I know some growers put soil in the oven to bake off anything that might be in there and then use products like recharge and dynomyco to repopulate it, but this works for me.
I've heard that, but I'd like to keep the microbes and mycorrhizae alive. I know some growers put soil in the oven to bake off anything that might be in there and then use products like recharge and dynomyco to repopulate it, but this works for me.
What ever works best for you is definitely what you should go with. I was just throwing it out there for new grower’s as an alternative.CL🍀
If you’re hot composting it should kill all the bad pathogens and larvae without harming the good..It’s funny.. compost tea is great for plants but compost leachate is full of bad fungi, bacteria and pathogens
I've never actually made compost tea before. I've read a lot about it, but it just seemed more appropriate for fully organic grows. I can see how it might help increase the population of good microbes though.
I'll look into it some more, maybe it'd be a good addition to the outdoor grows.
I have only been on 420 a few months now but I can tell that there is a bunch of good growers on these forums.. To bad we don’t all live in the same neck of the woods..we could get together have a few libations and sample each other’s final product.. I’ll bet there’s some tasty goods out there
There's sometimes talk of holding get-togethers and such, but I don't know if anyone has ever actually organized anything.
I’m here and ready to dance!

They didn't give you any trouble at the door this time did they?
What ever works best for you is definitely what you should go with. I was just throwing it out there for new grower’s as an alternative.CL🍀
All input is appreciated. It's always good to hear a different way of doing things!
ya bluter it was hot as hell up there a few days,, cooler on the root zone my be a good thing... always learning...

at season end or in the spring you can roto-till the stuff back into the ground as compost too. loads the soil up on n. when setting the patch up just randomly toss the seed back in. a bunch will volunteer on its own as well from the previous season.

or just leave as is and plant anywhere in the patch.

i miss doing outdoor. it's not as friendly where i live climate wise now.
Missed out on 2 days of posts after being the first one here. Please sort the alerts out @420 🙏

Looking good Mel 🤟
What are you talking about, can you please be more specific?

@Marc Ocean what's he talking about?
Missed out on 2 days of posts after being the first one here. Please sort the alerts out @420 🙏

Looking good Mel 🤟
Omg! The horror!

Joe missed notification! For TWO DAYS!!

I’m escalating this and getting Bill Gates involved.

Lock the place down. And people, please send my mate Joe thoughts and prayers as he tries to get through this difficult internetal time.

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